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Do you believe that curses are real?


As a scientific kind of person I have trouble understanding some things and I have to say the most puzzling of all is this thing they call raykee. No not the turkish alcoholic national drink. The thing they do with their hands above bodies. I mean in principle it would be fantastic if it worked or could be proven to work. Alas I'm told it can't work in doubters so I've never been a good candidate for a self test.

Curses, voodoo, black magic and evil eye are recurring themes in history across cultures.

I wonder whether anyone believes that a person's fate or destiny can be controlled by the evil wishes of someone other than themselves.



3rd-Eye Jedi
a curse doesn't have to be real to evoke a real psychological response and therein lies the basis for the cognitive dissonance

the fact that you are "so scientific" makes that cognitive dissonances greater because as a self constructed belief it is challenged by facets of the human condition such as perception and psychology which seem to work against science but in reality they do not.

not at all, they simply obey different scientific laws some of which are till being unraveled by the very science you believe in.

might seem abstract but this tGD lyric reveals the same concept in esoteric terms

"I can tell your future Look what's in your hand"


Active member
Not wishes, energy. It's not intent of the ego.

Same way subconscious turmoil can promote disease. Then again it may all be point of view.


New member
Modern science doesn't hold the spiritual world in high regard. The modern world follows that same paradigm. Science is based around a lot of unproven, invisible, theories of existence which in reality isn't much different then a faith based reality founded on invisible forces of God,Earth,Spirits, etc...
I think there are dimensions of existence dimensions of the flesh and dimensions of other body forms(spirit world). just imho, peace


3rd-Eye Jedi
the spirit world consists of unseen causation of which science has identified but not unified some of the underlying phenomenon but to think that they both aren't simply different takes on the same reality is where most people let it get ugly

a easy to grasp example would be of a deaf assessing the world with their eyes and a blind person assessing the world with their ears

are they sensing two different worlds that are independent of each other or are they experiencing one world through independent senses which in many situations are unified in the same person (i.e. they see and hear the same world with both senses interdependent but brought together for further purpose by the mind)

that is a rhetorical question fwiw


Active member
Supernatural beliefs are by definition faith-based beliefs. The opposite of a faith-based belief is an evidence-based belief.

If it can't be objectively demonstrated or measured it is indistinguishable from pure fiction. Faith-based beliefs are as valid as anything anyone could make up on the spot.


Seed Whore
If they were real I think Trump would be feeling some needles right now.

Maybe I got the wrong doll.

Should have known it was a fake Trump doll when it said "Made in Hong Kong". :laughing:

I think Putin has the real doll.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Supernatural beliefs are by definition faith-based beliefs. The opposite of a faith-based belief is an evidence-based belief.

If it can't be objectively demonstrated or measured it is indistinguishable from pure fiction. Faith-based beliefs are as valid as anything anyone could make up on the spot.

absolute nonsense

there is no supernatural there are simply phenomenon which have more than one explanation to their occurrence some of which are anecdotal and some of which are more scientifically formal

non of our interpretations create the phenomenon they simply dictate how we perceive it and thus create the framework in which we work with it, the results of which do not express in absolute or binary terms which is the ultimate condition of our experiential reality

the delusion is thinking because you can segment them in your mind that they are actually mutually exclusive when they observe the same reality and both can achieve like results

of course everyone is so entrenched in belief in ONE thing such as science or religion that they don't coexist gracefully already which s the real detrimental limiter of belief yet it is the reality that we experience today


Active member
If you can't demonstrate it or prove it with evidence, how do you know it's real?

Personal experience doesn't count. Anecdote has been used to 'justify' belief in literally every crazy ass thing that's ever been imagined.

How specifically do you differentiate between a supernatural belief and pure fiction, barring our very very very biased personal experiences?


ICMag Donor
I wonder whether anyone believes that a person's fate or destiny can be controlled by the evil wishes of someone other than themselves.


Ever heard of MK Ultra?

Curse of all curses so far as I can tell & it’s as real as it gets.

IMHO, most, if not all, psychological disorders are nothing more than curses.

And then...
Why is cursing (cussing) called cursing?

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
I'm a skeptic, however, given different levels of observation skills,
magic, spells and various elements of the occult are of interest to me.

I had an event of sympathetic magic way back. My girlfriend
thought she was pregnant this one time and we worried about it.

At that time I happened to be painting the shed barn red and soaked
the paint roller in the utility sink after the job.

Looked like a big bloody tampon in a pool of blood.

She got her period the next day.

Clearly there was no science to back up the effect,
but it can play havoc with the observable concept of science.

Knock wood, lol


3rd-Eye Jedi
If you can't demonstrate it or prove it with evidence, how do you know it's real?

Personal experience doesn't count. Anecdote has been used to 'justify' belief in literally every crazy ass thing that's ever been imagined.

How specifically do you differentiate between a supernatural belief and pure fiction, barring our very very very biased personal experiences?

the same way it worked before science defined it with hard evidence

soil borne microbial interactions have only been observable on a microbial level since the invention of the microscope but farmers exploited those relationships through observed gross causation of their plants in those specific environments

all science does is view the phenomenon from a different lens and even then it is not always from a perspective that is relative to the human condition

there are simply more than one way to understand the very real basis of any phenomenon then through a granular scientific lens of which there are many scientific lens in which any phenomenon can be looked at especially when it is put into context with humanity

we don't need to know wind velocity to fly a kite, we don't need to know physics to drive a car and there are plenty of aspects of our world that are still undefined by science yet here we are none the less.

Take the science of driving a car for example, which science explains the phenomenon of the phenomenon of driving? the chemistry that defines the fuel? the math behind the engineering? the biology behind our physiology that drives it or enjoys the driving or understands it outside of all the sciences that can be used to define it?

If you where to take a scientific look at belief relative to our evolution and social development you might realize it is an inseparable part of the human condition and even those "practical enough" to believe in anything but science are steeped in DELUSIONAL belief because science doesn't describe the interactions of disparate scientific phenomenon no matter the entanglement. The car example above is one illustration.


As a scientific kind of person I have trouble understanding some things and I have to say the most puzzling of all is this thing they call raykee. No not the turkish alcoholic national drink. The thing they do with their hands above bodies. I mean in principle it would be fantastic if it worked or could be proven to work. Alas I'm told it can't work in doubters so I've never been a good candidate for a self test.

Curses, voodoo, black magic and evil eye are recurring themes in history across cultures.

I wonder whether anyone believes that a person's fate or destiny can be controlled by the evil wishes of someone other than themselves.


I had a few Reiki healing sessions for back pain and it worked. If you believe curses, voodoo, black magic and the evil eye work, then they do. There's a great book called "You Are the Placebo" by Dr. Joe Dispenza that's a fascinating read.
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