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Doctor said yes to medical permission

Hey Massproducer,
I didn't mean to sound like I was arguing bro, cause I'm not. The more information that is made available to this community the better.
You obviously know how the system works no doubt, and you have first hand experience. I was just relaying information to the community of my experiences dealing with these guys also.
I know the statistics are crazy low for Canada, believe me I do. But I was always under the impression that it was due too lack of Dr's wanting to sign the forms and the fact that so many people don't know this system is in place for them. It still amazes me the reaction I get when I'm talking to someone and this very subject comes up, most of them have never even heard about it.
Do you know of anybody personaly having their application refused for not wanting to try alternative medicine? Again, not trying to pick a bone with you man just trying to get as much info as possible, is all.
God Speed

ps- to the op, sorry for the hijack
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I do however find it funny arguing with people regarding MMAR who are not licensed. The facts are that it is very hard to obtain a MMAD exemption unless you have AIDS, MS, Cancer or a servre for of Arthritis. Infact there are today under 5000 licensed MMAD patients Nationally and just slightly over 2100 licensed to actually produce their own medicine. So out of a population of over 30 million, 5000 are lincensed to posses and 2100 are licensed to produce... Check the statistics on the number of applications that HC recieves everyday, then put that all in prospective

give it a couple months i'll prove you wrong. you seem to be offended that im insinuating that i can get one because im not dying of AIDS. people like you who perpetrate this myth are part of the problem why the program is so inaccessible. ive already got my GP's go ahead im just waiting to see a specialist to confirm my diagnosis. it takes months to see most specialists.

the gp was like you at first, telling me i could only get one if severely ill or dying but i brought in alot of information including the creation of category 2 (how you can argue your point when cat 2 exists for the very reason of covering every single medical issue not listed in cat1 is beyond me) but i educated him and hes all for it. there are alot of people with your attitude on medical forums and it perpetuates the myth and is the reason why only ~5K people are registered when 500,000 were promised. i cant wait for the day that people get exempted for stubbed toe so your exclusive club isnt so exclusive

technically if you go in for minor back pain and see a specalist about it and your GP agrees to sign the forms you are good to go. if HC refused you you'd take them to court and win. the problem is finding an open minded doctor, not the registration part itself.

p.s. since ive already done my job and convinced my GP to sign im gonna try to get the specialist himself to sign. more docs that are educated and willing the better

sorry if i came off as an agressive dick. ive been in alot of pain recently and im taking it out on faceless internet personas so dont take it personally. thanks for your input in the thread. obviously you have first hand experience with the program but i was just trying to relay what i understand them as. peace.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
What if the specialist says he/she wants you to go through countless other routes before?

Don't count your eggs before they hatch, or in your eyes, buds and money before its harvested.
What if the specialist says he/she wants you to go through countless other routes before?

Don't count your eggs before they hatch, or in your eyes, buds and money before its harvested.

do you know the process of switching locations for the grow site? i.e. if you get one place setup (w/ landlords permission and tickets and everything) and then 7 months later you move, do you just send an updated form with the landlord's approval?


New member
Hi first of all congrats on ur status. I am suffering from chrones disease. My question was just where are you in Canada? I live in Ontario and my doctor and specialist want nothing to do with the fact that mj helps me everyday. Your story is inspirational it's just I am not sure what the next step is. Thanks


I just saw my doctor today, I have talked to her about getting on the MMAR. She flat out told me no, and that if I wanted to get on the MMAR I would need to find another doctor. Then she recommended SURGERY, I felt like she kicked me in the chest, it was horrible.

I still need to go see my specialist for a 2nd time, hopefully he will sign all the paperwork. If not, I will be on the long journey of finding a new doctor in Central Ontario (Durham region/Oshawa)


New member
hi night. i just want to know how much your doctor is charging you for that?

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Welcome to ICmag.

i paid $300.... what ever... it will all be worth it. Then theres like a $30 charge from the government every year i belive
Are you licenesed because I find it hard to believe that the Canadian College of physicians approved an application that would have to state that "the patient refuses ANY other medications which he/she deems as toxic"

I just wanted to top this thread and post that i did eventually get my license my doc signed and said im as good to go as i can be as HC only has to rubber stamp it. just waiting for card now. so for anyone in future trying,you dont have to try any drug you don't want to try. obviously you should do your own research and find out if its not suitable but theres no reason you cant go straight to MMAR without trying lots of pharmas. i got discouraged alot in real life and on internet by people telling me i was never gonna get it cause they themselves had to wait years or never got it but its really about getting prepared and being knowledgeable and a decent doctor doesnt hurt
I just saw my doctor today, I have talked to her about getting on the MMAR. She flat out told me no, and that if I wanted to get on the MMAR I would need to find another doctor. Then she recommended SURGERY, I felt like she kicked me in the chest, it was horrible.

I still need to go see my specialist for a 2nd time, hopefully he will sign all the paperwork. If not, I will be on the long journey of finding a new doctor in Central Ontario (Durham region/Oshawa)

atari jedi keep trying bud

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I'm treating RLS (restless leg syndrom) and have been doing so for years with cannabis , I have been told a few times to get out , find a new doctor, I'm on my 3rd right now, my second appt. is in 2 weeks thats when Im going to present my paperwork, and let him know its my right as a canadian citizen to have access to medical marijuana. Also have a question for you guys about exhausting other means of treatment, For my condition RLS they dont really have any medication and treat it with parkinson's meds, if i refuse those types of drugs , is that exhausting the other means?peace TS
Hold on... You got your license, or your doctor signed your forms? Are you Cat 1??? Cause if not then your doc signing your form is not the problem, it is a specialist's report... I am honestly done disscussing something that most people think they know so much about but have no facts what so ever... Your doctor knows about as much about the MMAR program as you do or anyone else that hasn't actually read the actual act or even the regulations...

