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Active member
I spend way to much time on my kitchen floor looking for some tiny seed that just flew out of my hands. Why does the seed have to squirt out of the calyx? Have any of the supposedly serious breeders ever even addressed this topic? It might not be the primary reason so many people like to go from cuttings instead, but its got to be pretty high up on the list.
Not a serious breeder but I just grind heavily seeded buds into a metal mesh strainer which isn't so great for the bud quality but being rounded like a bowl it collects the seeds up like nothing else and you don't have to chop up to have a toke afterwards either which is nice.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Tired of hard drives failing without any warning,
ten months should not be a lifetime for drives.

Lost data as I was backing up the most recent drive.

Switching to SSD's, but its not gonna' be cheap.


Crotchety Old Crotch
I was told to change my account name, by another site - some fans of their new Prez complained. I said to delete the account entirely & I'm outta there.

So it begins, folks - the ones who had no issues with 8 years of complete and utter bullshit treatment of PBO, now are special snowflakes who need safe spaces to avoid being triggered.

Fuck that nonsense.

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