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Do Aliens



have ghosts?

Go to heaven?



Have heady message boards to ponder on ?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
hmmmmm, good one.

Exist? - they sure do, im here right?

Copulate? - nope, all are born with both sex organs

Go to heaven?
have ghosts? - well we would have to believe in god then right? we are your gods if you didnt know this by now.....

Have heady message boards to ponder on ? hell ya! icmag! :abduct:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Exist: Due to the size of the universe and all the crap in it. I think it's highly probable there are other life bearing planets.

Copulate- Just about every organism can do it doggystyle so I'm going to say yeah. Alien porn.

If they have alien porn, then they need somewhere to post it so they must have an internet. And therefore ICMag. Dirty Aliens doing it doggystyle while smoking doobies. Wait, that's all of us. :abduct:


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Really..That's what you think about ?

There are just so manu ''if's'' on there i can't ever pretend to understand what you are asking exactly.

I can tell you this much for certain..THERE IS NO HEAVEN OR GHOSTS!

there i did my part..


do you think if there is alien life they do shit like 2 girls 1 cup

i couldnt see vulcans doing it

klingons maybe


Pleasantly dissociated
what about the alien 150 , have they lost their gag reflex and do they have sexy eyes?
i bet an alien 150 would be AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZING while launching on spice, thats only time i ever see aliens.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ureapwhatusow again.


Pleasantly dissociated
aliens fuck ya thru the mind, everyone knows that, its in the waves and electrical impulses, its how baby jebus was conceived so they do copulate.


Here an interesting atrical I think some of you might enjoy


Vatican says aliens could exist
By David Willey
BBC News, Rome

Father Funes says the universe is so vast that other life forms may exist
The Pope's chief astronomer says that life on Mars cannot be ruled out.

Writing in the Vatican newspaper, the astronomer, Father Gabriel Funes, said intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.

Father Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome, is a respected scientist who collaborates with universities around the world.

The search for forms of extraterrestrial life, he says, does not contradict belief in God.

The official Vatican newspaper headlines his article 'Aliens Are My Brother'.

'Free from sin'

Just as there are multiple forms of life on earth, so there could exist intelligent beings in outer space created by God. And some aliens could even be free from original sin, he speculates.

Asked about the Catholic Church's condemnation four centuries ago of the Italian astronomer and physicist, Galileo, Father Funes diplomatically says mistakes were made, but it is time to turn the page and look towards the future.

Science and religion need each other, and many astronomers believe in God, he assures readers.

To strengthen its scientific credentials, the Vatican is organising a conference next year to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the author of the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin.


in fact i think we are a alien science project and we will be gone when graded and he trows us out :(


If there are aliens, then we are aliens ourself. Hope to one day to meet another life form and blaze them out. Or they could smoke me out with some space canna!


according to string theorist there more than on universe

now im not suggestion the other one is alien, i mean yes alien to us, but what i ean to say if there are aliens in one, they will be in the other

but much like superman's nemesis Mxyzptlk these alternate aliens will be different

these aliens may have some cuts or beans that would make some bomb ass crosses


if an astronaut has sex with an alien is it even cheating?

maybe these fuckers know something we don't

: pulls out his big book of loopholes; cosmos edition dimension 00 - 02.5


do you think alien kids hang out behind 7-11s and wonder is their life on earth ?

and if we tasty or not?


i read all of adams books when i was in high school great shit