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Does anyone believe that there is a synergy between man and plant??


Active member
this thread could get depressing real fast. it's like, buddhism, it's a simple expression of considerstion, easy, except, westerners.. staunchly opposed to integrating any such notion as it defies their wont to quantify and categorise everything per authoritarian referentialism. you wake up one day in tune with the universe, you're the enemy of every educated white man on the planet.

you can even take eastern concepts and put them in western terms, like buddhism equals epistemological solipsism, except that epistemology is a dirty word now.. recently some kid told me "epistemology is philosophy and philosophy means religious" and of course religious means stupid so don't try and talk about epistemology! "science" belief system of authoritarian dogma ("you don't have an electron microscope? don't try to argue bitch").

just makes you want to punch people in the face until their dick crawls out of their eyes. shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up. there's no discussion no rhetoric no rationale, just smash until they die because science fuckers wouldn't give an inch, they will die clutching their fucking remotes and citing references and believing that, because bombs go boom, the materialist analysis dominates, and the most precious thing in the universe is owning lots of shit you can buy at the store like a total fucking twat shaped fucktard. can't even listen to the birds or the wind unless it's on television or in a book first. buy a fucking recording. that's it, buy a fucking recording to listen to, with some white people moaning on it. you'll be dead before you get any fucking perspective on that pathetic shit. "rock n roll" dude.

"you want to debate this" i can hear and see the fucking world you can't what is there to debate

just kick people like that. kick them and make them bleed and stop roaming and causing trouble for good people. because that's all they are going to try and do is sell you on some shit. can't have no activated people going around defying the ideology.

you fucking robot ass twats can get beat to the shit you choose to be.


Active member
one of the birds around here.. often mentions what the neighbors are up to.. (inside their houses.. birds have got better sense..

"tv.... tv... tv... tv.."
i talk to "indigenous" people and they know birds talk, heck i've been out in nature and met a guy who knew it because i heard the birds talking to him before we met.

you can say all the dumb shit you want, but the fact is, your machine asses are gonig by some bullshit in a book somewhere, and we're all just kicking back and going, "uh-huh...."

keep talking, shit people. consume and shit to the whole world, thanks for your contribution. birds are talking about you.


3rd-Eye Jedi
westerners, easterners, those who practice science, epistemology, Buddhism or and other category or classification of human being can all suffer from a very common malady called cognitive bias.

the ultimate filter born of self and perpetuated by ego, no one is immune.

It is like a native amazonian tribesman looking at an eskimo and laughing at his clothes.
Our psychology is a phenotype expression effected by genes, culture, religion, science and all the things we are exposed to, and at some point even though we seem to act/be different we really are all teh same.

Like the example of the amazonian tribesman and eskimo, they dress differently but they both dress for their own indigenous environment, which makes them the same.

Even buddha's teachings evolve from relative to universal in the same manner.