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DIY Aero Cloner the EZ-Cloner Replica in 10 Easy Steps!


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

man those LEDS really penetrate your plastic tub huh?
Not that it matters... the cheap halloween foggers have LEDs on them that alternate between red, yellow, and green while the fogger is running so that is most of the light inside you see. It definitely has not slowed down the root growth at all and like i said in the above post, the ultrasonic vibrations keep the water sterile so no worries about algae growth. Once i put them in the partially transparent bottles i use for flower pots is another story. Some of my planters were still transparent at part of the bottom and became a nice deep shade of green... easy solution though.


Active member
ICMag Donor
today will be the 11th day in for my clones which were taken from the lower part of the plant so that maybe why, but I see nothing yet, no nubs or anything. i am thinking they are staying too wet? they seem to have droplets on them when i check them out. i am thinking about running a timer on them just to give it more time to dry and then hopefully grow roots. any suggestions. ill take some pics


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
ft100 said:
today will be the 11th day in for my clones which were taken from the lower part of the plant so that maybe why, but I see nothing yet, no nubs or anything. i am thinking they are staying too wet? they seem to have droplets on them when i check them out. i am thinking about running a timer on them just to give it more time to dry and then hopefully grow roots. any suggestions. ill take some pics

im tellin ya, the 15 min on/off bit is important... ive noticed a huge difference in time if this technique is not followed..

also make sure your temps are on..
Oh yeah I run mine on the on and off cycle as well. Not even sure of the amount of time, just bought a cheap timer with the push down tabs (lots of little grey ones) and have like 3 pushed down for every 2 up. I think the time the clones get with the water off helps for sure. Ever since I went to this method of the on off of the misters I have been having 100% success with my clones.

Go to harbour freight and pick up a little timer, your little ladies will love it.


New member


LiLWaynE said:
im tellin ya, the 15 min on/off bit is important... ive noticed a huge difference in time if this technique is not followed..

also make sure your temps are on..

Yeah I made mine very simular. The guy who showed me uses a 1min on, 5min off recycle timer. works great. also just pulls the net pots and all to drop into a double stack tub for air time for the veg. then into pvc fence post for the flower. I have read this whole thread now to combine info from this and the other good one from Master Stinkbud. :rasta:
Here is the link. (wont let me post the link :badday: )
its on (rollitup.o_r_g_) minus the little lines (harvest a pound every three weeks)
thanks to all for the helpfull info :joint:


New member
good comparative info link

good comparative info link


just remove the $$ signs out of the top link


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ICMag Donor
timer is on 15 min on 15 min off. will let you know how it goes. thank you for the help

6/9 roots a day later. good tip.

another ? my clones have been in for a while, would hygrozyme not clog up? or thrive alive? they just look like they need some feed. i run all bio bizz stuff otherwise. let me know what you think wayne. i think i about owe you a steak dinner by now but keep it coming. peace smoke respect
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Guys I used a 2 inch hole saw and the holes are a tad to big for the EZ cloner neoprene collars and I'm thinking should I buy a new tub and drill the holes a inch and 7/8th


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
ft100 said:
timer is on 15 min on 15 min off. will let you know how it goes. thank you for the help

6/9 roots a day later. good tip.

another ? my clones have been in for a while, would hygrozyme not clog up? or thrive alive? they just look like they need some feed. i run all bio bizz stuff otherwise. let me know what you think wayne. i think i about owe you a steak dinner by now but keep it coming. peace smoke respect

good to hear it worked 4 ya.. im no bullshitter my friend...

how long have they been in the cloner? Ive left some in there for up to a month and had no problems... when they start yellowing (after roots have developed) you then should understand that they are looking for food... get them transplanted... before you know it, theyll be shootin out new light green growth.. ive never added any bullshit chemical products to my

justlrnin said:
Guys I used a 2 inch hole saw and the holes are a tad to big for the EZ cloner neoprene collars and I'm thinking should I buy a new tub and drill the holes a inch and 7/8th

ya dude, that was a mistake... I say you just go into the store you bought your rubbermaid from and tell them that you forgot to get a lid when you originally bought your container.. then cut some new holes out in the lid... or you can be honest and offer to purchase a lid...

Or, you can just make your own collars out of whatever...

good luck with all that

peace yall,

LW :joint:


Active member
ICMag Donor
well i might have pulled the ones with roots out a little too early. any tips for what to look for as to when to transplant directly into soil in beer cups. any tips along those lines would be great. I am about to take 40 cuttings this coming weekend and want to make sure I get it right and dont just cut my ladies branches off. thanks again mr. carter. peace and smoke.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
ft100 said:
well i might have pulled the ones with roots out a little too early. any tips for what to look for as to when to transplant directly into soil in beer cups. any tips along those lines would be great. I am about to take 40 cuttings this coming weekend and want to make sure I get it right and dont just cut my ladies branches off. thanks again mr. carter. peace and smoke.

bro whenever you get a nice lookin set of roots, then transplant..


I have never used this method do u still dip them in rooting hormon and what the ph should be in the water ??lol sry about the newbism want to make sure i now how to use it before i build it lol thanks


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ICMag Donor
2 of 9 clones made it this time. i attribute it to not waiting for a few more roots to pop out before putting in soil, not getting my timer on it earlier, and just a first run. thanks to lil wayne for the help. i plan on taking 40 clones soon and will start the timer after 5 days of 24 hour mist and i will also add a little superthrive cause that never hurts. the 2 that made it were 2 different female phenos of sour bubble bx3, so that is always good news. great thread, great cloner, all good. peace and smoke.


What do u guys recommend putting the clones in after they root in the cloner? I want to be able to drop them into a hydroton ebb n flow. I was thinking beer cups full of coco but will the roots grow into the coco? help plz :)

This is what my clones look like after a few weeks of flowering (strait from cloner w/no vegging)... 200w (8-25w) of 2700k cfls... I use a mix of coco-coir/perlite for all my plants. I have quite a few varieties of tropical-fruit plants growing well in my house (awaiting the completion of my greenhouse) as well as some saffron and garlic... the saffron is the only thing not doin too well but that is only because i'm not in northern italy and i don't know how to grow it and am trying to recover from an almost-failed attempt last year. Cannabis seems to love my coco-coir/perlite mix, about 70/30... it's very forgiving and flexible. See earlier posts for pics of my clone system. It's all about decent hydro nutes. Just don't bother putting them in the cloner! I have yet to loose a clone with my fog system. This current round i really cut my mother back and put a couple of thick-woody prunnings in the cloner to see how well they root... it's been 5 days and all looks normal. One of my small soft cuttings already has multiple roots poppin...
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ICMag Donor
ok so i spoke too soon earlier. it looks like 3/9 made it my first time through 2 sour bubble bx3 girls and 1 bx3 guy. i will be filling it up with 40 here pretty soon, still collecting superthrive and I am having trouble finding a timer I can use that will have unlimied on off settings per day. what is the best amount of on to off time for an aeroponic cloner like this and where can you get a time that will work on that schedule. my times right now are 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off. is that going to work or should i continue my search for a better time for aeroponics. let me know what you guys think? peace and smoke.