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Do people REALLY think growing marijuana is easy?

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Growing weed is as easy as you make it. It's your fault if you make it hard.


Shitty herb is as shitty as you grow it too..what you said makes no sense, growing quality medicinal grade herb is an art. Just the drying and curing aspect can take many tries to get right, let alone many many other aspects depending on how and where you grow. Please don't generalize mediocre weed, consistently producing top-quality medicinal-grade Cannabis takes alot more than just throwing a seed in the soil outdoors in someone's yard.


Living with the soil
I just throw seeds on the ground and then count all the money.
That's fuc*ing awesome,dig the chair! Iv'e had those #'s outdoors before but had to hide,sneak,tie down,and wear camo. Sweet garden man!


whys the soil look like clay? I thought it was sposed to be real fertile up there?

It ain't that fertile. Those plants are in trenches with organic soil that was trucked in. The soil here is a lot of clay and rocks. Maybe along the rivers there is still some fertile land but up here in the hills it is a lot of clay.


Sounds like another rant from a commercial grower that is being undercut in prices.
Fact is growing cannabis is so easy a president did it. I wish every household in the country grew there own pot. Then we would not have people that invest thousands of dollars in there operation. Pot would be given away to those unable to grow. We would not have the police state and crime as we do now. 90% of those growing are doing so for there own consumption. Sorry if he turns his friends on or sells a couple of bags and a dealer loses a sale. Most pot grown and sold in most of the country goes to paying rent or food and clothes for the kids. Most growers have jobs and grow to save money not make a killing. Cannabis is as hard or easy to grow as you make it. It will grow on its own and flourish outdoors. A small closet some cheap CFLs and a fan and you are a proud farmer. It might not be the biggest and best but it gets you stoned or helps heal your wounds. What else matters. Commercial growers want to belittle people for exorcising there rights and freedom to grow and consume cannabis. I hope you all are gone in ten years.


Well-known member
growing pot IS that easy. growing really GOOD pot is NOT that easy. unless you live where it is legal, & you don't have to worry about getting ripped off, & good genetics are easy to come by. now, where the hell did i just describe ??? no place i am familiar with... dammit!


Active member
Growing pot is easy.
Growing good pot is easy.
Dirt in - seeds in - little bit of ferts and water - that's pretty much it.

It really is that easy - íf it were totally legal and untaxed the price would be much much lower - I can't believe anyone is even trying to argue differently, rofl. Not as cheap as tobacco probably if hand-trimmed but damn close...

As for drying an curing right - any large corporation could get that part dialed in pretty damn well and do it perfect every time - if people would be willing to pay $10/oz instead of $5 or something like that, hehe.

the Rock

Active member
growing good pot and pulling yields is not easy,,,my problem is my friends who know I grow think I get the pot for free and dont realize the overhead involved(all the money spent on ferts,and equipment) everyone wants a handout= f k that

Ganja D

Sounds like another rant from a commercial grower that is being undercut in prices.
Fact is growing cannabis is so easy a president did it. I wish every household in the country grew there own pot. Then we would not have people that invest thousands of dollars in there operation. Pot would be given away to those unable to grow. We would not have the police state and crime as we do now. 90% of those growing are doing so for there own consumption. Sorry if he turns his friends on or sells a couple of bags and a dealer loses a sale. Most pot grown and sold in most of the country goes to paying rent or food and clothes for the kids. Most growers have jobs and grow to save money not make a killing. Cannabis is as hard or easy to grow as you make it. It will grow on its own and flourish outdoors. A small closet some cheap CFLs and a fan and you are a proud farmer. It might not be the biggest and best but it gets you stoned or helps heal your wounds. What else matters. Commercial growers want to belittle people for exorcising there rights and freedom to grow and consume cannabis. I hope you all are gone in ten years.

