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Do You Still Smoke While Sick?



Interesting. I suppose I could talk w/ Seamaiden and ask her to whip up something that isn't so deadly. LOL! The brownies she and Nada made last time laid me out for 2 days....I literally couldn't walk. I can laugh about it now, but while I was "in it"...it wasn't so funny.

Interesting input folks. :)


Im starting to screen the type of person i smoke with because some ofonnmy friends dont use tooth paste or brush on a daily basis

If you were to go talk to your dentist you would find that its not what your brush with but that you actually do brush. Just using water removes VERY close to the same amount of bacteria that using toothpaste would, without having all of the dangerous additives that they put in toothpaste these days.

I am not saying dont use toothpaste but thats a little far fetched to not smoke with someone who doesn't use toothpaste. I only use toothpaste when I wake up, and flat water for the other 1-2 brushes in the day. Brushing on a daily basis is a must... I would suggest not smoking with the ones that don't brush lol, unless you don't mind funky scents and bacteria on the tip of the joint or pipe.


Smoking while sick... just prolongs your sickness....

Smoke irritates your throat/lungs. That's what happens. Already have a sore throat? Mucus in your chest? Wanna smoke? Well, it's gonna take that much longer till you're better.

It's a trade off.


Active member
Does smoking a J prolong the illness or shorten it? I really don't give a damn. You'll have to pry the roach out of my cold dead hands!!

h^2 O

Last time I was sick I got some edibles from a dispensary and they saved the day, esp. by allowing me to sleep and taking my mind of the illness. I couldn't sleep more than a half-hour and with the edibles I was able to sleep for hours.

you just gave me a really strange thought - what if the higher potency seen with eating cannabis as opposed to smoking it is due to the fact that when humans first started cultivating it we used it for food.... idk maybe not. I think it's just that eating it provides more bioavailability than smoking it


you just gave me a really strange thought - what if the higher potency seen with eating cannabis as opposed to smoking it is due to the fact that when humans first started cultivating it we used it for food.... idk maybe not. I think it's just that eating it provides more bioavailability than smoking it

The reason for the increased potency is that your body converts 9'delta thc into 12'delta thc which is 20 times as psycho-active!

Smoking Gun

Active member
The reason for the increased potency is that your body converts 9'delta thc into 12'delta thc which is 20 times as psycho-active!

Also the combustion of the plant material and trichomes destroys a percentage of the psychoactive compounds and we never get their benefit.


If my throat hurts then usually not. If not, then my lungs are open for business.:)


Interesting. I suppose I could talk w/ Seamaiden and ask her to whip up something that isn't so deadly. LOL! The brownies she and Nada made last time laid me out for 2 days....I literally couldn't walk. I can laugh about it now, but while I was "in it"...it wasn't so funny.

Interesting input folks. :)
I could certainly try. Or...
They don't need to make them less potent, you just need to eat less.

I'm thinking you could nibble just a corner of the deadly hash brownies. Like 1/4"sq. You ate an entire 2"sq brownie, the same amount *I* ate, and I smoke every day, all day long. Plus I have a lot more body fat than you do, which probably leads to an even higher tolerance. I think you'd have to try the first dose at 6pm or so, since it took at least 2hrs for the effects to set in the last time, IIRC.

Those brownies were the first edibles I've done that actually got me HIGH. I still have them in the freezer, vacuum-sealed and marked with a skull and crossbones.

Smoking Gun

Active member
I could certainly try. Or...

I'm thinking you could nibble just a corner of the deadly hash brownies. Like 1/4"sq. You ate an entire 2"sq brownie, the same amount *I* ate, and I smoke every day, all day long. Plus I have a lot more body fat than you do, which probably leads to an even higher tolerance. I think you'd have to try the first dose at 6pm or so, since it took at least 2hrs for the effects to set in the last time, IIRC.

Those brownies were the first edibles I've done that actually got me HIGH. I still have them in the freezer, vacuum-sealed and marked with a skull and crossbones.

That is exactly it. Most people have "bad" experiences with edibles because they are impatient. You must be patient and allow the food to digest some and then a bit longer to let the effects fully kick in. from there you can assess if you require more or not. I am an everyday smoker and most standard strength edibles have little to no effect on me. So I know I need extra strength edibles, and even at that I tend to only take half of whatever is given to me and let the effects kick in before eating more.


smoking a joint usually cures simple cold, but i have to say i wasn't sick with flue/cold longer than max 2 days in the last 14 years so cant be sure if it helps or not


i only smoke when im congested. the smoking helps me cough to get the phlegm up and the medicinal relax's me so that i can breathe again; after blazing i normally drop 2-3 pseudophed and can breathe for the duration.

DONT SWALLOW THE PHLEGM!!!!!! most people like to hack it back and then spit it up/out DONT DO THAT!!! blow your nose like there is no tomorrow every chance that you feel you need to


Hell I will try to find a way to smoke when I am dead...i would never let a lil sickness stop me lol.....
But seriously when I am congested I don't like to do bong hits that's about it....peace