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Do you know how to defend yourself ? / Have you ever been attacked ?

  • Thread starter longearedfriend
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the thing with mace, here you are not allowed even for personal use, you can get charged after for using it...

you have to debate it in court and all that, prove it was for self-defense

also... I have this belief that... carrying mace or a weapon might make trouble appear
because if you carry a weapon is because you fear, and if you have fear, I don't know

it's a bit of a magical thinking but I believe it's like if your awaiting it
live by the sword die by the sword

I do have some mace in my car because I go out camping a lot, I would hate to use it on someone

road rage can really turn bad to the point of people getting slayed

bullfrog, to answer :
Why do you ask? What is your answer to all this? Do you know how to defend yourself? Have you been in a fight? Are you scared of society?
I asked because I had an incident just happen, and it's not the first time, I just came out of my self-defense class too
Do I know how to defend myself, I would have to say that I am not yet where I'd like to be, I know some techniques

Have I been in a fight ? no not really, I stay away as much as possible
had a lot of close calls

one time a group of guys wanted to rob me, guy swang at me, I duck and he misses.
Talk about reflexes, I chose to run away since they we're like 4, it was a couple of years ago

am I scared of society ? I dunno what to think of that question...............
I am sure you know how it is out there man

wouldn't say that i'm scared of society but I am a very prudent person and know what's out there

a lot of people on this site stay away from general population as much as they can

this guy that delivers flyers (from stores) on my street was delivering them and these kids asked for some, he said they need to call the the company so their adress could be added to a list

they asked again, he said he couldn't

the guy is missing all his front teeth now
upper and lower



stone fool
Yeah, most committed wins, but preparation helps. I have a fondue fork in my visor, stick a gun in my window, I'll grab it, direct it, maybe get shot, then I pluck your eye out with the fork, and shove it in your mouth, and drive away. I have already decided this. Knock on my door, you are standing in a kill zone, I do not answer that door, I will come up behind you. Planning can help.

But I didn't plan on the gal I fed for thirty years slipping the blade in from my back.


Game Bred
Brazilian jiu jitsu is the only practical"self defense" i would advise...

all others rely on repetition of movement without active resistance whereas,BJJ is taught under real world conditions at full strength.

it's fun and empowering to practice your horse stance blocks and thrust punches in front of a mirror but, 90% of fights in the street end up on the ground and instinct combined with muscle memory will keep panic at bay and logic at the forefront in a hostile situation.

Spend 2 hours a day 3 days a week actually rolling with other people full strength and you will be ready for any street fight.

"they choose how they lose" Helio Gracie.

not to mention if you go to your local BJJ gym you most likely will get to choke COPS!!!
every gym i've rolled at has several LEO training there and it's the only chance you get to practice grappling with them legally!

master shake

Active member
Brazilian jiu jitsu is the only practical"self defense" i would advise...

all others rely on repetition of movement without active resistance whereas,BJJ is taught under real world conditions at full strength.

it's fun and empowering to practice your horse stance blocks and thrust punches in front of a mirror but, 90% of fights in the street end up on the ground and instinct combined with muscle memory will keep panic at bay and logic at the forefront in a hostile situation.

Spend 2 hours a day 3 days a week actually rolling with other people full strength and you will be ready for any street fight.

"they choose how they lose" Helio Gracie.

not to mention if you go to your local BJJ gym you most likely will get to choke COPS!!!
every gym i've rolled at has several LEO training there and it's the only chance you get to practice grappling with them legally!

lol I could take that old guy...youtube:


Just train, do an art and carry a weapon and if theres trouble you probably fucked up somewhere along the line....if not you should be ok


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
silver gloves state champion boxer as a child, Army veteran, took taekwondo (spelling) in korea for the basics, the heart of a lion, and I sleep with a .45, metal baseball bat, and a flahslight.

Most important, heart of a lion, knock me out or kill me is my motto, completely incapacitate me. If I feel threatend I go for the kill not the take down I will rip a trachea right out of someones neck and snack on it.


I grew up being taught you don't start shit but you better finish it. I actually got grounded before for loosing a fight.

