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Do YOU Periodically Vent with a CO2 Burner?


I'm curious to hear a few opinions on whether or not to periodically vent an extremely well sealed room running a CO2 burner. I am at the crossroads of whether to cut some holes in walls for intake and exhaust... I had originally planned to just run completely sealed for added security but am now debating. Your experience would be much appreciated. Thanks.


If you have the space rough in an intake and an exhaust. You don't have to use them, but they will be there if you need them. Also in a sealed room early and late in flower you want to hit environmental co2 levels. You either need a completely adjustable ppm controller or air exchange to do that. I would never consider not having either co2 enrichment or air exchange.


Rubbing my glands together
Been running seal rooms for 14 years. No problems with co2, bottled or burner, no need for vents. Guess it all boils down to doing what makes YOU comfortable.


If you have the space rough in an intake and an exhaust. You don't have to use them, but they will be there if you need them. Also in a sealed room early and late in flower you want to hit environmental co2 levels. You either need a completely adjustable ppm controller or air exchange to do that. I would never consider not having either co2 enrichment or air exchange.

Hey thanks for the advice guys. theother - what do you mean by hit environmental co2 levels early and late? Saying drop co2 at the end of the cycle to outside ambient air?


Registered Non-Conformist
The oldschool way - which is hard to accomplish - is to vent the room 2x per light cycle, and then refill with co2 to 1200-1500ppm, again venting at lights out and of course not refilling until lights on.


Been running seal rooms for 14 years. No problems with co2, bottled or burner, no need for vents. Guess it all boils down to doing what makes YOU comfortable.
I totally agree with this. Also different locations work better different ways. Complete ppm control negates the need for any air exchange.
Hey thanks for the advice guys. theother - what do you mean by hit environmental co2 levels early and late? Saying drop co2 at the end of the cycle to outside ambient air?

Yep, that's it. Also I do like the ability to exchange air as a safety thing, set a thermostat a few degrees higher than your ac will let I t get and you get a little piece of mind. SOme of the new gardens are so bad ass though even that's unnecessary, I like the gavita (and probably more soon) lighting controllers that will dim the lamps if an ac fails.

the gnome

Active member
I run sealed, no in or out take of air
unless you choose to vent at nite for the RH spike after lites out I see no need.
seems like more work time and money imo,
depending where your pulling from intake air has to be conditioned for temps and humidity,
and you risk introducing molds and bugs
the exhaust has to be scrubbed for odor most of the time.

i run a couple dehuey's at nite,
I have a can 150 scrubber and 12"maxfan but don't even use that,
the only smell that gets out is opening the door, a can of smell good takes care of that


Cool, thanks for the advice guys. I think for now I am going to give the super sealed + CO2 a go but leave my options open for the venting if I need it. The venting does really seem like way more headaches between pests, smell, and wasted CO2.
I guess perhaps the real key will be a high quality dehumidifier.

the gnome

Active member
Cool, thanks for the advice guys. I think for now I am going to give the super sealed + CO2 a go but leave my options open for the venting if I need it. The venting does really seem like way more headaches between pests, smell, and wasted CO2.
I guess perhaps the real key will be a high quality dehumidifier.
when i built my room the de huey' were one of the last things to get,
by that time I was over waay budget and sadly underfunded ...lol
so getting a $2000 sante fe was a prob, at least til funds started coming.
talking to a fella in washington state, basically a rain forest,
with the same size wattage and room size.
he told me he used a couple 45pt sears units
so i bought 2 50pt freidrich's for $500 and i had a temp-rh-co2 data logger to monitor the nite time conditions
the freid's handle the rh spike no probs.
I'm on my 3rd harvest and they are humming along.

these dehuey's aren't meant to be used in the types of RH the grow room produces,
curious enuff I also read the same with the heavy duty sante fe
I was looking at :shucks:
when the freid's kick the bucket I may try a sante fe.

anyways, food for thought and my :2cents:

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