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Do we have any Keyboardist??


Been a pianist for over 25 years. Don't practice anymore though but still sit and play now and then. I do have an 88 key weighted controller hooked up for when I'm in the mood. Play on friend...........RD


stoned agin ...
count me in ... my first instrument :D

btw if anybody knows an excellent keyboard for a piano substitute, feel free to pipe in
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stoned agin ...
lost a great keyboardist in rick wright just the other day. when i was younger i always envied the guitar players being up front soloing, its one of the reasons i took it up. but the keyboard is where i learned music, and what you can do with the keyboard is amazing, its an orchestra at your fingertips, not to mention effects, percussion....and there's probably more music written for it than any other instrument. lets hear it for the guys sittin on the bench LOL :D


4 now, got a synth, but I bought a piano on ebay, synth is good for laying down beats & bass, but you cant beat a joanna.


been playing keyboard on and off for maybe 20 years or so.. doesnt mean im a great player.. but i play enough to compose music and thats what is important...


guest 77721

Hey guys,

I recently bought a piano from my sister. I haven't played for ove 20 years since taking lessons.

Rock Band gave me the kick start to get back playing music. I'm interested in getting the keyboard controller but have been holding off until the midi interface is available and I'll get a real keyboard instead of the game toy.

I'm curious what everyone does for sheet music?


20 yrs here....14 of those classically trained. i needa get back to ma rootz haha.


Hey folks! Love the piano, keyboard, organ, harpsicord, etc.

I'm currently working on a music degree and have piano just about every semester in addition to my primary instrument. I'm not the greatest, but I really like playing Bach and Handel and hope to work up to some Chopin and Liszt over the next couple years. I also really love imrovisation!

cheers to all ye pianee ticklers.

guest 77721

Holy cow has a year gone by already!!!

I'm really getting hooked on playing again. I bought an inexpensive Yamaha keyboard to complement the piano I got from my sister. I've been picking up the skills again and have a repertoire of about 30 pieces. My friends got together last summer and I was able to play in an impromptu band with several guitars, a violin, drummer and a banjo.

Still looking for good sheet music. Does anyone play off of a Fake Book? I imagine that it would be handy to have to get the melody and chords for most older songs.


The Mad Monk
Red, I usually just track down some sheet music of the tune I want to play off the net or if I can't find it, I'll check the local shop that sells sheet music. MusicNotes lets you download a viewer that you can use to download sheet music off their site. It's sometimes hard to find specific songs if they aren't really popular but there's a healthy amount of tunes to pick through.

If you just want to learn the basics of a song so you can play a recognizable tune and improvise with it, a Fake book will do the trick.

guest 77721

So far I've got an easy to play Beatles book and two Rolling Stones 500 best rock & roll hits with about 30 songs in each book. I haven't had a lot of luck finding sheet music either free or off the net.

I'm doing pretty good with the sight reading and find some of the songs sound better when I fake the left hand just using the chords. I'm thinking if I get better at improvising the left had, I'd pick up songs quicker with a good fake book or learning to improvise.

Jon 54

I took lessons forty years ago but I wasn't very inclined toward playing music. I still loved to listen and have always been a avid rocker and blues fanatic. We lost another great piano player this past year in Billy Powell of Lynyrd Skynyrd, Remember the FreeBird solo. Jon 54 :tumbleweed::canabis::canabis::watchplant:

guest 77721

I took lessons too and even got my grade 8 piano which is as far as you go and then you're working on becoming a music teacher. The sad thing is, I can't play at all without sheet music and never figured out how the "talented" ones could just pick up an instrument and jam away. It's the teaching methods that have failed the students.

I'm finding there is a BIG gap between note readers and ear players. I was never taught chord progressions or even the circle of fifths although I make any chord or play any scale easily. The people that learn by ear seem to be able to jam with others where the note readers are really boxed in. Not only do you need sheet music but improvisation is just unfathomable.

Last week I stumbled across a nice old lady music teacher, Karen Ramirez who has a series of Youtube lessons teaching some basic theory with the goal of learning to play by ear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqGKVjPnHlY

I've learned more in the last week by watching a handful of her videos than by all those old dry piano lessons I took when I was a kid.

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