Mr. Fantastic

It's like this, you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Do not put yourself in situations where you become vulnerable to attack/robbery. It doesn't matter how much training you have, it is very hard to overcome a group of grown men, especially with an ambush. I prefer if I am going out at night to go in groups. It helps I have several friends who are marines or trained in mma. Avoid being alone at night period. If you do carry a weapon know how to use it properly. Given an attack your first defense should be an attempt to run. Sounds pussy but you never know who you are about to tango with. I have a friend who is 5'10 max and doesn't look so big. Well he is a black belt and when he throws a punch the fight is over. He has dropped big muscle heads time and time again. In close quarter combat headbutts and and strikes to the throat are good moves. Again I think the best defense is to try to flee the scene.


silver gloves state champion boxer as a child, Army veteran, took taekwondo (spelling) in korea for the basics, the heart of a lion, and I sleep with a .45, metal baseball bat, and a flahslight.

Most important, heart of a lion, knock me out or kill me is my motto, completely incapacitate me. If I feel threatend I go for the kill not the take down I will rip a trachea right out of someones neck and snack on it.


I grew up being taught you don't start shit but you better finish it. I actually got grounded before for loosing a fight.

prison is not a problem huh

I tryed some jiu-jitsu (related to gracie)
didn't get that much into it but I think it was more the atmosphere then the teachings


( in primal animal, running means weak

Fleeing is a self-preservation strategy. You flee. You live. Your genes stay in the gene pool another day.

The following quote is from Julian's massive outdoor thread. I think it's a good addition to this thread and speaks volumes about the subject.

[FONT=&quot]Well, before I add anything, let me say I have no solid position, respect any and all participants, and, would never speak ill of any, nor discredit the same....

Just casual talking.....just real.......[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Originally Posted by GorillaGrower [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]you might also be surprised to find out.. eye gouges,,laryx grabs and the like dont work as well as movies and combat training leads anyone to believe. ..[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]You should get out more....I used those as examples because such are things that I've seen......we're talking real......

Which kind of leads to the reason why I said it and mentioned it....

I have seen more people with "training" (As I am sure many have) get lulled into a false sense of confidence inside a protected environment, to only be seriously hurt when getting into it with someone in a environment not controlled.....

See......in the world...it is kill or be killed......and, I think people have a problem understanding that, and that it is what is truly needed.....

You have schools......that, of course, charge money....... Few would be satisfied if their training took 15-20-25 years instead of much less.....(I don't think most would rise to the levels they do in their chosen arts in the native region at the speed they do.....)

I think the same applies to many who are armed.......to purchase,to shoot one thing......actually do what is necessary without hesitation as called for seems to be something many can't do, and, as such...(again, I am sure many would agree)....shouldn't have them then to begin with........

The same could be said that what happens when one applies a hold they have learned and the fucker take a chunk the size of a racquetball out of your arm..(seen that too.....)...or your ear.....or a nose......(much more common then it sounds...)

The laryx was referring to I once saw someone caught full force in the throat with the real end of a pool cue....

Only point I was trying to make, was, as above....not to discredit anything , or anyone, just point out the differences between controlled environment and spur of moment real life....

Your not facing an opponent who has been trained as you......and many may not be willing to go to the lengths your opponent will....and....not prepared to either............(Which means they have already lost even before it has begun.....)[/FONT]

And for all those who keep a knife/bat/maglite/whatever handy... if you're afraid/unwilling to use it... ditch it. Semi-recently witnessed someone pull a knife in a scuffle (thinking that the fear of getting stabbed would get his attacker off him) only to suffer a concussion + multiple broken bones.



Active member
LEF,may i ask what type of self defence are you are taking ? and is the teacher making it easy for you to understand? and do you spar in class?


Active member
If you're attacked in the street, use your mace. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. If it's a serious threat and you are in close, attack the eyes. No one can withstand a poke in the eye, and if you learn eye strikes, you can use your thumbs to permanently disable them. Not everyone has the time or inclination to master BJJ.
There is a martial art that deals just with eye strikes, but I forgot the name of it. But really, if your not a trained fighter, and are defending yourself, use your mace.
It really works, and then just walk away. I never walk around without it, and I have walked some mean streets at night alone in foreign countries.


bentom :

Krav Maga

yeah he makes it easy for us to understand, the teacher is a really cool guy, I know he does it because he likes it. He really wants us to do the techniques well. I am really grateful. I went to the next city to check out the class/trainer before enlisting, trainer was really good too but the class was twice as big. So being in a small class, teacher can take more time for us, the classes also last half an hour more then they are supposed to.

