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DM's Cab- garagegrow


The reason why you want to reveg a plant completely is just to make a mother plant out of it, and or you have plenty of space/time to not be concerned with its taking a couple weeks to revert back to veg, so you can put it back into flower again and get a better yield.
Yea I definitely want a heavier yield this time so I'm going to wait. Hopefully a week more, they are impressing me. I want that bud that's stuck inside the reveg plants next to the stem, know whatImean.
And everything said makes perfect sense.


Active member
ok i get what you're saying now. i was sober earlier i guess thats why it didnt make sense lol.
with clf if you're only gonna use them you should keep the plants as close to the light as you can, they dont penetrate that deep even though they look bright. i saw something about a 70w hps. thats a good one, i use one and i had a 50w too but the bulb went out or the wire i used wasnt high enough gauge, anyway i threw it away and im too poor to buy another so im using a single 70w now till i buy a 70w mh ballst and get some cmh bulbs. how big is your cab? i grew 6 plants in a 24x32x11 space with a single 70w and they didnt stretch too much.


ok i get what you're saying now. i was sober earlier i guess thats why it didnt make sense lol.
with clf if you're only gonna use them you should keep the plants as close to the light as you can, they dont penetrate that deep even though they look bright. i saw something about a 70w hps. thats a good one, i use one and i had a 50w too but the bulb went out or the wire i used wasnt high enough gauge, anyway i threw it away and im too poor to buy another so im using a single 70w now till i buy a 70w mh ballst and get some cmh bulbs. how big is your cab? i grew 6 plants in a 24x32x11 space with a single 70w and they didnt stretch too much.
Stihgno- My cab is 24x17x46 and yes I have the 70w bulb on standby as I opted not to use it until flower. So that's 2-42's 2-23's and a 70 for 208 total. I seriously wonder how much I would yield if I just did a straight run with just a couple plants. I like my setup as I feel I have a lot of options but I'd like a 250hps or maybe even a 400 in there with 1 plant.


I like my setup as I feel I have a lot of options but I'd like a 250hps or maybe even a 400 in there with 1 plant.

a 150w hps would work decent in your cab and be good if your were concerned about using too much power but it would benefit with say 2 23w daylight (6500k) cfls for a fuller light spectrum and a bit more light.

but a 250w hps on the other hand would be way more than enough light (roughly 10000 lumens a sqft) for your cab, and would be all you need, i would just run it with a cool tube and your good to go.

now a 400hps would be overkill to the extreme for that space.

but something to look into the typical price point jump is in between the 150w (ballast plus light and socket for $40ish) vs 250w hps ( which is around $70ish) and 400watters cost the same amount more or less as getting a 250 up and running.

if it was me and i was gonna get a new light for your size cab and i didn't care about energy efficiency as much, i would go with a 250w hps running in a cool tube
To find out when to flower to make them end at 12" you gotta find the "sweet spot". Try several clones at different heights and flower away! Keep notes and data, you'll figure it out.. goodluck and good stuff so far.


Active member
if you're going for 12" finish height i would say start now. you should expect a doubling to tripling in height from stretching.


if you're going for 12" finish height i would say start now. you should expect a doubling to tripling in height from stretching.
So even though they are still in transition phase they still will triple like a normal vegging plant?
Well the new growth is only a couple inches long so I think I should wait a little longer.


So even though they are still in transition phase they still will triple like a normal vegging plant?
Well the new growth is only a couple inches long so I think I should wait a little longer.

yes and no in my opinion, as the more shoots you have on a plant the less it will stretch, if it was me with those containers and wanting them only 12" high i would wait till it got back to normal growth, trim off all the single leaves and bring it back to a couple shoots (4-8 good ones) and throw it into flower while possibly still under 4" overall.

But container size, lighting and strain have a big part as well.

just throw it in when you think its good to go, as thats the only way you will figure out when and how its best to start it for the next run.


Yea I hear you on waiting until it feels right because it doesn't seem like it now. And I was planning on doing what your saying about thinning it out but I was thinking about leaving only a couple shoots.