What rant are you refering to? If you honestly think growing is easy, maybe you are negligent about security, or have never grown a lot or very good quality.
Also if it werent for commercial grows most users of the ganj would be shit out of luck and pay way to much for crap. As most folks are too scared to ever attempt growing their own. Notice how quality has improved in the US over the last 10 years with med mj on the rise.
Commercial doesn't mean poor quality and people who go through those lengths sould be appreciated and respected by the rest of the marijuana comunity.
You are ignorant and wrong. I'm not knocking people who use floros, but commercial growers devote their lives to the cause of spreading the herb and go through great lengths to do so. Without the commitment of those people you prob would not have acces to much if not any weed. Didn't you smoke before you grew your own? Someone worked hard and employed a whole food chain of a market for you to get yours. Think? Herb ain't about greed, it's about freedom.


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
It made every bit of sense.

It made every bit of sense.

Shitty herb is as shitty as you grow it too..what you said makes no sense, growing quality medicinal grade herb is an art. Just the drying and curing aspect can take many tries to get right, let alone many many other aspects depending on how and where you grow. Please don't generalize mediocre weed, consistently producing top-quality medicinal-grade Cannabis takes alot more than just throwing a seed in the soil outdoors in someone's yard.
wow, never realized you were so douchy:pointlaug. The question posed is do people think that marijuana is easy to grow? The obvious answer is yes. Because it is. No where did I see anything about quality or yeild or curing in the question. If the OP's question was, "Do people think cultivating large yielding high quality medical marijuana was easy?" I probly would have answered differently.



No, it's not that easy. And I think this myth is causing much of the uproar over the medical scenes.

In Colorado right now, a bunch of people are fighting the movement, trying to regulate, essentially trying to make it hard to make money from this. They are bitter, it seems, because they think people are making a bunch of easy money. While it is a well paid profession, there are skills/experience involved. What these people have in their heads is a bunch of hippies throwing some seeds outside, and coming back a few months later to reap the profits. For fuck's sake, if you ask the average baby boomer they think most of the weed we smoke is still grown outdoors!

And then there are the people who decide they want to start growing weed, because they think it is easy/requires low overhead. I can't tell you how many people's dreams I have ruined by telling them that it requires a good chunk of change to start up. Lots of people do start up, and fail. See Craigslist for used equipment.

This should not surprise anybody. Humans gravitate towards easy money, for whatever reason.


Active member
Growing it is not easy.Why you think Ounces are in the hundreds? Even in legal States it is in the hundreds.It is very easy to make a mistake be being a noob especially with the money involved.The more money spend,more mistakes made.

Those America Idol contestants who can't sing would drop out for real if the prize stakes was higher rather than a New Ford Escort and a recording contract worth crap(Have not seen one America idol sing in any events on tv).I was saying make the prize $500,000 to win.All those noobs would drop out.

Spend lots 'old cash investing in MJ with no knowledge makes pot harder to grow,hence All of America's noob singers who try to sing ends up with silly looking voices and tones and the noob who grew pot says "It's Hard and so is growing"


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Growing Marijuana is easy, is just plant isn´t it!? We´ve been doing it for ages...;)
It´s even easier to make money out of growing marijuana business.
All this nonsense of medical marijuana gives me the creeps. I´ve been smoking for more than 20years now and allways, i mean allways, found a medicinal value in all my herbs.
In other hand you can turn the growing experience into a art and try to find the golden pot in the end of the weed rainbow:) But in my opinion that´s Trophy Hunter mentality or even worst evil marketing.
Just my humble opinion


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Another thing that puzzles me...Who the hell says that the quality of the weed has increased on the last decades?! Bollocks
That´s just nonsense of light smokers that never tried some good old weed.
And dont you come after me with the latest SuperSilverHazeTurboTwinChargerPinneapleMango thingy...
Keep it simple!


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
What rant are you refering to? If you honestly think growing is easy, maybe you are negligent about security, or have never grown a lot or very good quality.
Also if it werent for commercial grows most users of the ganj would be shit out of luck and pay way to much for crap. As most folks are too scared to ever attempt growing their own. Notice how quality has improved in the US over the last 10 years with med mj on the rise.
Commercial doesn't mean poor quality and people who go through those lengths sould be appreciated and respected by the rest of the marijuana comunity.
You are ignorant and wrong. I'm not knocking people who use floros, but Without the commitment of those people you prob would not have acces to much if not any weed. Didn't you smoke before you grew your own? Someone worked hard and employed a whole food chain of a market for you to get yours. Think? Herb ain't about greed, it's about freedom.

that makes me laugh..commercial growers devote their lives to the cause of spreading the herb and go through great lengths to do so..it's about MONEY!! to the tune of 350-400 an oz..
you mkae it sound they are runnig around giving everyone deals from the goodness of their hearts..ROFLMAO...


