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Do you talk to people?


A foot without a sock...
My neighbors are just far enough away that a simple wave is about all the comminucation that works....as far as being out in public, there are folks I'll talk to, others a simple nod and a "hey man" and yet others I'll just ignore....

Not sure why that is....maybe depending on my mood ?


Freedom Fighter
I am a huge People Person-- I talk to anybody...but I am aware of what I say, depending on if/how well I know them--
You can tell a lot about ppl when you walk in their house...if they have all pictures of landscape/earthy type stuff..prolly not too "People" oriented--
But if they have pics of people...like me, I still prefer Norman Rockwell...then they are more than likely, "People" people--:2cents:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I thought this was gonna be a yummy bud thread at first, lol

I have to be in the right mood to be around people. And not alot of them at one time either. I really hate drunk loud ass holes so I avoid bars.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm a very social animal........travel alot and enjoy meeting new people every day...have a great social life generally......both on the site and in the real world...

.....I also enjoy the seclusion of my house and lot where I can be with those closest to me.....to enjoy some peace and quiet and play with my dogs and potter around in the garden.....


Active member
most people are retards, but life is all about connections and networking. if i find people with similar interests i always like to BS for a few minutes and gauge them out. for every 10 retards i talk to about their "grand daddy purps" i meet maybe 1 or 2 quality folks who got the right mindset and are worth talking too.

i also enjoy my private castle but i get restless sometimes and i have to go out and get into some ruckus. plus since i grew up in the city our circle of friends is like 50 people deep, so its hard to be reclusive because my livelihood depends on maintaining these relationships for business purposes. plus when you got a couple kids with D money in the club it makes for good times!!!

arvid b

I live in a country town and most everyone is sociable. I thought it was strange when i moved here because all the locals greeted me without knowing me.

I've grown to enjoy the company the town offers.

Without meeting anyone it takes me 45mins to walk my dog round the town. If i meet a friend or a neighbour i could be out for 1hr and a half or more. We chat and sometimes other people will join us and eventually we'll block the pavement with bodies.

I like public transport becuse of the people i meet working or traveling on it.

Yup, i like meeting strangers- they don't stay strange for long.