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does anyone here watch DEXTER ???


oops wrong show


New member
Dexter is fucking awesome. I love how methodical and shit he is. I have a similar type of personality and love that show.

Plus the ABSOLUTE BEST part is how all the girls on that show look hecka good lol and somehow the longer they are on the show get finer and finer ;) I mean Rita was lookin hella hella fine but ya know...


Active member
Caught a random few episodes years ago, then with my wife I began watching the seasons straight through. Only took a few weeks, since we were hooked. Do yourself a favor and watch it from season 1 episode 1. If you like what you have seen so far, you'll love the rest.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
This season tho so far has been a snoozer imo.

Last seasons final episode was a masterpiece of directing so let's hope it gets better.

Have A Great Day


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Don't forget Sons of Anarchy, the only other show worth wasting time on. :D

Yes and will say it's nice to see they don't show how those gangs REALLY make their money.

Rhymes with Seth and ends with Death.

Be Well


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
imo, dexter fucked up BIG time with this storyline:


it was agonizing! "when will it end?!" :joint:


This contains a season 2 and 4 spoilers so don't read if you haven't gotten that far:

Its not bad. The writing is kind of retarded sometimes. I don't think they could write a part for a woman if their life depended on it. Every female on the show is written to be incredibly emotionally unstable. Rita, Debra, and LaGuerta are constantly crying, yelling, or banging one of the other characters. Also, the Miguel Prado story was bad. Season 2 was the best followed close by season 1. The rest is the same old story over and over. During season 2 I said to my friend "I bet you Doakes, Rita, and Lundy all die." Pretty predictable show, but entertaining.

I hear they're ending it soon, which needs to happen because it has clearly run its course.


Active member
Yeah, just started watching Dexter from the beginning - I'm rounding the corner towards the end of season 2.

Dark, man... VERY DARK - but excellent; I'm hooked!

Ted Shred

The show is based on a series of books called 'Darkly Dreaming of Dexter' or something like that. havnt read them so dont know how true the show is to the original story.

I would really like to see Rita's boobs...
yea I agree with ya. Love the show, the whole double life thing hits home and makes things interesting. Like most others have said you really NEED to start with season 1 and watch them all the way throught. Youll love it.


Dark Passenger

Dark Passenger

Premier was good kind of shocked at the depth of the God theme, doesn't bother me but i'm sure it's raisin hell with certian folks.

Def the last season, this seasons serial killers are a curious sort, kind of like Dext and his dad. But with that dialog at the end and the school, seems like religion is gonna have a big role, to be honest if every ep has as much as the premier it will get old fast.

I wish they would tone down the religious message but...

"Wishes are for children"

h^2 O

okay I know about the serial killer show called Dexter...but what about the show with Ted Danson - called "Dexter"??????????????


okay I know about the serial killer show called Dexter...but what about the show with Ted Danson - called "Dexter"??????????????

What about it???????????

Just googled that prophecy at the end and it's something about identifying 7 blasphemous persons, Dexter will be one of them.