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100% medical here as well. I grow for myself. Any excess (over my state allowance) gets donated to local dispensaries. No lookin over the shoulder.
I also have a medical grow for myself only, and I'm growing more than I can use lately. Dispensaries are a big grey area here, not explicitly allowed by law (but sometimes tolerated on a per-county basis) and not exactly tolerated in my area, so I have nobody to donate to.

So long as I can do so without fearing jail, I'll keep growing, even though I make $0 from it and don't need the smoke. Growing is just very personally satisfying and makes a great hobby :)


Well-known member
It's the love.

This girl has had me by the nutsack since day one.

And for once, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
There are no profits being generated in my cabinet.

Money is still going further, however, because I am no longer spending money on herb.

(Plus I grow better stuff than 90% of anything I've ever bought from someone else.)
For the love of the plant. Also, It's great smoking top shelf bud that you've grown yourself and to know that it's been well cared for from start to finish is priceless. IMO


I do it for the love, but shit if i can make wprofit doing what i love, in my mind i'll never "work" another day in my life, and thats the way it should be


I do it for both the love of the plant and profit, but right now profit comes first, otherwise Id probably be living in some shithole somewhere.

I find cannabis to be the most amazingly beautiful plant I have ever encountered and love everything about it. There are times where I will spend a good hour or more in the evening just sitting in front of my garden chilling and looking over my buds.


i need the contact with the plant in all the chapters.

friends pay a donation when they can do it.


I do it for the love of cannabis . Ever since I popped my 1st beans 17 years ago , I have been amazed by this plant. It is the one thing that has always been constant in my life. Jobs, girlfriends always changing , but Mary J was always at my side. I suffer from winter depression during the short days of winter . Sitting in my g-room all bright with all the ladies swaying in the fans , tending them is my Prozac. Also seeing it's dramamtic effects on my patients crohns , neuopathy and chronic pain is an amazing feeling!

“Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.”

Bob Marley
I got into cannabis for the love. I got into growing, not because I wanted to avoid a 9-5, but because I got into some shit and needed money. Fast. And a lot of it.

For the first two years of growing, I hated it, because I needed the harvest; if I got mites, I was in serious shit.

The moral of the story: it's OK to grow for money and love, but when your harvest is required for your rent payment, it takes all the fun out.

Have a back-up plan, or, god forbid, a job.


Well-known member
It's the love.

This girl has had me by the nutsack since day one.

And for once, I wouldn't have it any other way.
right on dude. I have been in garden heaven with miss merryjane for the past 14 years. :D

and I really love web sites like this one right here. :D


Overkill is under-rated.
I got into cannabis for the love. I got into growing, not because I wanted to avoid a 9-5, but because I got into some shit and needed money. Fast. And a lot of it.

For the first two years of growing, I hated it, because I needed the harvest; if I got mites, I was in serious shit.

The moral of the story: it's OK to grow for money and love, but when your harvest is required for your rent payment, it takes all the fun out.

Have a back-up plan, or, god forbid, a job.

I agree, I grow and have always had a full-time job. I do accept donations for my work, as I couldn't afford to grow it without donations. The expense of rent, power, and labor costs way more than I make a month at my job.

Smoking weed isn't addicitve, but growing it is!


Active member
both. i take donations from a few med patients to keep things rolling and them smoking at way less than a dispensary charges.but i love growing plants
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