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Do you tie/train ur plant a lil bit to grow a few plants nicely in a small space?


Without LST or the bending of the stems, Would you just use some garden string to move the fan leaves and branches to where they get most light and goodness? Height isnt an issue here, it is the width of the closet.. Probably about 70 or 80 cm in width..

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Bending is more effective and easier than using strings or supercropping (breaking the stem). It's not so much about letting light penetrate as it is about increasing the lightprint, or surface area of the plant viewed from above. Even an overly tall 'sativa' seedling can be bent into a 'z' and taped to a support stick. Gentle crushing of the underside of branches or stems works better than a swift break and exposes more of the plant to light, which is why these methods work to increase yield.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I normally FIM my plants after the fifth node, creating further top cola branching.
Once these grow upward, one will always push to become the dominant cola.
At this point I tie or use weight to bring the top cola down to an equal or lower height.
This allows the other cola's the opportunity to strive to become the top cola.
Doing this results in all branching competing to become the top cola.
I also employ a theory called light-bending.
Plants will always grow towards the light, therefore you can use this quirk in nature to your advantage when trying to increase the footprint under your lights.


Im scared that my plants would die if i used the bending/LST method. Thanks for your info though, i've never trained my plants before so i dont really have any confidence about doing it.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I am always adjusting something

When I was small space growing, I would have dozens of strings that I stapled to the ceiling and had hanging, as I needed them, lets say to get some light elsewhere I would just tie it off and bend it

I would not be too worried about breaking the plants, they can take alot of abuse. Even if you do snap one, get your duct tape out, and tape her up


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Without LST, the only way to fill the cab is adding plants. With LST, one plant can replace dozens. Bending the tip causes lower growth to explode, filling your space. Moving a fan leaf does nothing but move the fan leaf.



Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I'll train them by hand just a gentle bend once a day to keep everything nice & even canopy wise. Often though I'll just forget about it and throw additional plants in to fill.

When I do train by hand I just gently bend the stem down at the start of lights on each day. It'll rise up a bit by the next day, but a slight bend again each day will result in a nice flat branch by the time strech stops.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor

Picture of a Z shaped Island Sweet Skunk (NGSC). Sorry the pic is hard to see, I sized them small before upload. Maybe I shoudn't have. Bending it in a Z brought it down from about 4' to a bit less than 3' and exposed lower branches to the light.

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