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Do Bottled Nutes really kill the microherd ?


Just wondering if someone can point me to some proof, I think it might be a myth. Obviously bottled nutes are ready to be absorbed by the plant and can not be broken down by microbes and be part of the soil food web cycle, so Im thinking people started saying it kills the herd, because if there is nothing in your soil, and you only feed bottled nutes than there's not much of a soil food web. But saying that adding a low level of 300-500 ppm of nutrients to your water just straight up instantly kills all millions of bacteria is quite a stretch....

In my case, I was having bad results with my mix. There was something it just wasnt providing for the plants, so I have been feeding Pure Blend Pro at 400ppm and getting good results.
But if this really kills all life in the soil for whatever reason is assumed by some people than whats the point of adding EWC, teas, molasses, Compost, organic amendments etc. if they all be killed anyway.

So wheres some proof fellas. ;P


Active member
Depends on which bottled nutes. Earth Juice comes in a bottle, and is organic. It feeds the herd. But other less organic nutes don't necessarily kill off the herd. And yes, the addition of Molasses, etc. feeds the herd even with chem nutes. Good luck. -granger


Active member
Yeah I remember seeing a study being done on this and the conclusion was that chem nutes didn’t really kill off the micro herd, it just caused it to not grow and expand as much. It was something along the lines that the Micro herd would turn organic material into soluble forms for the plants and the plants would send “signals” to the herd to produce whatever nutes it needed. Once the chem ferts were used the plant no longer sent those signals and in turn the micro herd stopped transferring the organic material into nutes. But once the chem ferts were stopped the micro herd would grow again and go back to its job, it just took a week or two for the populations to return to optimal levels


Is it true that you should not feed organic soil with mineral nutrients like for example BioBizz Soil with Hesi Nutrients?
Do the mineral Fertilizers completely kill off the bacteria in the soil?
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Dog Star

Active member
They kill good amount,thats why plants growed with salts will encounter more problems
or defs in run...

its a same like human body is feeded with antibiotics... soon a organism will encounter
problems cause bad bacteria have better enviroment for thriving..

same happends with plants if you kill with salts all microherd..

Probiotics are answer for all problems,and probiotic regime is usually included in
organic grow... you can tough made combo but salt amounts need to be low
and you need to replenish microherd later to keep media and plant healthy...

Organic grow is all about living soil,if you made good balanced soil mix than no need
for salts of any kind..biochar and worms can help to keep soil bioactive and in good shape
for plants..


3rd-Eye Jedi
there is a treasure house of data out there that details nutrient source and microbiota interactions illustrating benefits and detriments of strategies over many ecosystems and with many cultivars


Power Armor rules
I've used bottle nutes for years along with dry mycos/recharge/mammoth p and its great.

I run tea, top dress, through out and feed with organic bottled nutes, I reuse my soil every run so I’d say it’s alive. Maybe if you used veg bloom or maxibloom those seem poisonous to life forms of all kinds.


I have found worms recently In pots that have been fed at 600 ppm every watering for 2 months. That is a good sign for sure.


Active member
It does not kill them as much as shut them down.

Of course a large shot of a harsh salt will causes problems with microbe health but lower dosages of og bottles will not cause many problems. Look at some of the ferment crowd. They juice the shit out of their plants.

You more have to think about what interaction it is having. It most likely is shutting down valuable microbes that normally release nutrients as the plant calls for them with root exudes.

you are half way back to just feeding the plant and saying fuck the soil. Your plant health and final product will suffer.

Now utilizing critical points of influence to boost production and plant health i am all for.

Just dont think that if you using bottled nutes with the soil food web that you are feeding the soil to feed the plant


It does not kill them as much as shut them down.

Of course a large shot of a harsh salt will causes problems with microbe health but lower dosages of og bottles will not cause many problems. Look at some of the ferment crowd. They juice the shit out of their plants.

You more have to think about what interaction it is having. It most likely is shutting down valuable microbes that normally release nutrients as the plant calls for them with root exudes.

you are half way back to just feeding the plant and saying fuck the soil. Your plant health and final product will suffer.

Now utilizing critical points of influence to boost production and plant health i am all for.

Just dont think that if you using bottled nutes with the soil food web that you are feeding the soil to feed the plant

I am trying to switch to 100% organic soil mixes, I just had a bad mix that wouldn't grow anything It took me 3 months to get back on track it was a very bad start to the year. So I figure if I mix it into my promix at 30% strength and feed 30% lower bottle nutrients I can get my feet wet at least with a little organic and use up this mix. It was 42 Gallons, Im down to 24 left. So Im trying to switch to organics but thought maybe its good idea to use bottled nutrients as a crutch to slowly transition.I'm having more problems with the trannies, than my 100% organic mixes on my current vegging run, making me think I should just keep running the healthiest out of all my plants and have some be 100% soillesss and some plants be 100% organic. No more trannies. I won't learn anything that way about 100% organix mixes
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Humans often don't like science when it goes against their beliefs.
The irony is more people are killing their microherd with molasses than they are with standard bottled nutrients.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Why would anyone want chemicals in their cannabis? You will never get more growth by nuking plants as you will by planting one more seed. Keep it organic, be healthier and enjoy better smoke. Peace brother


I’ve never seen antibiotics or antifungals listed on cannabis nutes before. I’d err to the negative.


Why would anyone want chemicals in their cannabis? You will never get more growth by nuking plants as you will by planting one more seed. Keep it organic, be healthier and enjoy better smoke. Peace brother

Not sure what that was intended for, if me, take a look at one of my recent comments as to why this is my current situation and I why I raise the question.

As for the science of this, I feel many people just like to believe what makes sense to them, others are acting as scientists and reading and researching, but we aren't scientists in labs so all these are more or less still speculation and interpretations. There is a good youtube channel of a guy who has a myth busting series on organic growing, and all around great organic gardener channel, and he's local. Every episode hits it home. He's got a university background and actually creates a hypothesis, carries out the experiment, and does soil tests before and after.

The community always warns about chorine and chloramine killing microbes. He tests that theory out very accurately and unbiased and turns out its not really true at all. I have similar assumptions about bottled nutrients. Once again Im just switching over from synthetic to organic living soil guys.

Having said all that. We aren't academics or lab scientists, but one thing we can do to learn is just side by sides. Which I feel for such a smart & sharing & curious community I don't see a lot of. I will be changing that.

Here is the channel, I learned a lot.
