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Do you wear camo?


Senior Member
I would link my boys site for his CanouFlage. Im always geared up when im at the OD or just in the woods in general. If you walked into a nice size op you would vanish no lie. heres a few pics of me in the hoodie. I do know there coming out with a color print too for all the farmers that have alotta color come Sept and Oct :tiphat:




Well-known member
This is a oxymoron to me " I don't wear camo because its suspicious if someone sees me"
Your not suppose to be seen.

This is the guerrilla forum correct? I have been OD growing for close to 20 yrs and never once been seen in the bush. Ok, let me preface that by saying "up close". If someone scoped me from a distance I have no idea but even in that case I rather be wearing camo.

I have urban guerrilla grown early in my hobby but even then the camo went on once in the bush. I'm having a real hard time understanding why anyone would wear something without some type of break up pattern. It's common knowledge that solids are a dead giveaway. It doesn't exist in nature even tree bark has texture and varying shades.Soldiers in urban combat wear break up pattern camo. Its available at hunting stores now.

Tell where it says that camo means "bright green" clothing that's not how it works. There are all different types of camo. Dude haven't you ever seen snow breakup pattern. Is it totally white background, no.

I cant find a single reason to head into the bush with with any piece of solid colored clothing. I think your spitting in the face of science and a hundred of years of warfare experience.


Depends where I am growing,city no way,country or edge of motorways then Yup of course.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
What is everyone's favorite camo pattern?

Once things green up or when Im ghosting around pine groves I wear BDU's in the common Woodland pattern.

Once Autumn sets in and the landscape dies back and browns up I tend to lean towards a camo with more browns in it like the tradition WW2 pattern..

I tend to avoid camo patterns that are too busy or have too dark a background. Some of the modern commercial camo patterns look cool but "blob out" at a distance. Appearing to be primarily one usually dark shade.
Sometimes I combine two patterns. One on top another on the bottom. Depends on the situation.


What is everyone's favorite camo pattern?

I live in a pretty dry part of the country and I think the new multicam pattern that the army has been using lately would work very well around here. It's funny because almost every hunter in my area (which is practically everybody) wears the typical realtree/mossy oak stuff from cabela's, which doesn't blend in with the native vegetation for shit. It just looks like you're wearing a brown suit from a distance.


I wear a green amry jacket that I usally wear or a brown jacket. I try to put on some natural colors, never anything like red, hehe. I usally wear natural colors on my cloths, exepct maybe the jeans, if they are clean though...

IF i ever meet someone i always act confident, say hello and stuff like that. Be on and friendly:)

But being carefullty and listen to the signs of the dog is good.. Very glad i got a dog now! My best partner in the crime haha


Well-known member
i just pick up me ol fishing hat, bag and rod...and off i go walking my creek...I even catch fish...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
@ ozzlieAI,
i noticed your sig about Neem Oil...

is there a thread on this, i would love to read more.




Active member


All warfare is based upon deception (Shonshi)

Go wild boys....Camopedia has the official camo for all the nations of the world: Camopedia

The Camopedia (the Camouflage Encyclopedia) was originally conceived by Henrik Clausen and Eric H. Larson. The site is a living document, the goal of which has been to maintain a comprehensive, accurate, and academically-supported database referencing all of the major military and paramilitary camouflage patterns that have been used since the beginning of the 20th century. This reference is available as a free resource for historians, government agencies, military personnel, collectors, artists & designers, airsoft & MILSIM enthusiasts, military modelers, and all others with an interest in camouflage design, development, and history.

Years ago, maybe 1980, I ordered desert cammies from a supplier in Great Britain. It cost a small bundle back then with international shipping and all, however it was far better than what I was seeing being worn by hunters at the time. The outdoor stores in Arizona only had camo for high-elevation terrain, forests and green. After all, the big hunt is elk along the Mogollon Rim of Arizona.

Low elevation desert camo should be a total different pattern and coloration. My British issue camo was from African desert scrub regions that the British worked within....maybe even once owned hahaha. It fits the bill in southern AZ and other deserts of the Southwest.

Nice to blend, eh, when you're guerrilla growing in deep canyons and folks might be looking down from above. Good to spray paint tents in cammy patterns as well as anything that might reflect sunshine like hose fittings and connections. We didn't wear camo in or out from our gardens because as others on this thread have mentioned it would be out of place during most of the year, but we did put on cammie shirts once we were inside for a visit. Better than my old compadre who always wore a white t-shirt and could be seen from 1500 feet above on the canyon rim. He shined.

Wendull C.

Active member
This is a oxymoron to me " I don't wear camo because its suspicious if someone sees me"
Your not suppose to be seen.

