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"80,000 Copies Of I-1068 Will Be In The Stranger On June 23
Written by Philip Dawdy on June 21, 2010 — 5 Comments

You read that right. Sensible Washington–thanks to our many supporters’ contributions–is paying to have I-1068 inserted into each copy of The Stranger’s 80,000 print run this Wednesday June 23rd. We’ll also have a full page ad explaining to people how they can sign the initiative, get their friends and family to sign it, and send it on into us by the end of June 28th."

So we all complain about how badly run and poorly financed this initiative is. Well time to get off our #@&*(!#&! and pick up 5 copies of the stranger. Bribe 4 friends and all go get 100 signatures each. If we all do that it will be 500 New Signatures each. Don't sit there and talk about it just do it.

If this doesn't make it who knows when and if we will see this chance again. Don't let everyone else do the work that is the problem. We just need each and everyone to collect signatures so that the real hard battles can begin!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
If cali, oregon, and washigton could all legalize the west coast would soon be the richest place in the united states. between the pot and hemp industries billions could be made every year.


i have 11 signatures and turned in 1 full sheet already. plus registered a few folks to boot.
I have a booth at TacomaHempFestival, I will be collecting signatures and we have some very nice young ladies who also will be roaming the crowds collecting signatures at both the fest and taste of tacoma.

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