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Do you ever vape when you are feeling sick?


New member
this afternoon I started getting the chills then feeling real hot, achey and sore throat and my joints hurt and I don't feel really nauseated but my stomach just feels shitty. I fire up the vape and though I still feel sick, it really helps, I feel better then even if I took some Nyquil or Dayquil, that stuff makes me feel strange and strung out. Every time I've gotten sick over the last year I've been smoking then vaping, even smoking really helped me out.

Anyone else want to share their miracle marijuana cures? :)


Active member
When I have a sore throat, vaping or eating is the only way I can medicate. Smoking hurts my throat so much the irritation is overbearing. I find that if I turn my vaporizor a bit lower than normal setting, I find it is easier on the lungs


Being a medical marijuana user saved me from certain death.Im on 360mg of Oxycontin and puke every day sometimes all day.I've gone from 410lbs to 247lbs which is a few pounds lost due to puking and no appetite.I use marijuana before meals and sometimes after meals to help keep that meal inside me and not floating in the porcelin tuba.But alas I live in a stae thats dragging its collective feet and hasnt passed the MMj bill....yet..Peace BigD

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