it's a great experience so far

the cardio work out we do is great and it's really down to business


and yes we do sparring but it's more for advanced students
we sometimes put on boxing gloves and go at it

but these days we learn a lot of techniques


Active member
ok,if it suites you and you have a instructor who can/will break down all the questions you may have its a good first step.
but there is no substitute for experience,you need to test it out in a controlled enviorment(teacher present) & any sort of two man drills that let you learn the applications of the forms.
then get profficient at them.

good luck


Active member
After years of training martial arts and mma in a controlled environment (kenpo, bjj, muay thai, kung fu), and having a handful of pissing contest brawls when i was younger, my solution to self defense is prevention. I've grappled/sparred with some tough dudes and never ever would i want to engage in a real altercation if i ever had the choice.

There is always someone tougher than you with less to lose. In a ring, under supervised rules, ill spar with people that outclass me physically anyday. But you couldnt pay me enough to fight some random dude. All it takes is a nice slip on the concrete, or getting wacked in head by someone's friend to end your life . People get hurt all the time sparring on soft padded matt being nice to each other.

it is ironic, the more i train (over 15 years now), the more i respect the ability of people to hurt each other. That being said, you never know what kind of shady characters will be lurking about in even the nicest of areas.

Running is superior and less risky when possible. After that, the first and foremost thing to do is look for or have a weapon.

If a 'fight' is unavoidable, the best self defense in my opinion is superior conditioning. When adrenaline starts rushing, most people (including me) get tired WAYon quicker than under normal circumstances. You can have all the ideas of techniques you wanna try (throat, eyes, etc) but that will not mean anything if you lose your breath after you get knocked hard in the head or get thrown on the ground.

Often people assume that going for the 'dirty' tactics or willingness to go nuts will give one a big advantage in a fight, but without the physical attributes to back it up, its pretty useless. Furthermore, It is not easy to eye gouge someone that knows what they're doing, nor is it easy to punch there throat in. Shit, even landing a straight right hand could prove to be challenging.

There are dudes so strong that with no training at all can kick my ass by accident during training. There are other dudes that dont' even budge after i tee off on em full force. So although training is awesome, it is more of a recreational activity for fitness and spirituality than a crutch to allow me to strut like a badass in shady areas.


High Grade Specialist
ive never been in a fight my entire life.

only one time it was close but i could defuse the situation.
i was walking to the gym late at night and this weird russian dude came walking next to me, saying weird shit like "hey i know you from blabla" and trying to fuck with me. he was drugged up or sth acting really strange.

i said "i dont wanna talk to you" and kept on walking, so he was walking behind me and started screaming at me "oh youre soo cool huh?" blabla. when i came to my bus stop i had to wait for the bus so he caught up with me again. started talking more shit. i looked him dead in the eye and said "keep on walking". he got real aggressive got all in my face "keep on walking OR WHAT?"

i took a step back, still looked him dead in the eye and said "im done talking to you, go away". then he left still cursing and hailing insults. i kept looking at him saying nothing till he left around the corner.

i think i handled the situation pretty well, couldve easily escalated into a fight if i had shown any weakness. this dude was just out looking to start some shit apparently. and im not a figher ... im a lover ;)


Cannabrex Formulator
I managed to convince all the bullies in my school that I was a raving wingnut who would burn down their house and shave their dog if they fucked with me....and they all left me alone.

Great way to avoid fights....people have a natural aversion to fucking about with whackadoos.


Freedom Fighter
I managed to convince all the bullies in my school that I was a raving wingnut who would burn down their house and shave their dog if they fucked with me....and they all left me alone.

Great way to avoid fights....people have a natural aversion to fucking about with whackadoos.

That's the one...but ya really have to be one, too!!:tiphat:
Almost every man on Earth- from limp-wristed middle-aged guys trying out a pseudo hippie "above the violence" persona to Marines- consider themselves complete and utter experts on any potentially violent hypothetical.

Or at least, every man on the internet.

"If I were ever attacked by a gang of 13 men, I'd definitely punch them in throat at a 45 degree angle. then I'd use my muy thai training. My under-stated yet devastating power will surely get me out of any potential situation. I'm better than all of you posers. Jah bless."
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