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DJ Short's F-13 MicroGrow



I added a low dose of 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion Nitrogen Supplement to try and correct the "deficiency" that appears to be plaguing the older fan leaves. Hopefully by correcting this issue it will help increase my overall yield as I am shooting for 2 ounces.

In other news one of the three clones I took from my bubblicious plant has rooted and I now have it out of the humidity chamber and in the momma box with 2 new F13 cuttings im trying to root. I did not use any rooting compound on this bubblicious clone (which is probably why the other 2 did not surivive) and just straight soil with a alot of perlite. With the 2 cuttitngs I just took off the F13 I am using a rooting compound and peat pellets with a humidity bag (ziplock bag) over the top and under 24/0 lighting. Hopefully one of these will root and hopefully the mother f13 is in fact a female.


And the motherbox with the F13 cuts and a new bubblicious mother (which I have no idea what im going to do with)




Day 16 Flower

The added fish emulsion didnt really seem to correct the yellowing issue so Im thinking its just something the strain does with the older growth, like my first plant. The colas are forming nicely, which is all that matters at this point. This is my favorite part of the flowering cycle as the trichomes are starting to form and the sweet bubblegum scent is slowly increasing each day. The calyxes will start to multiply and swell at this point so I am roughly 35-40 days from harvest.





Im still shooting for a 56 gram yield and if I can keep all the fan leaves alive and thriving I think I may make that goal. All the colas will most likely stop vertical growth around the 3 inch mark and I'm hoping with the lights moved closer I will get some denser nugs when they are fully developed. The F13 has yet to show sex but I have a good feeling it is female, which is why I hope the 2 cuts I took root, otherwise I will attempt another cut and reveg to maintain the genetics. Wish me luck!


Things are still looking nice man! Good luck on reaching your goal. I didnt really have a goal with my first grow because I didnt know what to expect. Harvest is only a couple weeks away so I will know soon enough! Ill be following along to see how you do. Peace


Active member
buds are coming along nicely. i would stop feeding any nitrogen from weeks 5-6 to finish. but thats just how i grow. will be checking in :)


buds are coming along nicely. i would stop feeding any nitrogen from weeks 5-6 to finish. but thats just how i grow. will be checking in :)

Yea the Fish emulsion was only to try and correct the yellowing issue. I plan to stop feeding them for the last two weeks (usually weeks 7-8). Im just about at 3 weeks so slowly but surely!



The solo f13 has turned out FEMALE!!! Thats exciting but it also means that I need to try and get a viable clone from it so I can make a bonsai mom, otherwise I will be growing out the other 9 seeds from the pack. I took those 2 lowest branches as cuttings a couple days ago and they dont seem to be looking good but hopefully they will root, if not I will attempt a reveg on the main plant.

Can you spot the 2 hairs!



Congrats on your new baby girl.

I can see two tiny white hairs at ten o'clock and two o'clock.

I wish DJ's gear wasn't so expensive or I'd be running some, I can't morally justify spending that much for seeds at the moment.


Day 22 Flower:

Ok well something happened today and I lost alot of fan leave. I have no idea what happened. Maybe I fed it wrong, maybe the fans went out for a bit or something, maybe a family member messed with the box, maybe god hates me. A large majority of the fan leaves were very wilted and completely yellow when I got home today so I cut them off and watered the plant straight water. I know this is gonna really affect the yield and I know I wont be getting anywhere near the 2 ounce mark, maybe just an ounce this go around.

These pictures are after I cut most of the yellow fan leaves off as I dont want the plant to utilize energy trying to heal them. This is a 50 day strain so Im hoping I make it to harvest without anymore hiccups!





I need help on identifying an issue with my F13 plant. Ive been watering it regularly and have not changed anything with the plant itself. The plant has never been fed one drop of nutes as it has not shown any signs of deficiencies, but there appears to be an issue with some of the older fan leaves.


Notice how the edge of the leaves curl down, usually a sign of too much or too little water but I dont think that is it. The lateral veins of the leaves also appear constricted and bulge out, unlike a normal leaf. These leaves were fine when they first formed and I have not changed anything except putting the plant into flower.


So if anyone can look at these pics and tell me what I need to do. Maybe it does need food I just dont see any deficiency at all. Thx in advance



I got my LED grow panel installed into my new mother/clone box. I have it resting on top of my other flower box so eventually I will have a perpetual grow going!!!! I have the 1 bubblicious mother going which will be big enough to start snipping clones off in a couple weeks and the one F13 cut that im attempting to root ( hopefully). If I can get an F13 mother I will be running both strains in a SOG perpetual over winter and then start my F13 breeding project near the end of winter.



