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Do Men Assume Women Can't Grow?


Anybody can grow, provided they have the desire to. It's more following
directions than having to possess some sort of special skills.
Many people work full time jobs and grow also.

But then again, guess there's always a certain percentage of women that
fall into the same percentage of men who just have no 'green thumb', sorry
to hear that, but don't give up before really giving it a good enough effort. Try again, you may surprise yourself....and pleasantly at harvest time :D


iron chef

huh, they're out there...

huh, they're out there...

Can't believe I didn't stumble on this forum/thread earlier. I think it's great this forum exists!!! Check out this thread at OG. http://www.overgrow.com/edge/showthread.php?p=4167491#post4167491

I started it a couple weeks ago, and there isn't a whole lot of activity now, but there have been many femmes growers showing off their stuff.

For sure there are femmes growers out there... and they grow some of the best stuff from what i've seen. Nice forum, good ideas, good vibes,
peace out,


risk is also alot more gglorified among the guys...there seems to be only shame for a woman to take such risks...

in the same situation, a woman would answer thus\
a) to a male: whatever, just be careful..youre crazy
b) to a female: I wouldn't you know what can happen if you get caught...

its like a woman has alot more on the line...its the amount of risk, not just the factor of taking a risk


Scholastic Warrior
Gypsy Nirvana said:
....Just imagine if you found a lady that was just as interested in your horticultural efforts as you are!!.....now that is something special when it comes along......

If I found this lady, I would probably marry her. Most the girls I've been with didn't even approve of me smoking, of course, they didn't last very long. I've only had one girl I could just sit with after a long day and toke the bong, but of course she was into all kinds of horrible shit, like coke and heroin :rolleyes:.
Hey Dutchgrown- been sometime since I posted on this thread.

Why do men automaticaly assume the poster is male?

1) Probably because they are. Look at the names and avatars.

2) Why is that? Males more often than females engage in risk taking behavior. Ever here of some macho things guys do? Some of it is stupid. I know from personal experience. Read the crime statistics.

3) Are you a better grower than I? Well the answer is without a doubt, YES! Can I learn from you, absolutely!

Share your knowledge, education, experience and wisdom with some of us knuckle dragging, ass scratching neandrathals.


Well-known member
I know 4 women growers............. all outside!
There must be a reason......?

Outdoor garden........OK.
Indoor ...............not OK.

Anyways they are all good growers and damn fine smokers to boot!

All the best

Ps..........that means i must be a man because of my name


Wet Lettuce
Ladies grow good ladies

Ladies grow good ladies

Women can grow as well as men. It is quite common for long-term bud smokers to have the opinion that the best they smoked was grown by a member of the female gender.


****** Member
there's a reason women bare children and men don't, they just have their shit more together!!! the plant we know, love, & smoke is female so why shouldn't a female be the one to grow it! With the logic of nature and nurture, one could assume between an equally educated man & woman, the woman will always have the better grow :) Just my opinion, peace.

Canna Wurms

TCM said:
risk is also alot more gglorified among the guys...there seems to be only shame for a woman to take such risks...

in the same situation, a woman would answer thus\
a) to a male: whatever, just be careful..youre crazy
b) to a female: I wouldn't you know what can happen if you get caught...

its like a woman has alot more on the line...its the amount of risk, not just the factor of taking a risk

I think you nailed it. It's just human nature aquired over thousands of years. For the most part, men are the risk takers.
My wife tends to worry more about grow security than I do. I appreciate this because it keeps me on my toes and helps me keep my mind on it.
I think if it were legal you'd see as many, if not more, female growers than men.


Oh for Christ's sake! None of you guys have to balls to say what everyone of you are thinking? Just come out and say it!

Women are not as good as men.... LOL

Note: This was posted for entertainment purposes only. The author actually worships women, is confident that they are 100% equal with men in their abilities to establish a garden, maintain it to maturity and harvest exceptional Cannabis. Furthermore, the author has no desire to experience the wrath of the multitudes of talented female growers that frequent this forum. (he has been there, got the T-shirt, and don't wanna experience it EVER again!)

Canna Wurms


Damn troublemaker. I would say that but I'd like to get a hot breakfast this morning...........and some lovin' this evening. LOL!


****** Member


since they are in the minority, if that's what you mean by not as good. I know from experience that women are better gardener's though, so I'm pretty sure it'd crossover into pot :)


New member
I'm a female hydro grower of five years.
Prior to that I grew in pots outside a few times.
Hate to think how much money I've shelled out to get high over the years! :rolleyes:

I live with a bloke who doesn't smoke, or use mj in anyway.
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love you guys!!!!!1

love you guys!!!!!1

We are everywhere,,, we make good growers......we make good lovers and you can"t live without us........,,,,, Let us in ............we are here to stay..........But I sure do love you men......Thank you guys for breaking the ground NOW move over......


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Ladies Grow Beautifully

Ladies Grow Beautifully

And we should all be more appreciative... I hate to say it guys, but go back into the ancient millenia and see who went out hunting, and who tended the crops in the fields... was it the men or the women? I know some AMAZING Lady Growers who can compete with any man... and they do.

Females growing female plants full of female hormones? Why not?

Grow Ladies Grow!!!!

And peace to all!



Captain Expando
I have to say I couldn't disagree more. My Granny was one of the world's best green thumbers and I have great knowledge because of her.

Coreolis Effect

New member
Its the nature of things, where I am theres plenty of women growers and smokers, its just they don't make a big thing of it like the men
Thankfully I've never ran into a woman that wants to change me like jlp lol, infact most of my women friends want to make me blaze more weed, just incase theyre depriving me lol

Then theres the trophy thing men have, wether its the tigers head on the wall, the head on a stick, or the ganja photograph, men seem to need this afermation of manhood.

women on the other hand seem to just quietly tend to their gardens, no fuss no messing about, snap pictures that highlight plant health etc. rather than just yield - suspect women would be harder to catch than men, because they are so quiet about it, And the very fact quite a lot use non sexual names speaks volumes on their stealth tactics lol