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Do Your Critters Like to Get High?

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Cookie monster

Ah i get what your saying bro but us humans have the abillity to make conscious well informed decisions on whats best for us animals dont have that abillity in some ways...this site would be pretty dead if this were not the case.

My opinion is based purely on the many animal care books i've read over the years but i would ask a lot of you guys to reconsider giving your pets weed, they dont need it really.

But as the man says we will agree to disagree i guess.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Never again.. My dog got half a joint out of the ashtry once, and got real sick from it.

Playfullness, turned into aggression, and aggression turned into a poor example of guard dog scared, and pissing on herself in her sleep/stuper.. Not a good time for either of us.. I was extremely scared for her, and feeling pretty damn guilty as well..

On another note... If I was holding a shit sandwich in my hand looking like I was enjoying it, my dog would be there begging her ass off for it.. If I was to then drop that shit sandwhich on the floor, no doubt she'd scarf it down in seconds, and be puking it back up a half hour later.. The next day if I was again holding that delicious looking shit sandwhich, she again be right there by my side begging for it... Dogs live in the moment. they dont remember what made them sick 5 minutes after eating/smoking it


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
us humans have the abillity to make conscious well informed decisions on whats best for us animals dont have that abillity in some ways...

I agree with this in some ways, although this is basically the assertion that I am taking exception to. I feel the four-leggeds are much wiser than we give them credit for. They'd survive without us, for sure.

I think humans have a responsibility to animals to protect them from human dangers that they cannot understand. But MJ is a plant. It's part of nature. It's in their domain. If they ingest it, the following experience is one they are likely to be able to understand. If they don't like it, I trust them to avoid repeating it.

Case in point: In my childhood, I witnessed my parents' dog eat some foliage in our garden that was pretty toxic. He, like most dogs, often ate a little bit of 'salad' in the yard. Well, this stuff got him good. He was sick all night. I tell you what, though... he didn't stop eating foliage in the back yard. But he sure as hell never ate that bush again...

My dog seems to either enjoy MJ smoke or at worst feel no effects from it. But he seeks to repeat the experience. Consistently, and plainly. For 10+ years now. I guess I just don't know how else to interpret that.



Active member
Our cat loves Herb. Shel nose up to us when we smoke. Theres nothin she likes beter than when ya let out your hit to her. Nice thik smoke clouds. She started doin it on her own so we didnt think nothin of it. If she likes it what the fukk? Sometimes when ya blow her a hit shel even get up and bump heads with ya. :abduct: One time my son was doin somma our shrooms and he barfed on the patio. His li'l hairy weener dog ate his puke and got REAL funny. He started crawelin round in the overgrown weeds on his belly! He was slitherin round like a snake. He looked like he was tryinna talk to us or somethin too. Fukkin WIERD fer SHURE! He spent the barbaque slitherin round on his belly in the weeds. He didnt seem to hate it. He looked like he was playin! I think it just wierded him out a bit. I shure wouldnta dosed him on purpose. :abduct:But my cat can smoke with me and my wife ANYTIME!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Kitties are a lot smarter than people give them credit for. You rarely see a cat do something completely stupid the way a dog or human would.

Cats are too smart...sorry, but I've had cats and dogs and I have to give it to the cats for a keener intelligence. Don't take their "untrainability" for stupidity....from what my cats tell me, I don't own them....they own me. I'm cool with that:)

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
No whats stupid is to assume that a mature dog or puppy for that matter knows that what it eats is always going to be good for it.

Why do you think dogs eat chocolate or rat poison chew through electrical cables..what do you think the dog will only eat things that are good for it???

If you have any of these planted in or around your house....you are a bad cat owner and a hypocrite for not letting your kitty have one that's not toxic.....if the little fuzzy thing wants it.

