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do you really loose flavor in hydro ???

El Toker

The fact is that there is no appreciable difference in taste between plants grown in soil and in hydro. You do however get a significantly higher yield in hydro when done properly. The flavour thing is rubbish anyway. Let's face it, skunk isn't a flavour that is ever going to be popular, we smoke it for the effects not because we like the smell of road kill.

"Organic" doesn't mean anything, the whole approach is based on some pseudo scientific nonsense that has been thoroughly debunked a number of times. We've had claims for years about Organic food tasting better, but in studies people couldn't tell the difference. It's really more wishful thinking than science. However, the placebo effect is a powerful thing so we have people who swear by "organic" farming just like we have people who swear by homoeopathy.


some of the best weed i ever smoked was a ecsd I grew in 5 gl.dwc......Far taistier than my soil run.....So I guess your answer is no.
The fact is that there is no appreciable difference in taste between plants grown in soil and in hydro. You do however get a significantly higher yield in hydro when done properly. The flavour thing is rubbish anyway. Let's face it, skunk isn't a flavour that is ever going to be popular, we smoke it for the effects not because we like the smell of road kill.

"Organic" doesn't mean anything, the whole approach is based on some pseudo scientific nonsense that has been thoroughly debunked a number of times. We've had claims for years about Organic food tasting better, but in studies people couldn't tell the difference. It's really more wishful thinking than science. However, the placebo effect is a powerful thing so we have people who swear by "organic" farming just like we have people who swear by homoeopathy.

I agree.

The big deal with organic farming is the positive effect it has on the land being farmed and the absence of dangerous pesticides. As far as taste, nutrition, and all the other bull goes, whatever. I care more about knowing where my food and medicine come from, than anything else.



I'm a hydro man but share the grow rooms with a dirt farmer. He's using Fox Farms; Ocean Forest.
I use Sensi from Advanced with Bud Candy I get the stronger, sticker, smellier , sweeter & more of it. :tiphat:

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Let's face it, cannabis is so easy to grow that many different methods are successful. We ain't growin' orchids folks! The resulting product is impossible to tell apart from other skilled growers using different methods. I'm an organic soilmix grower, but I think it's perfectly possible for hydro methods to perform just as well. The idea that hydro methods can outperform organic has yet to be proven to me, even in the most commonly agreed upon area of yield. Biggest yields I've personally seen have been organic container methods....so far.


Active member
The fact is that there is no appreciable difference in taste between plants grown in soil and in hydro.

Fact? I mean come on man, think about your statement for a second. If it was fact then people wouldn't be able to taste the difference or everybody who has is full of shit (including me according to your fact). I think it's more likely that you haven't tasted the stuff I have or you wouldn't have that opinion you claim as fact.


Active member
some of the best weed i ever smoked was a ecsd I grew in 5 gl.dwc......Far taistier than my soil run.....So I guess your answer is no.

Based on your one soil run?

Do you people see a trend in the responses here? Keep an open mind people. Just because you might not have been able to rock the soil doesn't mean that others haven't.
hyro improperly flushed sucks period, but so does organics, which are just as dam dirty if not more.

the cleanest smoke is hydro. took me a while to learn this but its just common sense.

look into gratful3hads thread in the coco section, 3 week water flush with coco and he cuts out his micro nutes on week 4 of flower, some of u organic guys dont even flush and think your shits cleaner caused its growing in shit, not the case.

gh nutes are refined minreals not synthetic coal tar derivitives, if u think harsh unflushed organic erb has flavour you havent smoked properly flushed hyro yet, i imagine most havent though, who doesnt over feed?


If you want to ask which is best then ask the hydro growers regardless of yield, which method tastes best?
Also ask soil growers have they ever tasted great hydro?
All in all flavor is mostly about terpenoids and a few other compounds found in Cannabis resin. In my years of farming experience I found the best tasting veggies and fruit came from organic home gardeners that have deep, humic acid rich soil that encouraged lots of fine roots supporting mycorrhizas.
The same with Cannabis.
That said I have tasted plants grown hydro or in rockwool that for me it was hard to tell it was not soil grown. So either way can have the potential for success and the best way to decide just might be to grow the same clone side by side, dry and cure the same, and then make an informed decision for your self.
Some people are much more sensitive to smells and tastes then the general population, maybe they would the best people to ask?



Based on your one soil run?

Do you people see a trend in the responses here? Keep an open mind people. Just because you might not have been able to rock the soil doesn't mean that others haven't.

Wow.....who said anything about the number of runs...........
perhaps you dont recognize me cause of my new handle..........
there are clues all over the place........no mind...........go check out my home page......Then you can apoligize to me for your disrespectfull remark.......I ROCK
any medium...........:thank you:


Sam you would know well then that certain strains just preform better all around in certain mediums....
Some clone only strains come to mind like the ECSD.....in my garden with my conditions hydro is the only way to maximise the terpinoid profile for best taste.....I ve run it many times in organic mxes.......tried happy frog with floranova .....used guanos sea kelp molasses all put out excellent results.....but dwc hydro brings it out much better.......
once u get hydro pretty well the romance leaves dirt kind of quickly. only laziness is better n soil and i have to admit thats a huge plus factor for me as watering gets pretty old when u have to do it daily.


Active member
gh nutes are refined minreals not synthetic coal tar derivitives, if u think harsh unflushed organic erb has flavour you havent smoked properly flushed hyro yet, i imagine most havent though, who doesnt over feed?

Flushing will not bring out flavors that aren't there to begin with.

Hydro nutes are to plant's dietary needs as HIDs are to the sun. You can't tell me that a dozen salts are going to bring out all the flavor just like a narrow light spectrum can't get all out of a plant.
Flushing will not bring out flavors that aren't there to begin with.

Hydro nutes are to plant's dietary needs as HIDs are to the sun. You can't tell me that a dozen salts are going to bring out all the flavor just like a narrow light spectrum can't get all out of a plant.

my point is the flavours are in the genes, and that the salts flush out best in hydro leaving u to taste theese, some prefer the additional taste of organics, but the pure cannabis taste is in the genes not the nutes. and water wont bring them out , but wont most certainly mask them in anyway either, again some people like the taste of guano grown erb etc, some like to taste just cannabis when they smoke.

i agree with u on the light spectrum also


Active member
Lots of things are in the genes but without the proper diet don't come out. Do you really believe that a dozen or so salts is everything the plant uses in nature? I got a feeling that there is something else in the soil that helps with the flavor. I've tasted enough grass of the same strains grown both in hydro and organically in soil (when I say organic I mean shit, I don't mean organically derived nutes) and without doubt the organic bud has more flavor, not always the better smoke, like some people have pointed out it can be just as harsh as hydro, but the flavor is more and really comes through when I vape it. The high is the same though.


Well-known member
If you want to ask which is best then ask the hydro growers regardless of yield, which method tastes best?
Also ask soil growers have they ever tasted great hydro?
All in all flavor is mostly about terpenoids and a few other compounds found in Cannabis resin. In my years of farming experience I found the best tasting veggies and fruit came from organic home gardeners that have deep, humic acid rich soil that encouraged lots of fine roots supporting mycorrhizas.
The same with Cannabis.
That said I have tasted plants grown hydro or in rockwool that for me it was hard to tell it was not soil grown. So either way can have the potential for success and the best way to decide just might be to grow the same clone side by side, dry and cure the same, and then make an informed decision for your self.
Some people are much more sensitive to smells and tastes then the general population, maybe they would the best people to ask?


HUMICS ARE EVERYTHING. I grow in rw, and I doubt you would know it. It is all about terpines and a proper leaching of ferts..

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