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DMT & the family of outcrosses



This will be tha first and last response in this thread regarding "Sour Bubble", lol. Firstly, tha original creator had no clue what he was fuggin' with. Several different stories from him have been documented... We had tha option of tha BX1, 2 or 3 and chose #1, knowing we'd be closer to finding somethang... I use a LOT larger population than tha fella who created tha cross, germing between 80-100 each generation, no 1 pack to breed with, bullshit, lol. Tha DMT is phenetically bred fer aroma and flavor, completly different than anythang found within other generations from "dude". So in closing, what yer gitting is a superior bred genetic...

Milo, tha pure DMT KUSH is gonna be available first, as it's fully tested throwin' down predictable results. My Squad is gonna have first cracks, testing tha crosses before tha release; as well as myself and Colorado divisional leader, Tierra Rojo who has plenty of space to dedicate within his warehouse and not even mentioning other silent big dicks with some real estate. We're talking big numbers, bitches...

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Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
nice Steele !!!

currently germing some Blue Sonja..... now that My plumbing issues are almost finished... shits been going on since the first wk of june.. the garden is not happy..... I also still have a pk of sour bubble in the vault. :D

not that I am worthy.... but perhaps I might get in/on "the squad" sometime in the future.... :D

Keep up the stellar work that you do sir!!!:tiphat:


Well-known member
Grinhouse bringing the heat! What about a DMT x ECSD for the Diesel fans?! Ive seen some incredible phenos of Sour bub x Sd, Props to you and your crew Steele

Cheers Kit


ICMag Donor
cant wait for the dmt and the dmt kush, gonna be some straight fire. i feel like a dummy for sleeping on the mob boss and prophet when they were available. fuck man ive been missing out, yall are killin it. fuck the haters and theives.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Not a problem.

Glad you are going to be running some Blue Sonja.


Señor Chang

The lure of DMT has had me peeking in on GrindHouse for a few years now.
But FUCK if Bobby's Ultra Sonja doesn't take the cake!!!!
Will watch the grows with envy.
good on ya!


Congratulations Steel. I know that you have been working on this DMT stock for sometime now. Its nice to know that your doing your back crosses correctly and not just pushing an untested F1 out there likes its a done seed line. Also glad to see that your hooked up with some good people out in the CO. I can remember when you first started this all.... seems like only yesterday. Keep up the good work and hopefully good things will follow.

Laugan Gaucher

I prefere bufotenoxide or bufotenate ??? I don't really know but I prefere


Active member
Amazing family for sure......:abduct:

Thanks for the display of grinding.....:woohoo: :jump:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
This will be tha first and last response in this thread regarding "Sour Bubble", lol. Firstly, tha original creator had no clue what he was fuggin' with. Several different stories from him have been documented... We had tha option of tha BX1, 2 or 3 and chose #1, knowing we'd be closer to finding somethang... I use a LOT larger population than tha fella who created tha cross, germing between 80-100 each generation, no 1 pack to breed with, bullshit, lol. Tha DMT is phenetically bred fer aroma and flavor, completly different than anythang found within other generations from "dude". So in closing, what yer gitting is a superior bred genetic...

Wow, the amount of respect for BOG and his work is so low you don't even mention his name, just say he didn't know what he was doing. Very classy as usual, Grindhouse!

Translated to ebonics: "Wooo da mount repek fo BOG n hes werk is so loe u dnt mention hes name jest say he donno wut hes doin."


Wow, the amount of respect for BOG and his work is so low you don't even mention his name, just say he didn't know what he was doing. Very classy as usual, Grindhouse!

Translated to ebonics: "Wooo da mount repek fo BOG n hes werk is so loe u dnt mention hes name jest say he donno wut hes doin."

So because you put certain people on a pedestal everyone else is required to do the same? Someone asked a question and a reply based on his personal opinion was given. Furthermore, info as to why and how this strain was made was put up for all to see and yep without dude's name said.

Translated to bitch: If someone feels they can do better with Bog's, GrindHouse, or anybody else's shit more power to you. Either put the work in and get that shit out or stfu. Steele obviously felt he could come up with a better product and did. It is what it is. Some would call that real shit (not you hence the translation).

Talk shit get bit:ying: Tuggo
There should be a certain level of respect amongst breeders, and Steele's post shows none.

There's no pedestal, just level playing field. The "real shit" you speak of?

Hasn't been released.

Keep defending, I'm surprised a grindhouse monkey can string together two sentences.


ICMag Donor
I've have been slowly, quietly, chewing on my nails ever since Zoolander posted up the first few web shots and started talking about her. I thought for sure we were going to be seeing more of her THEN, but alas, was not the case.

Steele, bring on the dank. Been waiting for this one for TOOOOOO long.

Personally, BOG is the ONLY breeder on this site that HAS NEVER ONCE responded to my wall messages, PM messages, and even ignored an entire thread in his forum that was directed to him. Sad part was, I saw he even checked my visitor page but never left a message...guess Big ole Grower doesn't have the time for the likes of me and my questions on Monkey Paw...but then again, why would he answer those kind of questions, they are unrelated to his seed lines and thus his cash cow. Don't get paid answering those kinds of questions I suppose.

To take it one step further. I smoked Sour Bubble Bx1 and 2. Then BOG vanished. I have since smoked bx3/4...and the line has gone down hill. Period. No questions about it. PERIOD. Any "breeder" that allows "backward progression" to become SALES MERCHANDISE and still, in spite of knowing the actions he took to bring the line back to market (worthy of a server fund Ix...not the Boo)...refuses to acknowledge that he had not a clue in the first place.

You know what I say...just let the old dude 'breed" himself into oblivion...more people will soon see the difference between painstaking time spent isolating phenos and breeding them to consistency vs. opening a pack of 10 and letting pollen fly...

Sorry if this comes off a bit rant-ish but I really don't care. I'm not even a Grindhouse Squad member, never even grown a Grindhouse bean...have smoked the results before and well, I still read this section of ICm...you don't see me posting over in the bush. Frank stays where the dank is.

Bring on the DMT.


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