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Do i absolutely NEED cloning solution?


Guest 18340

Hi everybody, got a question for ya. I'm using an Aero cloner (from botanicare) and i ran outta cloning solution. Do i really need it or will i get by without it?




I have a question related to this...in a way, but I didn't want to create a new thread about it. I was wondering is there any products that you guys use that has greatly increased the amount of roots the clones shoot out once they start rooting? I just use rooting solution and they're fine but I'm sure they could be better. I had a clone vegging for 3 weeks and although they never had a dark period I still found it strange that it didn't develop a rootball at least by then. Only thing I loved about the DP Blueberry of mine was it was the best rooter I ever had. If only every cutting of mine shoot out roots like those lol. Any who..any help on that?

Guest 18340

Good question THc-20. I've had soem starins explode with roots once i put them into dirt from the cloner. Others took their sweet ass time. Could be strain specific :confused:
I'd like to here what others have to say about this... :joint:


Active member
It's been observed for some time now that plants in nature are able to sprout roots without a 'cloning solution".

Although if you checked out the odds I'm guessing evlme2 is right in that it could be the genes (strain specific) causing this.

I just like sayin Indole-3-butyric acid anyways. lol
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Guest 18340

Is it possible to make my own cloning solution? all i have is GH flora seies nutes, liguid koolbloom, and calmag..
Oh, i do have some cloning gel but i cant seem to liquify it enough to mix it with the water in my cloner.
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many master growers use cheap ass clone powder from walmart for $2 and it's great. I was gifted some clone gel and mixed in my cheap clone powder and it works even better!

I have observed some strains getting roots with in 5-7 days and some that take two weeks min.


Or, buy cloning solution online for 15$ shipped, and its at your door in 3 days. Also Dr. kong is right.

Yes you donot need cloneing solution for a plant to root, but the probability of your clones taking root go up dramatically when done correctly.
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I have 2 chem dd cuts and one roots in 5-7 days and grow out of my clone box before the other one even shows a root.I've seen this many times before with diff strains and I believe it is inherent in the individual plant wether or not it roots fast or slow.I use clonex from wall mart or rootone powdwer only.Never used anything better but I have seen better cloners but not many.Chaco. :joint: :joint: :joint:


Active member
DrKong said:
many master growers use cheap ass clone powder from walmart for $2 and it's great. I was gifted some clone gel and mixed in my cheap clone powder and it works even better!

I have observed some strains getting roots with in 5-7 days and some that take two weeks min.

I use the cheap "Green Light Rooting Hormone" from Lowe's - works great!

Believe it or not, Superthrive speeds up rooting. I've done side-by-sides with and without it and it actually speeds up rooting quite a bit.



I use a homemade bubble cloner and i never add any hormones or solutions. I use plain tap water which i change every second day for the first 4 days. depending on the strain i have roots in 5-14 days which i then transplant into solo cups and feed some liquid karma and an extrememly small amount of voodoo juice. I get about a 75% success rate as well. The set up looks something like this:(these are old pics)

good luck!


P.S. I forgot to mention to make sure you get quality roots the temp of the bubbler water should be 75-82 degrees F


cloning slolution would be something like "clonex clone nutrient" , "olivia's clone and seedling nutrient", etc. right??

you are not getting cloning gels and slolutions confused are you? probably not, but if so, you dont need cloning solutions, sometimes i have found better results not using them al all as opposed to using them i did side by sides using cloning solutions and not.

but i always use some type of rooting hormone like rootech clone gell or ....well rootedch by technaflora is the only rooting gel ive ever used and dont see my self using any other any time soon, rootech is strong shit and is the BEST gel in my opinion.

i hardly ever use cloning "solutions" but always use rooting hormones to dip the cuts in after cuting from the mother. i get better resluts no using anythin but plain old RO water until rooots start.

but in aero cloners i dont know about that i would imagine at least some super thrive or hormex (exactly the same as superthrive, this is the imitators that the super thrive bottle warns you about.lol) would make the roots kick out faster

i just clone into rapid rooter or some other type of composted bark latex rooting plugs like "q-plugs" or "root riot's" or b cuzz's rapid rooter things. i like the GH rapid rooter the best and then the clonex ones (root riot) and qplugs and then bcuzz's

Guest 18340

When i first bought the Areo cloner, it came with a bottle of Botanicare (liquid) cloning solution. I ran out of the stuff and its like $22 for a tiny ass bottle!
I got 12 ak47 in the cloner now, with plain tap water and some hydroguard. Crossing my fingers 'cause i need these cuts to root so i can get my indoor grow underway.
Thanks for all the advise guys, much appreciated. Peace, Evl :joint:

Hers an old pick off my cloner...

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Ajunta Pall

Evl, it's like this; you don't have to use gels, powders, or solutions to clone. If you can keep your cuttings alive and healthy the plant will do what ii is suppose to. However, the use of said products can aid in the time it takes your cuttuings to root.

Between now and August, I clone heavily and use Olivia's in hopes that instead of time spent rooting, I'll get an extra week or so of growth in veg mode. Over the years I have made a few aerocloners, but now w/ some expierence under my belt, I just use those humidity domes that come w/ 72 jiffy peat things you get at Wally World for under $6. Sure I can't get 72 clones in there, more around 40-50 give or take.


Active member
Chaco said:
I have 2 chem dd cuts and one roots in 5-7 days and grow out of my clone box before the other one even shows a root.I've seen this many times before with diff strains and I believe it is inherent in the individual plant wether or not it roots fast or slow.I use clonex from wall mart or rootone powdwer only.Never used anything better but I have seen better cloners but not many.Chaco. :joint: :joint: :joint:
Yeah I have one CDD that roots in 5-7 too! (Using peat pucks & Clonex.)

I've only tried cloning with Clonex, AN's "Clone It" and nothing, and IME Clonex works best. IMO AN's "Clone It" was unnecessarily thick and wasteful and didn't seem to work as well although it had same amount of the same active ingredient as Clonex (0.3% IBA). Even without dipping directly into the bottle (i.e., pour some into a plastic spoon each use and throw away the rest) I can get LOTS and LOTS of cuts out of a $20, 2oz bottle. I bought a bottle over a year ago and I'm still going strong on it, after making so many clones for myself and friends.

Never tried the "cloning solutions" and always wondered what the that was all about... :confused:

So anyways, the answer is no you don't absolutely need it but IME it produces results faster. In aero-cloning, I don't know if that's the case with the constant splashing and spraying but the initial dip might make enough contact for the cut to absorb the chemicals.
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Non Conformist


Gratephul4THC said:
P.S. I forgot to mention to make sure you get quality roots the temp of the bubbler water should be 75-82 degrees F
These temps are key no matter how you clone, no hormones needed. BC

Guest 18340

I did dip the cuttings in some Root tech cloning gel , but i figure the spraying of the aero cloner just washes it off the tips.
I have my cloner in a closet that has an ac vent in it and the air temps are 70-75, and the water temps are stable at 78.
I agree B.C., temps are absolutely a key factor no matter what.
Thanks for posting guys, B.C., clowntown, i really respect your opinions.
Peace, Evl
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