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DNA samples taken at birth in US hospitals!


Active member
Madre, does that mean that white blood cels replicate themselves but red cells are made somewhere?

Get back to you on that one GMT.....gotta go get my little Jakinator right now and he don't like his granny to be late.

AnatomyI later....LOL


Active member
RBC's don't replicate because their precurser is the bone marrow
a circulating erythrocyte is just a container for hemoglobin carrying oxygen to the body.
2.5 billion a day are made in healthy bone marrow.
They last only 120 days so the bone marrow is busy.

so the RBC just is a transport vessel for hemoglobin and why Sickle Cell is a problem.
Blood DNA comes from the WBC's or luekocytes[sp]egories
humans are multicellular......100,000,000,000,ooo each with specialized functions.
They reproduce as needed and each cell stores its own information.

First was the prokaryotes....and then eukaryotes.
the first two cells.

the rest is human history.

Anatomy lesson over kids.


Active member
everybody (should) know(s) that Watson and Crick wouldn't have had shit without Rosalind Franklin....

and another negative of taking everyone's DNA is that it can be stored in a database where insurance companies can investigate a potential customer's possibility of genetic disorders, and deny them/amp up the prices for coverage EVEN if they are completely healthy. oh wait, that already happens...

Yeah that was TRAGIC and BECAUSE women were not EQUALS YET!!!!!
But a WOMAN in a MANS WORLD....

Been there ....done that and even got the Tshirt....LOL

Wilkens hijacked her project while she was on vacation and took the project as his own and made her an assistant instead.

Wilkins shared the info with Watson and Crick and the rest is HISTORY.

ANOTHER WOMAN SCREWED out of her place in HX HISTORY.....died at 37 years old and one of the reasons today I am a feminist as I won't leave this world the way I found it for my granddaughters.
I do WTF I have to do to live with SELF! I DID IT MY WAY!

Hey I love old Frank Sinatra singing that song.
Granny Nurse Madre's theme song. I REFUSE to be a female SHEEPLE! INDEED!