2 steps forward and one step back! , 10 years of trial and error , and sometimes its still a roller coaster ride.

Ganja D

that makes me laugh..commercial growers devote their lives to the cause of spreading the herb and go through great lengths to do so..it's about MONEY!! to the tune of 350-400 an oz..
you mkae it sound they are runnig around giving everyone deals from the goodness of their hearts..ROFLMAO...

They are, at least some do. You think commercial growers sell ounces? If a commercial grower commits their life to their work should that not be considered a legitimate hard working career?
Growing commercially is a lot harder and more stress full then most jobs I can think of.
Give credit where it's due. Don't be jealous, if someone is passionate about something and wants to peruse it for a career and make a living from it how is that wrong?
Without commercial opps how would proper selections for breeding take place?
The world needs people who actually know how to make shit happen. And those people work hard. Saying they don't is an obvious lack of understanding.


I think getting the environment right is tricky. The plant seems rather resilient, like many have said.
It really depends on your goals, and your situation. Mine are only to grow more & better with less problems. I don't pay my bills with my grow though so it can be different depending on why you do it. If you're in an area where cannabis is legal, growing is immediately easier because of not needing to hide it and all the mess that brings.
I personally am very excited to learn... Something that growing this plant will let you do forever.

Useful Idiot

Active member
As an experienced group, we all understand (us growers) how much lighting we need, what strains to choose, what mediums to use, what growing systems suit us best, what our P.H should be, watering cycles, CO2, etc, etc, etc…. but now that marijuana has caught such mainstream attention with shows like “Marijuana Inc.” (which I happen to love) and cannabis laws changing everyday, I hear so many people talking about “I want to grow weed” that I think to myself “man, don’t they realize how hard this is?”

Go onto to Google and type in “how to grow marijuana” and you’ll see number 1 – 698,000 different links of “how to grow marijuana”. Everyone is trying to sell their books or DVD’s but they don’t want to tell you how if you plug your lights incorrectly into different sockets how you can burn your whole house down. How you can invest anywhere from $2,000 - $40,000 and completely fuck up your first harvest by not knowing what you’re doing and losing your ass in the process, or probably getting a beating from the guy who fronted you the money!

There is so much that goes into growing, but all people see are the $$$$. (I’m talking about the retards that know nothing about this and want to grow). Am I the only one that’s kind of urked' by this or have you felt the same way? I keep reading posts on different people wanting to move out to cannabis friendly states to grow but they don’t realize that true experience comes from trial and error. If you can afford it.

What do you guys think? Do people really think you just plant seeds, add some sunlight and PRESTO = you get money?
I am new here and stumbled across this thread. It aint easy to grow FINE weed. I do not grow for $$$. I have some friends that I share with. In return they buy me stuff. Seriously my one friend who knows that I use Humboldt nutes went and bought me tons of nutes. Another got me a couple of bulbs.BUT those same friends were with me through the tough times. When I was first growin the meds I had many problems. Cloning issues,nute issues,PH issues,heat issues,insect issues,lower than expected yeild,ect.All of that has made me respect this fine plant and my helpful friends even more. And now I more understand its needs to become the best it can be.I hear you bud. Growin aint easy and should not be looked at as an easy money maker. It has surely taken me awhile to learn the ways of the plant....IT AINT EASY!!!Much respect to you and your post.

Useful Idiot

Active member
that makes me laugh..commercial growers devote their lives to the cause of spreading the herb and go through great lengths to do so..it's about MONEY!! to the tune of 350-400 an oz..
you mkae it sound they are runnig around giving everyone deals from the goodness of their hearts..ROFLMAO...
I agree with what this fella says.:smokey:


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Me too!

Me too!

I agree with what this fella says.:smokey:

Me too!
When i do something because i love it i shouldn´t be expecting money and glory out of it. That´s being greedy:biggrin:

I respect allmost all jobs but please don´t expect a damn Nobel Prize for putting us High as a Kite:dance013: