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DIY $140 Mylar PVC Tent W/ 800CFM Ventilation(Cheap, Top-Quality)



wow homey, several people posted their opinions and thoughts on an obviously semi-flawed idea. yes it has merit, but TO ME you are going about it the hard way. to some time is worth money to others time is plentiful.

If I had to build a quick room in a room to any dimensions, the rigid foam board I posted about earlier is 10$-15$ a 1" thick 4x8 sheet. some duct tape and it is FAR more rigid and light proof than your contraption. So before you get all huffy, Its time to put on your big boy pants and accept some constructive criticism.


none of your or anyone else's criticism was intended to be constructive...

it was what it was. it either worked for you or it didn't.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
to bongjangles ... you could have solved the problem of static pressure(from blowing exhaust into the scrubber) by attaching an inline(as I do) to the scrubber to help pull air into the scrubber. I assumed everyone used an inline to suck air through the scrubber.

So you're using an inline fan outside of the tent in addition to this computer fan setup?

Sounds completely redundant to me. Just get a fan big enough for your exhaust needs and a scrubber to match and you're off to the races.

Now that we've clarified exactly what you're doing with the scrubber, it sounds like this methodology would actually cost more in the end than just getting the right fan and filter to exhaust the tent.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
none of your or anyone else's criticism was intended to be constructive...

it was what it was. it either worked for you or it didn't.

From wikipedia -

"Constructive criticism aims to show that the intent or purpose of something is better served by an alternative approach."

Sounds like what most everyone here has done for you.

Time to drop the defensive attitude and consider the advice of these folks trying to help you salvage your design.

There's a reason nobody but you is using 10 pc fans in a big tent grow.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Cost you $140 plus 8 hours of work. $30 a hour minimum.

It cost you around $500 dollars.
There are alot cheaper ways to go about building a better cab then that.

6 years of growing and this is your great first post to come to a established forum with?
Just seems you might have better ideas to flood the brains of newbs then this POS.

:) IMo....:tiphat:


Active member
Negative air pressure is NOT CREATED because # intake fans = # exhaust fans; if you read. The actual CFM of tent could only be limited by the max RPM of the fans. Then the real CFM would be 50% of the sum total of fans used. Which is still a great deal. You would be lucky to find a 400CFM ventilation system for $140(all of which won't actually perform at rated if using passive intake, so you need 2). You would be even luckier to find a Mylar/ Black and White Poly tent for $140. This DIY gives you both for $140, albeit with ALOT of work involved.

you earlier suggested in you first reply that I should remove my intake fans for a larger passive intake, THEN YES I WOULD HAVE THE NEGATIVE PRESSURE PROBLEM YOU DESCRIBE. BUT I DON'T WANT THAT PROBLEM. Not trying to trash you.

PLUS .... you could replace the flimsy Mylar with black and white poly bought from the hydro shop for about same price.

to vagpuncher : it took me about 8 man hours spread over two days once you have all materials.


Since you like to throw around "reading comprehension", maybe you should learn it yourself. You say that my "earlier suggestion in my first thread", however if you are able to comprehend any type of reading, you'd realize I only replied to your thread ONCE..............glad I didn't waste my time trying to offer suggestions again. So please continue with your POS setup and the rest of us will continue to laugh...............:tiphat:


Hey Cactuar! Most who responded were trying to help. I understand that you put a lot of yourself into the build, and it is easy to take criticism of your tent as a criticism of you. But, that isn't necessarily so. Could some have used a little more tact? Maybe. But, the main intent was to point out some things that could be improved upon, thereby reducing cost for someone else that wanted to build their own "Cactuar's DIY tent".

For example, filtering the air in the room your tent is in, is a bit puzzling. Would it not be better to filter the air being exhausted from the tent before dumping into the room? You could eliminate all the pc fans, improve odor and heat control, upgrade to bigger/more light, and reduce overall expense in materials and associated electrical costs. I don't know about you, but the slightest waft of that sweet aroma tends to up my pucker factor! I spent one might in a drunk tank many years ago and that was enough to convince me that jail wasn't a place for this old boy! I don't have much, but I would like to keep what little freedom I have left!

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to flame as it is counterproductive to the site as a whole. But, refusing to acknowledge any input from anyone else or by taking any critique personally, only serves to hold you back. For a basic design it certainly has its merits and with just a small amount of improvement you would have a kick-ass DIY tent.
