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Do I add the NPK's of all my nutes and additives together to get total?

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I couldn't really find an answer. I'm basically just wondering if I add all the NPK(and other micro's) values together to get total?

Example; BC Grow is 1-3-6 and the Boost is 3-2-0...if I mix at recommended amounts, will my total NPK be 4-4-6??(the two added together)



senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
Where exactly is your question going if you don't mind me asking? What kind of nutes do you have and what are you thinking? You will get a much better answer from everyone if you include this info...


Do I add the NPK's of all my nutes and additives together to get total?

No you dont.

A 100N 100P 200K does not equate to 400ppm.

and as for your example, normally you cant add a 1-1-2 and a 2-2-1 and get a 3-3-3, however your chosen product example is an unusual exception (both have the same ml/g) (something that normally wouldnt happen, but that is how technaflora designed that product line).

And just FYI a PPM meter DOES NOT measure 'ppm'. The meter has no way to measure parts per million, it can only measure electrical conductivity (EC) after which it converts (using an arbitrary scale) to a unit it has named 'ppm'. Different manufactures use different scales, so 'ppm' numbers are basically worthless (without naming the scale), but EC numbers are always constant.

Your 'PPM' meter is in reality an EC meter.
A real parts per million measurement requires relatively expensive lab equipment.
Use the EC scale instead.
Last edited:


multiply the amounts (ml) with the percentages(N, P, K), add them up then divide by the sum of mls to get the final NPK.


3ml of 4-6-8
5ml of 3-1-7

3*4=12, 3*6=18, 3*8=24
5*3=15, 5*1=5 , 5*7=35

adding up N, P, K:
12+15=27, 18+5=23, 24+35=59

3ml+5ml= 8ml

27/8 = 3.4
23/8 = 2.9
59/8 = 7.4

So we end up with 8ml of fertilizer solution with the NPK 3.4-2.9-7.4:jump:

So, What's the final NPK value of
1ml of 5-0-1
1ml of 7-9-5


Well-known member
Glad someone asked this.

I've got dry nutes and been wondering the same.

I want to mix guano, NPK 2/15/1, with sulphate of potash, NPK 0/0/48. If I mix 10g of guano and 3g of potash, will I get a ratio of 2/15/16?


Don't forget that guano will need some time to become available, and even then only a part of it's nute content will be available continually, so organic fertilizers nute content vs readily soluble fert salts cannot be added together like this.

You're absolutely right about that. I completely spaced off that organics are slow release, therefore making my numbers a rough approximation at best.


Well-known member
Thanks folks.....I've got me soil nearly dialled in using weights & measures. Just wanting to express my amendments as NPK ratio.


New member
hello. i want to ask opinions about mixing nutes...
I have BIO-grow 8/2/6 and bloom 2/6/3.5. Its organic nutes.
Can i give little bit of bloom on early stages ? Because i've done some experiment with onions. One onion in glass of water with GROW nutes, the second one in BLOOM. Onion who was in bloom nutes, released roots after 20hours~. Onion with grow, doesnt show any roots, but started growing fastly. So i think, that mixing little bit of bloom in veg stage is not bad, because root still remains main plant part... :)
Any ideas?


weed fiend
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I couldn't really find an answer. I'm basically just wondering if I add all the NPK(and other micro's) values together to get total?

Example; BC Grow is 1-3-6 and the Boost is 3-2-0...if I mix at recommended amounts, will my total NPK be 4-4-6??(the two added together)


Sweet_green, are you using all three parts or just micro and grow? I started growing with the BC starter kit, pretty good stuff. Thought I remembered mixing 1 part Bloom in veg. No biggie, just wondering.


Grow like nobody is watching
Sweet green, the MG Max Feed I have is all Urea N, the cheapest nastiest N. So I'm guessing organic MG would be the same N format. Organics are slower release in general, but put, say, fresh chicken poo on something and it's easy to fry a plant overnight, so don't take it too literally. :)

Added: Urea and ammonium N can build up in high CEC mediums too, because they are cations.

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