Tell where it says that camo means "bright green" clothing that's not how it works. There are all different types of camo. Dude haven't you ever seen snow breakup pattern. Is it totally white background, no.

Isn't that a predator pattern or are you talking mossy oak? I do not like mossy oak or real tree.

The above post who said the new military digital camo blends good is very right. It blends into any back ground and is being used by elite camo company's as the next wave of camo. When I see a man at at a distance hunting elk in it he melts away.

If you meant me and the "bright green." I said uv brighteners, they look blue at a distance through glass not green.:biggrin:


Active member
eventhough I live in a rural area, my country is one of the densest populated in the world, and hunting is limited. so wearing camo would be more suspicious as not wearing it.
on some occassions I use the cover of night. on regular weekdays pretty much all houses are dark at 12-1 at night, even less chance of meeting people in the few kind-of-wild places around here. since it's a rural area there's very little to no chance I'll meet any cops, unless they are called, so my only concern would be people living closeby(or in houses where I have to go past in a suspicious way, for example if I'm walking trough the farmlands with a shovel on my way to an ignored area)
I usually wear darkcolored clothes anyway so I'm already camouflaged on those ocassions. if I'm just exploring an area, not carrying anything that could get me in trouble, I'm not trying to hide. (ofcourse it depends on the area, some locations I only go to at night)


Well-known member
Solids are bad period.

Camouflage material may have a single color, or it may have several similarly colored patches mixed together. The reason for using this sort of pattern is that it is visually disruptive. The meandering lines of the mottled camouflage pattern help hide the contour -- the outline -- of the body. When you look at a piece of mottled camouflage in a matching environment, your brain naturally "connects" the lines of the colored blotches with the lines of the trees, ground, leaves and shadows. This affects the way you perceive and recognize the person or object wearing that camouflage.

Human perception naturally categorizes things in the world as separate objects. When you look at a scene, you are gathering an immense amount of information with your eyes and other senses. In order for your conscious mind to make any sense out of this information, your brain has to break it down into component parts. When your brain perceives a long, vertical area of brown with green blotches connected to it, you perceive a tree. And when your brain perceives many, many individual trees in a given area, you perceive a forest.

One thing your brain is always looking for when analyzing visual information is continuity. Solids baddddd (caveman speak)


New member
Solids are bad period.

Camouflage material may have a single color, or it may have several similarly colored patches mixed together. The reason for using this sort of pattern is that it is visually disruptive. The meandering lines of the mottled camouflage pattern help hide the contour -- the outline -- of the body. When you look at a piece of mottled camouflage in a matching environment, your brain naturally "connects" the lines of the colored blotches with the lines of the trees, ground, leaves and shadows. This affects the way you perceive and recognize the person or object wearing that camouflage.

Human perception naturally categorizes things in the world as separate objects. When you look at a scene, you are gathering an immense amount of information with your eyes and other senses. In order for your conscious mind to make any sense out of this information, your brain has to break it down into component parts. When your brain perceives a long, vertical area of brown with green blotches connected to it, you perceive a tree. And when your brain perceives many, many individual trees in a given area, you perceive a forest.

One thing your brain is always looking for when analyzing visual information is continuity. Solids baddddd (caveman speak)

That maybe true but i think the key is looking like your just out for a walk and not up to anything, where as if you are fully suited in camo people are going to think you dont want to be seen. This is at least my approach at it in the area that i grow in.


Active member
Invisibility Has Its Limits

Invisibility Has Its Limits

Blend, blend, blend....but what if you have to run or someone jacks the car?



Well-known member
That maybe true but i think the key is looking like your just out for a walk and not up to anything, where as if you are fully suited in camo people are going to think you dont want to be seen. This is at least my approach at it in the area that i grow in.

What??? Your just out for a walk and happen to be visiting your pot plants. hehehe Sorry but it just brings on funny visuals.

You know there is an exception to every single rule in the universe but in general guerrilla growers have put there plants where they don't want them to be found.

They take great efforts to pick spots where the plants are in some out of the way spot so their plot doesn't get ripped or found by LEO. Now after taking the time do all this and not take the time to step in to the bush "while wearing your civies" and then change into something with at the very least a break up pattern seems to me at least to defy common sense.

I think some people are thinking when camo is suggested that you are walking down the city street in a full ghillie suit when that's not whats being suggested at all. You change when you get in the bush.

Ok ok if your growing in an empty lot in the city wear your hoody and skinny jeans. I get it , it makes sense but its not the environment that most people that come to this forum to learn to grow outdoors are growing in.

To each his own though peace