Almond (Pits of)
Aloe Vera
Apple (seeds)
Apple Leaf Croton
Apricot (Pits of)
Asparagus Fern
Autumn Crocus
Avacado (fuit and pit)
Baby's Breath
Bird of Paradise
Black-eyed Susan
Black Locust
Bleeding Heart
Branching Ivy
Buddist Pine
Burning Bush
Cactus, Candelabra
Calla Lily
Castor Bean
Charming Dieffenbachia
Cherry (pits, seeds & wilting leaves)
Cherry, most wild varieties
Cherry, ground
Cherry, Laurel
Chinese Evergreen
Christmas Rose
Corn Plant
Cornstalk Plant
Crocus, Autumn
Crown of Thorns
Cuban Laurel
Cutleaf Philodendron
Deadly Nightshade
Death Camas
Devil's Ivy
Dracaena Palm
Dragon Tree
Dumb Cane Easter Lily *

Elephant Ear
Emerald Feather
English Ivy
Fiddle-leaf fig
Florida Beauty
Four O'Clock
Fruit Salad Plant
German Ivy
Giant Dumb Cane
Glacier IvyGolden Chain
Gold Dieffenbachia
Gold Dust Dracaena
Golden Glow
Golden Pothos
Gopher Purge
Hahn's Self-Branching Ivy
Heartland Philodendron
Hemlock, Poison
Hemlock, Water
Horse Chestnuts
Hurricane Plant
Indian Rubber Plant
Indian Tobacco
Iris Ivy
Jack in the Pulpit
Janet Craig Dracaena
Japanese Show Lily *
Java Beans
Jerusalem Cherry
Jimson Weed
Jungle Trumpets
Lacy Tree Philodendron
Lily Spider
Lily of the Valley
Lupine Madagascar Dragon Tree
Marble Queen
Mescal Bean
Mexican Breadfruit
Miniature Croton
Mock Orange
Morning Glory
Mother-in Law's Tongue
Morning Glory
Mountain Laurel

Needlepoint Ivy
Oriental Lily *
Peace Lily
Peach (pits and wilting leaves)
Pencil Cactus
Plumosa Fern
Poinsettia (low toxicity)
Poison Hemlock
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Precatory Bean
Privet, Common
Red Emerald
Red Princess
Red-Margined Dracaena
Ribbon Plant
Rosemary Pea
Rubber Plant
Saddle Leaf Philodendron
Sago Palm
Satin Pothos
Scotch Broom
Silver Pothos
Skunk Cabbage
Snow on the Mountain
Spotted Dumb Cane
Star of Bethlehem
String of Pearls
Striped Dracaena
Sweetheart Ivy
Swiss Cheese plant
Tansy Mustard
Taro Vine
Tiger Lily *
Tomato Plant (green fruit, stem and leaves)
Tree Philodendron
Tropic Snow Dieffenbachia
Tung Tree
Virginia Creeper
Water Hemlock
Weeping Fig
Wild Call
Wisteria Yews --
e.g. Japanese Yew
English Yew
Western Yew
American Yew

Cookie monster

Strain theres no way most breeds would survive with us feeding them especially dogs, 1000's of years of domestication has led to dogs and humans developing a unique codependency on each other.

God with out me my dogs would starve to death even tho both of them have a high prey drive it's a rare occurrence that they ever catch anything.

I removed every plant in my garden that was listed as dangerous for my pups to eat purely because the little buggers love chewing on plants.

Interesting point you raised on mj being in the dogs domain but i'm wondering if you took 10 wild foxes/wolves/canines and 10 domesticated dogs and gave them a nug to eat what the results would be.


Fuck that my dog is as smart as a human with the IQ of 85 so he just above retarded and he loves it kind of like mrs. blunted he makes commercials all of sudden that why hes like yeah I like it like that we smoking that crack. You ever seen a dream thats kinda of mean you spit back this shit is wack and I like it like that. I love my guns becuse I don't know I guess tjey better than some ordinary hoe.

Cookie monster

Fuck that my dog is as smart as a human with the IQ of 85 so he just above retarded and he loves it kind of like mrs. blunted he makes commercials all of sudden that why hes like yeah I like it like that we smoking that crack. You ever seen a dream thats kinda of mean you spit back this shit is wack and I like it like that. I love my guns becuse I don't know I guess tjey better than some ordinary hoe.

Dude you forgot to activate you universal translator

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I have no idea what you just said there...I saw my name, but hmmm.

Edit: Okay...I get it, you called me retarded like your dog and I love it.


... what?

