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Do you have an accent?


livin my way the high way
seamaiden if you were a real southerner you would call it a soft drink or cold drink! or better yet, coke! haha

alabama ftmfw

yep, where im from the waitress comes and asks what type of coke youd like.......... even if they serve pepsi. lol. never heard soda or pop till i went to college


Active member
i have whatever accent i want, except, well, for some reason, i cant imitate my own local accent lol


yeah texans have a unique twang and socal folks do have their own accent as well. every different southern state and even different tiers of society in our states have their own accents too. course yall californians typically have no clue about any of this because you know nothing about us other than what youve seen in the movies or read in your warped history books. rarely in the movies do you ever see a true southerner being cast in the role of southern people. all you see is yankees and west coasters and (bleh) english and australians trying to pretend like theyre southern. we definitely can tell the difference and it sounds awful to us.
:biggrin: lol frito, you mean like errol flyn? ya i agree.


Well-known member
I'm an Alabama refugee, and while it's not that heavy, I still have that Southern accent thing going on. But put me back with my people for any length of time, and you'd think I'd never been off outta my home county.


Naaaar lol

BOLLOCKS! there u go :biggrin:


Actually theres loads in england,Im manchester [mancunian] accent
[Or [itv's,"tv"] coronation street lol].Or Manchester United! i support Liverpool tho! :) [if any]
Born in Nantwich (a not far away town) so im a "Dabber" statistically .


Folks from Oklahoma sound a lot like Texans to my ear. Never been to Oklahoma, and it's probably gonna stay that way.
you want a shock come live in hawaii...it's a whole nother country

But they still speak English there, right? You want a culture shock? Go live in Puerto Rico. Now that's a culture shock. Brush up on your Spanish if you want to go somewhere other than San Juan, though!

You know whose accent I never could quite get? Julia Child's. I thought she was born and raised in California and I could have sworn that's part of the U.S. of A.


Lammen Gorthaur
I've been in Texas so long my Southern accent now has a Texas twang.