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Do you pick up hitch-hikers ?

Do you pick up hitch-hikers ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Only females

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • No

    Votes: 19 46.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters


Active member
Hi there, got the idea from smooth b's thread about crazy girls, and randude's story about meeting a crazy girl.

Do you pick up hitch-hikers ?
Would you ?

Maybe only females ?

I am going on a vacation soon, a nice road trip, I might pickup some harmless girl(s), or just some hippie guy

Try not to bring money, and for sure I won't sleep in the car with them, makes for a nice adventure, but it's a gamble.

One of my friends hitch-hiked with a trucker, then he told him he could sleep, he insisted on him taking the bed, so he took it, then the guy started getting undressed, and he asked my friend if he wanted to suck on his dick, so my friend took out a big knife (at least 10 inches blade)
and went into his sleeping bag with the knife

the next morning he woke up, trucker told him to get off the fucking truck


pick up hitch-hikers ?

-Oh, also, if you get an accident here, the hitch-hiker can sue you, and it's illegal to pick them up


I cough up honey oil
Hellzzzz no! I thought about it, but I would feel pretty damn stupid if something happened! Everyone would be like....WTF were you thinkin!!!! and be like.... I was just trying to be NICE! I HAVE pulled over before and watched them run their asses off all happy only to to get dusted like a mofo! But in my defence, I was a jackass kid! it was funny as hell back then though!


Yes I have picked up a few in my day, Everybody needs a ride sometimes..
i do, only when I have my .45 in my left hand. Not a joke, it is usually on my lap pointed at them. I make it very clear I have a weapon and if they want a ride, its under my rules. Most are very cool about it and the ones that aren't, well.... they wait for another car.

I have a friend who's cousin used to hitchhike, until a person picked him up and stabbed him 64 times, and left him dead on the highway..


Picked up hitchers many times when driving to the university. Usually girls or couples. Never liked to pick up guys, but if it was a rainy day I made an exception...everything was cool till one day....

We were 2 in my car with lots of stuff on the back seats and in the trunk. It was starting to snow. There was a "girl" hitching right before you drive on the highway. We said...damn, poor girl, lets stop. "She" had long blonde hair, was dressed like hare-krishna folks and had only a small backpack. We stopped on the side of the road and "she" came in. My friend moved on the back seat and "she" was on the passenger one. "She" said silently that she had no voice, because "she" has been hitching for 4 hours. We kept driving thinking that "she" goes to the same place that we are. When we were 20 mins from our campus the MOTHER FUCKER that we tought was a girl said with a really low voice that we will take him wherever he wants and that we must keep driving.

Some explanation before the end story...at that time I had a honda jazz....it had some kinda knobs on the side of the front seats. If you pulled that knob the seat was "unlocked" and free to go back and forth. Of course the knob could be activated from the passenger on the back seat.

Back to the story. HE wanted us to drive through the city into a kinda farming area. At that point we were pretty scared, because he was holding a hand in his bag and he could have a gun. Then I remembered that once while we were "drifting" that guy on the back seat pulled that knob on my seat and I almost broke my teeth on the steering wheel. So I started to make signs to him to pull that knob on his seat. Then he counted like the 3,2,1 thing with the fingers and I was looking in the mirror. I slowly shifted from the fifth gear in the second and kept pushing the clutch. On 1 he pulled the knob and I shot the foot off the clutch and hit on the brake.The car stopped from 80 kmh in almost 2 seconds. The mother fucker on the passenger seat almost broke the windscreen with his head. I released his seatbelt and hit him with an elbow in the temporal area. The guy on the back seat jumped out and dragged the hitcher out. Then we quickly drove away with his bag. In the bag there was a butterfly knife, some toilet paper, a sandwich, a towell and a porn magazine... We didnt call the police or anything. I just regret that we didnt at least broke his jaw :D


Only picked up somebody once, I was driving back through the mountains at night from a snowboarding resort in a little dodge colt sport, and two guys who were walking on the side of the road waved at me. So I stopped, turned out they had been chasing their hunting dogs for miles through the mountains after a bear (that explained the rifles they had), they were cold, tired and miles from anywhere. The only time I stop is for stranded people.


