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do you think this would work?

memphis man

ok ive been kicking the idea of a guerilla grow around in my head for quite some time now. with all of the awesome threads ive been readin here i have decided to get all my materials ready now so i am prepared for next years growing season. you cant ever be to prepared as i like to say. so the idea i have been kicking around in my head is a self watering system that can deliver compost tea for up to two weeks without me visiting my spot. keep in mind this is guerilla so electricity is outta the question. what i am thinking is if i have a holding tank up hill from the plot so gravity will move the water that problem is solved. so the next question is how to regulate the water im thinking a battery operated timer and a rainbird hydro port. i found this info in this thread

now the spin im wanting to put on this is to have a plastic watering container that i can brew compost tea in to water with. so what i am wondering is i know everyone brews there tea air bubbles but i am wondering about brewing it with just plain water movement. granted it wont get the air in it that bubbles would produce but it would have all the minerals from the compost. so here is how i plan on making it work
1 55 gallon drum
1 deep cycle marine battery
1 power inverter like this one

1 hydro water pump like this one

1 battery operated timer

now what im thinking is i can cut the plug off the inverter and put terminal ends on the cord and hook it to the battery. then i can use the timer inline with the water pump and have it come on every so many hours for so many minutes to move the water around in the water drum. i will have to do some kind of trial run with this before using to determine how long to operate the pump and how often to make the battery last for two weeks. but im thinking as long as i put my drain line that goes out to water the plants at least 3 inches from the bottom of the drum i shouldnt get enough sediment build up to block any of my lines. i dont know but this is what i have been pondering on. anyway im hoping some of you guys can put a spin on this and maybe kick me some other ideas

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
It sounds like you going to make this way too complicated.

Water crystals, use them.

You don't want to be toting all this stuff in there. You'll make a clear path to your plants. A 55 gallon drum is easily seen, and how do you plan on filling up a 55 gallon drum? Have you ever walked very far carrying 10 gallons? Its not easy and you will certainly trample any vegetation you come in contact with during you 7+ trips to the plot.

You need to be able to get in and out without disturbing the vegetation, so no more than 2 trips to each plot to get the spots amended and plants in the ground. Visit the plot to water no more than every 2 weeks, weekly visits will make a much more visible trail. I'm not too far from you, so I'm familiar with the vegetation.

Have as many plots as you can reasonably attend to, and only plan on harvesting half of them. Don't look for the perfect spot, they don't exist, just one that has a good chance of not being found.

Read the massive outdoor grow thread in the outdoor forum, good luck.

memphis man

i dig what your saying but and yeah the vegetation here is unlike any other lol. i am wanting to put this setup on private land that i do have 4 wheeler access so getting the water there is not a problem. i have a rhino with a bed on it. i am the only one who ever uses this land and am not worried about someone finding my water drum. there is also 3 ponds on this property so water is already there but dont wanna grow near the ponds there too open and close to the gate where you come into the property. the ideal spot is right in the middle of the property where the timber was cut 5 years ago and is so thick you cant see your hand in front of your face.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I would use a shurflo "on demand" pump(~$80) coupled with a battery operated irrigation timer(~$15). With this, there is no need for an inverter.

A 12v 7ah battery(~$20) will last a long time, maybe the whole season for a 1.8 gpm pump.


Trying to have a good day
I would use one of the solar pumps I saw them using in Cali.As long as those ponds are not contaminated I would pump the water from them.I know you said they were out in the open,but I think you could use hose small enough so nobody could really see it.Imagine all those microbes in the pond you could be using.That would be just about good as compost tea and you wouldnt have to wrestle a 55 gallon drum.
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memphis man

I would use a shurflo "on demand" pump(~$80) coupled with a battery operated irrigation timer(~$15). With this, there is no need for an inverter.

A 12v 7ah battery(~$20) will last a long time, maybe the whole season for a 1.8 gpm pump.
are you talking about putting this in the drum for water movement not feeding right?