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do you guys like great pyrenees dogs?


Active member
sorry im tired of the heavy stuff, and just walked my bro who doesnt care about this shit...like im trying to get back too.

just wanted to know if you guys have been around the nicest dog breed there is 'great pyrenees'...mean bark, intimidate size, but really gentle and nice...pits love 'em too.






My aunt and uncle had one of these. Was just how you described. Awesome dog indeed. ... I got bit by a full size St Bernard about a month ago, so I dont know about those guys. Only dog Ive ever been bitten by.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
These dogs get huge! The only one I have every seen wasn't very bright.


Active member
These dogs get huge! The only one I have every seen wasn't very bright.

nope they arent labs...they do what they want....i could tell my boy yukon to "sit" all day and he'd look at me like....huh...why?

....like i said fuk it....and throw a ball to fetch...haha....forget it...they dont even think about that either.

thats cool shit to me tho...they dont need that kind of training...they just chill...and bark when they hear/sense something.


my buddies have a great pyranese and ive got a mastif chow mix

they are such gentle giant dogs


Active member
my last dog 'milla' was a komondor...everyone whos been here a minute knows that and seen pics of her....i miss her alot ....and we got yukon because the only dog/animal/person/anything that milla liked in the whole world was a neighbors great pyrenees dog....she never met him face to face but she adored him from afar.....he died before she did, but thats the reason we got a pyrenees.

komondors arent nice dogs...and pits dont stand a chance unless they like eating fur...and even trained pits are only half as mean as komondors. (koms are hungarian bred livestock guards)..descendent of russian ovtcharkas

looks like milla:

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Ill never own anything but Saints from now on.

Newfies and Pyrenees are great to. Perfect for families.


Active member
the saints are great dogs...are yours short or long fur?

newfies love the water sooooo much its just cool....pyrenees....nah...give 'em snow

and the saints ive known prefer snow too.

komondors...snow...no water...fukin takes days to dry they coat.

Rollin Face

aww man your bringing back memories!! My family used to raise and breed Great Pryen. for years! Introduce pure studs and make offspring for sale, expensive dogs if boughten with tags etc...good size litters as well...and like everyone said, just the most fun loving, playful dogs in the world, SOO family oriented, NEVER violent to me or my family...but to others, youd better watch out, theyll eat your throat out, lol.

I miss those dogs, i cant believe that at one time, we owned 3 full sized, 2 male and 1 mother...they tore shit up inside the house ill tell ya that much, size 11 sneakers were chew toys!!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
They're gorgeous dogs. I would consider that breed when it's time for us to get a dog....we don't have a big enough yard or fence, so we can't even think about a dog yet.


Active member
aww man your bringing back memories!! My family used to raise and breed Great Pryen. for years! Introduce pure studs and make offspring for sale, expensive dogs if boughten with tags etc...good size litters as well...and like everyone said, just the most fun loving, playful dogs in the world, SOO family oriented, NEVER violent to me or my family...but to others, youd better watch out, theyll eat your throat out, lol.

I miss those dogs, i cant believe that at one time, we owned 3 full sized, 2 male and 1 mother...they tore shit up inside the house ill tell ya that much, size 11 sneakers were chew toys!!

i got yukon from a farm in nebraska....where his parents 'worked'....i drove 500 miles to get him, and love him to death.

he still likes mud puddle water more than clean bowl water...and of course doesnt care what i say....when your dogs your best friend what the fuk can u say?

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
"Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies." -Gene Hill


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Active member
yeah they cute:


they turn into this, but just as sweet:...looks just like yukon