Active member
man that's a fucked up story

and the one with the .45 is very funny, who cares, as long as they don't try any shit they have a free ride, for sure I would ride with you

kiree: you should have taken his identity, so you know where he lives (probably nowhere)
and at least cut off his penis

the guy deserved a beating]

Me and my friend went to the beach, and on the road to go out, there's this guy, big guy, bald head, big muscular type, he waves, so me good guy (dumb guy) I roll down window, ask whatsup , he says, he got an accident on his 4 wheeler, I asked from far away you know

then we got a bad vibe from him, my friend says, then where the fuck is his helmet

I ask him, where the fuck is your helmet ?

I didn't even stay for an aswer

I called the cops, I figure if he needed help, then help will come to him, I told him we thought he was a thief


@ rabbit

The guy didnt have any wallet/ID/money. At least didnt in his bag. If he had, the address would probably be his mothers and he lives under a bridge :D...But If I will ever meet that guy again...remember the american history x curb scene ? thats gonna happen to him. Ive lost at least 2 years of my life that day because the high stress....


i picked one up once...
i live in a small ass town in florida and this girl asked if she could get a ride to her car a few miles down the road, she looked small enough and non-threatening so i was like whatever. i ride with my .45 everywhere i go so worst comes to worst i was gonna shoot this chick if she tried to do something stupid. i had just stopped at the gas station to get some blunts and was about to crack one open and get down to my task at hand... next thing she tells me is i need 3 dollars, and i'm willing to work for it. wtf i just had picked up a 3 dollar crack whore!!! i dropped her off with the quickness and now refuse to pick up anyone else.


Active member
@ rabbit

Ive lost at least 2 years of my life that day because the high stress....

what do you mean ?

it really shook you ?

i picked one up once...
I need 3 dollars, and i'm willing to work for it. wtf i just had picked up a 3 dollar crack whore!!! i dropped her off with the quickness and now refuse to pick up anyone else.

lol, that's sad, at least she wasn't expecting it for free man, gotta give her that LOL


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ICMag Donor
My buddy and I picked up a hitchhiker back in HS once.

We were driving around some farm roads in his big ass chevy impala. This wasn't a new impala but a vintage 1970s big block Impala -the thing was a beast. So anyways, rural MO we are hotboxing in the middle of BFE when we come across this guy hitching. I being stoned, young and naive go "lets give that guy a ride." I mean its the middle of nowhere and looks like its about to rain, seemed like a good thing to do.

The guy gets in the back next to my buddies shelf speakers he was using as a stereo, and we set off. He didn't look like a crazy guy, not clean cut but not charles manson either. All he had was a backpack that he was cradling, and I ask him "what you got in the bag?" Normally I'm not nosy but I was thinking he might have some pot and be willing to match. After I ask he promptly goes "NONE of your fucking BUSINESS."

Not exactly the response I was expecting so I kinda turn around and try act like I didn't just shit myself. This guy wasn't huge but between my friend and I we barely broke 200lbs soaking wet. So we drive for a bit, and my friend says "We gotta make a stop for some gas."

At the gas station I ask the guy again, "Just between you and me, I got some weed if you got some in that backpack of yours.." Again I get "NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS."

So I get out of the car meekly as possible, and we are both like "we need to get this guy out of the car." So when hes done pumping the gas we get back in and he hands the hitchhiker the money for the gas and goes "Hey can you run inside and pay and get us some drinks?" The guy takes it and starts to get out of the car, as hes doing so he no longer is cradling the bag like he was. So me being a smartass, I decide to make a grab for his bag and hope like hell he can't back in the car in time.

Well he kinda does. I'm leaned over the seat (low bench seats in front) holding on to one strap and this guy is half in the car tugging on the other strap with the door wide open. My buddy guns the engine and drops it in gear and the car jumps forward. When that happens the heavy ass old school steel American Made door swings back and slams the guy into the side of the car and he loses his grip. All the while hes screaming like a banshee about his bag.

We take off out of there, bag in hand. That was the only time I ever picked up a hitcher.


what do you mean ?

it really shook you ?

Now, I was a freshman at university...immagine a strange human being, that looks like a big woman and talks like a man and keeps looking you like hannibal lecter would (with a psycho smile) and is pointing at you something in his bag. And moreover you are driving on a secondary road through fields of corn at night. I was fuc*in scared . The sucker could have killed us both...If I knew that he had only a butterfly knife I would smashed his head on the dashboard when he started behaving like a psycho. But we thought he had a gun.

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