Update 10/12

Added two 42's, once the 70 is lit that's 238 I need the warmth it's already getting low 70's and possibly dip to 69 or so. We have at least 15 20 degrees lower to go but I still haven't modified fan for less flow.
Things are getting better, the neighbor hooked me up with all the small pita to trim popcorn from an outdoor harvest, sweet, just had to trim. Anyway still vegging 24/0 with the micro. Decided I'm just gonna run these out and forget about perpetual for now, too much for me to handle. Hoping for at least 2 ounces around xmas, and yes my hopes are high because I follow the leader's you know what I mean.


Update and Frustrated

Update and Frustrated

Update- New veg and mom cab--
2 feet long and 16 inches square, a 27w cfl, two clones and three seedlings. Plenty of room for more light. 70-80* f


Now for the frustrating part and flowers
As of today-

My problem is why are they so yellow and small?
Look here-

This makes me sick, they should look more green and not so weakly.

And then there's this pita but it's the only one that looks like this and is this bad. Looking closely I can see that the little "dots" are in the veins and like drying out and dying, I don't believe it's bugs because the problem starts in the veins-

The soil is two different soils because I transplanted a reveg into a bigger pot(64oz.) with better soil(black gold and perlite). Previously I had been using really cheap soil with almost no nutes and these plants are 6+ months old. They are reveg plants and the first harvest was a measly quarter total because I had exhaust problems but now that I have the enviroment in check I still have these yellow half ass plants.

Am I just tripping?


hmmmm well what is the ph of your water, and do you have any dolomite lime in your soil ?

Also are you feeding them, and how long do they go between watering (how dry do they get) ?

As right now from what i see, it looks like you have ph spotting with nitrogen lockout or deficiency, its a common problem with smaller containers, and one that i have experienced in the past when i was just throwing soil into containers without really knowing what was in it.

Check your tap water (a aquarium ph kit costs about $4 and you can get them from any place that sells pets supplies) as your well or city's water could be high or low (mine comes in at a ph 7.6-8 which is far from ideal)

The key quite possibly will be the addition of dolomite lime to your soil, head over to the organic soil section, and read the beginners guide to organics sticky specifically about dolomite lime, it can and does regulate ph when added in the right amounts, also ph swings can be caused by infrequent watering, or watering too often with runoff can cause a medium to shift closer to the ph of your water.

Thats what i would check first though, then go from there.


Active member
looks like it could be a nitrogen def, but most likely cause is overwatering. and the ph is off like lokey said, all the spots on the leaves. when you use bottles like that you have to make sure the bottom of the pot gets dry before you water again or else you get these damp soil situations that i think lead to your problems. drill some more holes in the bottom of your pots, at the corners. do a ring around the bottom portion of the pots going around the side at the bottom.


like this, i have holes in the bottom like you, i added the ones around the side after the first time i grew in a soda bottle and the roots at the bottom were always staying wet.


I'm using tap water with high ph I would guess 7+. I hear your advice I'm just not sure it's those things because if you look at my first photos you'll see nice green growth and I was using the same soil and water. The only thing that has changed is I trimmed all the inner leafy reveg growth because it was so compacted and mold prone. Ever since I trimmed it up it's slow and yellow. But I don't really feed them except sometimes just a tiny amount of cheap ferts whatever I can find and that's not often. This is a poor man's grow I don't have funds for much unless I donate blood or something.
So I think it's nitro def. so I'm giving it some 202020, small amounts so hopefully some improvement. My plant is in 16 oz. of old crappy 6 month old soil, and the rest of the soil is black gold 3 month feeding. So this must be causing problems, probably should have cut out more of the old soil when transplanted.


ph can swing over time, like you can start seedlings get through veg then 2 weeks into flower, shit goes sour, just something to check, also by mixing chemical fert in your water, it will more than likely lower the ph of it,by how much who knows, but its just one little more piece of the puzzle to check and know.


The Green, is Backkkk!!!

I'm feeling much better they all are much much greener thanks to my highly intuitive insight, and that is that plants need fertilizer.:tiphat: Thank you, thank you very much. But actually where I screwed up is I didn't cut the old root ball out which would have been ok except I used crappy soil so even though it was transplanted into rich soil it wasn't enough. Give me a few weeks and I show you what I mean.


Looking much better than before, not the best plants ever but I'm trying.

Forming buds quickly in a cabinet that's 60* lights on and 56 lights off, buds are only a couple inches away from 238 watts(~17000lumens)