So what, you're assuming none of us actually possess such pets? That we're all horrible people who lock our animals in cardboard boxes and hotbox them as they cry out in terror? That MJ is natural medicine, and should be legalized because it's harmless... but that it's going to magically brutallize anything without two thumbs?

Then let them make decisions and exercise free will. Understand them, communicate with them. And never, ever forget that you're nothing more than one of them.

No, but I can observe the reaction of the animal after he tries it. If he enjoys the experience and suffers no ill effects, who the hell am I to tell him he can't do it again?


I think you need to reread the post instead of qouting it out of context. I just reread it, and it seems pretty clear what I am saying.

some of the stuff in your above post though, i don't even know where you pulled that from.

Furthermore, you thought all dogs eat their own poop, shows how much you even know?


I'm not passing judgment here and I should preface my comments with the fact that I am an animal lover.

My issue is this, do they know what's good for them ? And if so, are they really making their own decision to ingest ?

I mean, I have to stop one my pups from eating his own shit sometimes....God I love him but he's just not a good decision maker.....

quoted for truth, thats pretty much what I was saying. Does that make sense to you strainbrain?


I have no idea what you just said there...I saw my name, but hmmm.

Edit: Okay...I get it, you called me retarded like your dog and I love it.

O sent me some kill so I'm pretty high was just writing stuff that rhmyed oh and btw if you ever need a shoulder to cry on I'm here if Mr. Poppy Tea Bags isn't treating you write I'll :dueling:


So umm if it was a 5 year old kid instead of a dog would that still not be abuse in your book??

Just because it's an animal doesn't make it acceptable in my world and yes i know i'm a bit fanatical about things like this but i like to give my pets the cleanest healthiest life i can and eating or smoking weed ain't part of it.

From the book "caring for your dog" by DR bruce fogle.

Symptoms: Loss of condition,fear,agitation,biting,dilated pupils.
Treatment:Avoid sensory stimulation
Give sedative as recommended by your vet.

That says a lot as to why not to give a pup weed but sure I'm sure all you guys are trained veterinarians and know better huh?

LOL its a freakin animal. blowing second hand marijuana smoke in its face aint gonna do damage sorry,doesnt matter how much you blow it in their faces. I love how this brings out the most ridiculous notions in people.do you want to send your pets to college too? want to go visit their side of the family for thanksgiving? sorry to put this out there but people>animals. and if they dont want the smoke they leave....

Cookie monster

O sent me some kill so I'm pretty high was just writing stuff that rhmyed oh and btw if you ever need a shoulder to cry on I'm here if Mr. Poppy Tea Bags isn't treating you write I'll :dueling:

Can somebody please translate this...i dont understant klingon speak.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
When I say 4-leggeds, I don't mean just domesticated animals. I mean all of 'em. Mine would be useless without me, for certain.

As for them consuming things that are bad for them... of course they do. So you I. So do you. (I drank most of my grandpa's vodka gimlet when I was 5, because I thought it was Sprite. That didn't end well....) But do you then seek out repeatedly that same experience? I don't. And what I do trust is that neither would my dog.



There was an article in the WSJ a few years back discussing how dogs with owners that smoked were at greater health risk than dogs with owners that didnt. How it is worse for their nose than ours, especially flat snouted breeds. and how it gets in their coat and then they ingest the toxins while grooming themselves. Granted the article was on tobacco smoke, but no animals respitory system was intended to breath smoke. Even vapor irritates your respitory passage a little.

Also, i never said i thought weed leaves were bad for pets to eat, there i so little THC in it. I even heard that Hemp seed oil is really good for pets joints, coats, skin, digestion, ect. You can just as easily get them hemp seed oil capsules. In fact, i have them for my dog but she doesn't like them because she bites em open and doesn't like the taste after that, so i dont give em too her just because it only makes a mess.


Can somebody please translate this...i dont understant klingon speak.

STFU cookie monster for I throw a damn garbage can on your ass in front of the kids.

Whats that kids me and cookie monster are just having a disagreement don't do this at home (cookie monster getting his stinky trash can thrown on his head repeatedly).

Kids don't do this at home but sometimes adults have to settle things this way.

Cookie monster

Aw damm fella just because im a monster dont mean i dont have feelings...you just made cookie cry...sob sob sniffle.

Or in klingon....kabblah rahhh splahhy
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