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do i understand earthworm castings in compost teas right?

so am i understadning this right, if you use like 4 tbsp EWC to a gallon of water with about 4 tsp of blackstrap molases for 5 gallons of water you can't burn your plant, mainly because the earth worms convert everything in humic acid instead of available forms of NPK?

I just had this guy telling me you can't burn your plants with EWC teas, and then he did a couple high N guanos for the veg and a couple of high pkers for the bloom. Anyways let me know if any on knows
I use about a cup or two per 4.5 gallons water, along with a handful of coco. I add 2-3 tbsp Oregonism to the coco/EWC, placing al of it in a paint filter, or a dress sock.

1 tsp of mollasses per gallon of water (4.5 tsp in my case)

Toss the sock in right at the water level, bubble for 48 hours. It ends up very earthy, TONS of bacterial collonies (slime coats everything). Viola. Watered it straight numerous times, no burns. I will also add it to larger run to waste feeds. Haven't put it into a recirculating system yet.

I leave a little of the liquid behind in the bucket (1/4-1/2 gallon) add water and mollasses again, and brew another round of tea from the same dry ingredients. The bacteria will bust out again, and I though I am not so sure how much the castings give, it seems as though it should still do about the same, as it is mostly non-solable N anyhow. Whatever else it may give it, I am not sure.

Not sure about the humic acids- though I bet EWC have quite a bit in them. I wouldn't count on them coverting anything to anything. Humics are not related to NPK really, they are chelaters basically. They assist uptake availability. I have heard you cannot overdose humics, and at these levels it is surely safe.

I would advise against going too heavy with nutrient (guano, etc.) in the tea. Just make another slightly stronger batch if you feel you need more.


I save the used castings/Orgenism and add it to fresh EWC when I am mixing my medium. It still has plenty of insoluable goodness, and it now loaded with bacteria and fungus.


Active member
I grow in sandy ground.
I dump a cup or two into a couple gallons of water pour in a gulp of molasses and let it bubble for 1 to 2 days. After 2 days it gets an acidly smell. I've dumped over-brewed tea on my tomatoes and they liked it. I dump the whole thing castings and all.