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Do I have enough time to make seeds?



Hey guys, so I wasn't going to make seeds this round, but I have a real nice sweettooth #4 male vegging in my tent.... and I was thinking that deep strawberry diesel x sweettooth would be really tasty. Anyway, Im stoned and rambling haha my question is this:

Flower tent is on day 11 12/12 of aproximately 70 days.
If I put the male in the flowering tent now, he will take maybe 2 weeks to stretch and start making flowers? Plus how long to release pollen? That would take me to at least 25, 30 days of 12/12 before they even get pregnant.
How long do seeds take to form? Ive not seeded much, and never really payed attention to how long the seeds take.
Thanks guys, do I have time this round? :thank you:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
How many seeds you want??? Take a branch or 2 and pollinate those.. You can harvest the rest of the plant if the seeds are not ready. Jest leave the branches you pollinated until there ready.


takes a minimum of 6 week to make seeds, if heavily seeded can take 8-9 weeks


like hammerhead said, you can let them mature if not ready, and if you do a full seeds, the plant will mature when the seeds do, no matter what day it is as long as you dont seed it at the end of flower


ICMag Donor
Plenty of time , i do this regularly by choice and not missed the seeding window yet.

Should have plenty of pollen by day 40 , still loads of pistills unwithered , lower plant probably less advanced so could just seed that.

From pollination the shortest i have had reliably viable seed form is 30 days , a seeded plant will happily run way past its normal flowering time if done late.

Full seeding on a smaller plant takes a lot longer for high viability , unless you really need many hundreds/thousands would dust light for fewer but fatter seeds , a fast flowered cut in a four inch pot can yield a couple of hundred.


thanks guys! i kinda spaced out on thinking that i could just cut the rest of the plant while they matured, although i dont really want to tie up my room for too long waiting for them to mature. I will just try it and see how it goes


ICMag Donor
Checked records and SWT#3 males dropped pollen from 14 days 12/12 , did pretty much the same as you are doing and produced a lot of good seed.

Do you have the male as clone ? , a good one is worth keeping around , nice traits and structure from mine.

Deep strawberry diesel x sweettooth is just the kind of cross which interests me , some minor expressions could be stunning , odd flavour combinations expected and hopefully some very high yielding individuals , real keepers to be found in the numbers.

If space is tight , three weeks after pollination the plant can be removed from 12/12 and will finish seed under veg light schedule before a natural death , two weeks after and the seed stalls/reabsorbed and the plant revegs as normal.