Once you are licensed then we can chat about the process but until then this is a moot point based on opinions and wishful thinking...

If you are saying that you have gotten your license already since the first part of May then you have some crazy government pull... This reminds me of the conversation about how non-residents could apply for the program, when it clearly states the rules in the act

I just wanted to top this thread and post that i did eventually get my license my doc signed and said im as good to go as i can be as HC only has to rubber stamp it. just waiting for card now. so for anyone in future trying,you dont have to try any drug you don't want to try. obviously you should do your own research and find out if its not suitable but theres no reason you cant go straight to MMAR without trying lots of pharmas. i got discouraged alot in real life and on internet by people telling me i was never gonna get it cause they themselves had to wait years or never got it but its really about getting prepared and being knowledgeable and a decent doctor doesnt hurt
Hold on... You got your license, or your doctor signed your forms? Are you Cat 1??? Cause if not then your doc signing your form is not the problem, it is a specialist's report... I am honestly done disscussing something that most people think they know so much about but have no facts what so ever... Your doctor knows about as much about the MMAR program as you do or anyone else that hasn't actually read the actual act or even the regulations...

Once you are licensed then we can chat about the process but until then this is a moot point based on opinions and wishful thinking...

If you are saying that you have gotten your license already since the first part of May then you have some crazy government pull... This reminds me of the conversation about how non-residents could apply for the program, when it clearly states the rules in the act

im aware of an american living in canada that has MMAR card

my doctor signed my forms and im waiting for my card in the mail. it takes awhile to get forms processed as you know. im not category 2 but my good friend is and his specialist doesnt agree with his use of cannabis but his GP is willing to sign his forms. he too will be signed and waiting for his card in the mail soon. he as well refuses to use a certain pharma drug that he has researched and realized cannabis works fine for the past year and he will continue with it b/c it suits him.

i know the specialist has to make a report and the GP sees it but does anyone at HC see it? I didnt think they did as all the doctor's office faxes off are the MMAR forms themselves.... you are making it sound like HC gets all your detailed medical files and then they forward it to college of physicians. i dont think this happens??? am i misunderstanding? what does college of physicians do other than ensure doctor is in good standing and able to sign the forms?

basically this is what it is. i took what i learned from others on this board specifically dmts thread and some others and put my efforts into getting signed. ive helped two category 2 patients and one cat 1 patient get signed / get the process started. in the meantime lots of people have been telling me what im trying to do is impossible for whatever reason. in real life and over internet. im not saying i know all the ins and outs of the program but i know it well enough to get 4 people including myself in the program or at least on the road to it. i have no doubt the people i helped so far will get carded. 2 down , 2 to go. wether i have the actual card in my hand is a moot point at this moment. my doctor signed my forms and said technically im legal and that im waiting for HC to rubberstamp the forms. he said specifically that to me, that HC was merely a rubber stamper. so barring some issue like the doctor not being in good standing with canadian college of physicians or an error on the form, are u gonna believe me ???
I'm treating RLS (restless leg syndrom) and have been doing so for years with cannabis , I have been told a few times to get out , find a new doctor, I'm on my 3rd right now, my second appt. is in 2 weeks thats when Im going to present my paperwork, and let him know its my right as a canadian citizen to have access to medical marijuana. Also have a question for you guys about exhausting other means of treatment, For my condition RLS they dont really have any medication and treat it with parkinson's meds, if i refuse those types of drugs , is that exhausting the other means?peace TS

have u seen a specialst? i believe neurologists treat RLS, right? you only need to find either a GP or a specialist that agrees and will sign. i know someone whose specialist doesnt agree but their GP does and they are good to go. i've pm'ed u specific detail
You just do not seem to understand that your doctor has no control over HC or the MMAR, they are not in some special loop, so they can not tell you that you are legal, having your card is the only fact that can be conveyed, everything else is moot.

If your Cat 1, then I can't understand why you would have any problems what so ever, it is honestly very confusing trying to follow these posts.

Here is a quote from the actual act "

25. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person is eligible to be issued a personal-use production licence only if the person is an individual who ordinarily resides in Canada and who
(a) has reached 18 years of age;

But you know an American that has a license... Based on your statements you have proven to me, that you are far from a person I should be even talking too...

Either way as I have said before people becareful who you get your info from...
I always find it funny how you talk to some people who tell you that they have helped this person and that person but yet all of their facts are completely wrong, whats funny is that the act and regulations are available for anyone to read. You may want to try that before giving advice...

Here is a quote from my renewal which actually finally arrived today, after being months late...

" You have met the requirements to be issued an authorization pursuant to section 11 of the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR)"

What does this mean... It means that after verifing your information you fit the criteria layed out in the OFFICAL act and regulations... This is where the guidelines come from, they don't come from your doctor, your doctor has no real say in the matter in actually, they help with the application process, not the approval process which all this is stated in the act.
i told you what i know and have done from experience yet you seem convinced that im lying or something. go to TY mag forum there is an american citizen who lives in canada and has a card.

cat 1 cat 2 whatever, i actually think cat 2 is a bit easier b/c you got a better chance of finding one or other specialist or GP to sign.

i read all this blah blah on here about acts and regs but im telling you i did the process for myself and im helping others. why dont you believe me?
What does this mean... It means that after verifing your information you fit the criteria layed out in the OFFICAL act and regulations... This is where the guidelines come from, they don't come from your doctor, your doctor has no real say in the matter in actually, they help with the application process, not the approval process which all this is stated in the act.

i just dont see the point you are trying to make. im telling you my truthful experience and you are telling me about acts and regulations that supposedly disprove what i say. i really have no argument to make.

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