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Does feeding green matter directly to soil contribute to problems like damping off ?



I've witnessed fungal filaments attach to seedlings at the soil surface and suck the life out of them. Am I setting up that situation myself, by getting the delinquent cannabis-eating microbes all worked up and ready to feast?

No idea what microbes these are, but they were hungry for Cannabis. This is some old mushroom-scented peat mix I'm pretty leary of using.


Active member
Hey budy,

you caught a lot of shit there. aspergillus flavus ... the professional killer among the molds. remove everything that is in this room. his spurs should be everywhere by now. you need hydrogen peroxide or strong alcohol. they have to clean everything. throw away pots of earth. it is also very dangerous for people ... protect yourself. I wish you success.


Active member
no I do not think so. aps. flavus is very aggressive against "good" fungi.
In this environment with humidity and a good climate, he will win the fight to smoke the pot for himself. and sprinkle even more spurs because he was allowed to fight. kill him, don't let him fight.