Its a 15W LED panel. Its equivalent to 75W HPS but im thinking more around 50W which is more than enough for a couple bonsai moms and a clone tray.




Recovering UO addict.
that leaf curling looks kinda like its drying out a little or maybe the start of a K def? looks kinda like what one of my moms did a while back. First the leaf would dry a little and curl under, then get the weird dry spots in the middle and spread. I gave a light dose of molasses and threw some fresh ewc on top, and it seemed to stop it..

I need to get me one of those led panels..even if just for the cool glow.


I'll try to get some kind of K supplement if that is the issue. Im going to be going to an actual hydro store soon to get a nice set of Earth Juice ferts and some nice FoxFarm soil instead of all these cheapo Home Depot crap.

My game plan could change if this F13 cut doesnt root. I'll more than likely start the other 9 F13 seeds in the LED box near the end of bubblicious flower; that is if the F13 cut I took doesnt root. If the F13 cut does root I will be running both strains in a perpetual SOG (straight to 12/12 from rooted clone) over the fall and early winter, and run the seeds near the beginning of spring so I can get some outdoor action going!

I have to say the LED panel is brilliantly colored and makes my leaves appear black which is kinda cool :0 .


Visited an awesome hydro shop today and picked up some much needed accessories to my hobby. I had been using Schultz products and various products from Depot de Pot and decided I needed an upgrade. I went with Earth Juice as I hear this is a very good organic brand that really brings out the flavors in your bud. I also purchased the primo suprimo in organic soil: Fox Farm. When I start the bubblicious/F13 clones I will be monitoring their nute intake and pH more closely as Im really getting into this hobby and have learned alot from my past 2 grows. Thats whats up:




Ok, so i've decided now is the best time to start the other 9 F13 seeds.

My plan is to sprout and veg the F13 plants in the LED box while the bubblicious finishes up. There is roughly 3.5 weeks left with the bubblicious, which is right at the point the F13 will need a transplant and moved into the larger box. At this point I will continue to veg them taking several clones of each plant before triggering flower.

The Flower cycle will be open pollination so I will keep all females and males and chuck the Hermies! My primary goal is to make a couple hundred F2 F13 seeds for future breeding, and my secondary goal is to find 1-2 keeper Females from the S1 pack to make bonsai moms out of.


One of the seed macros:


The setup for growing out the F13 sprouts (given 100% germination rate). They will be placed in Fox Farm Soil with about 25% perlite. :


And here is the current F13 female i'm running (attempting to clone). Its roughly 8 days into flower with the bubblicious in the background with 25 days under the belt.


So I have initiated my F13 breeding Project, which should be full of fun filled turns at every corner!


Some more pics

F13 Main Cola:


Bubblicious Bud (25 Days Flower):





Due to upcoming events in my life I had to move the bubblicious (scrogg'd) and F13 female outdoors for a week or 2. This should not have any effect on the flowering of the two plants as the photoperiod in my region is already pretty short. I plan to have the bubblicious finish outdoors in the next 3 weeks and I will move the F13 back into the cab in roughly 2 weeks.

I removed the screen from the bubblicious when I moved her outdoors. Finally a top view of her:



The one F13 Female:


All of the other 9 F13 seeds germinated and popped open (one was a straggler by 24 hours) and are all in mini dixie cups, in Fox Farm w/ perlite, and under the LED light. In other news one of two of the first cuts I took off the F13 female finally showed signs of rooting (after I lost all hope with that cut) and has root bumps all over the base of the stem. I immediately transplanted it from the peat puck to some nice Fox Farm soil and still have a humidity dome over the top to help with its root development.


If this earlier cut does not take root I still have a larger cut I took as a back up that is still very healthy and green. Here is a nice LED Cab shot to show you my current setup. In roughly 3 weeks the F13's will need to be transplanted to larger pots and moved into the larger cab:


Thats it for now. I will have some pics of the F13 sprouts when they show their heads!


I just checked the larger F13 for shits and giggles, even though its only 7 days old, and guess what? Its rooting \o/.

This is a relief as I didnt want to have to try and reveg the actual female plant as im limited on space. I went ahead and took it completely out of the peat pellet and placed it in a nice pot with some Fox Farm and a small bit of Earth Juice Grow formula.



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