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Disturbed - People talking about giving MMJ to unknowing people?!


Active member
There seems to be some confusion about neurosis vs. psychosis. OCD's etc. are neuroses. They may be irritating, or even debilitating to a degree, but the person is still able to basically function in the world.

Psychoses, on the other hand, are - well - really out there. Ever spend time in a remote farmhouse, in the middle of winter, with someone in the middle of a full-blown schizophrenic episode? No electricity, no phone. They're eating boxes of ex-lax to shit out the demons? It's scary. This is NOT your little OCD or phobia. It's not that paranoid buzz you get from a strong sativa.

Another misconception is that if only people would confront their problems they'd be OK. It just don't work that way. If you're lost in the forest and there are no trails, let alone signposts, you need help of some kind to find your way out. You know you're lost but have no idea where to turn go get out. Sometimes you don't realize how lost you are.

Mental aberrations and illness are the red-headed stepchildren in the spectrum of disease. All too often those who suffer from these conditions are judged harshly. They're told to just suck it up and deal with it. The truth is, their illness is just as real as cancer or a ruptured appendix. Should they just suck that up and deal with it themselves?

Pot's connection to mental illness has been studied and debated over and over for decades, but there's never been any real consensus about what, exactly, that connection is. Did weed cause or exacerbate the problem, or is it self-medication to relieve the syptoms? Some of both, maybe?

Certainly, in the vast majority of cases it's a neutral factor. At least when the toker knows he's been dosed, and basically what to expect. Quite different for some poor sucker who's just eaten two big strong brownies and has never even had a puff of pot, and doesn't know what's going on. Scary? You bet. Not funny. Not cool.


Aaahh... Agaricus, you've hit on one of my 'things' about mental illness and the concept that 'it's all in your head!' Which is this: My head is a physical thing. The brain inside it? Physical thing. The thoughts that dash about? They're electro-chemical things. Electricity isn't quite physical, but chemicals are.

And then there is the stigma associated with mental illness, which runs deep, especially in the US.


Freedom Fighter
I agree 100% about dosing someone without their consent/knowledge!!
But I have 1 question...how can you get someone to smoke a spliff...without their knowledge??


Active member
well my food is safe now. i tell everyone its loaded with thc.the old lady and roomate dont dare.even my salad dressing is spiked .


Well-known member
Slipping ANYTHING to someone without their knowledge/consent is just uncool. Unless they are a food thief and you are giving them a dose of Dave's Insanity Sauce or Ex-Lax.

Back in the day, a friend smoked me out, and it turned out the weed was laced with PCP. I was one mad MFer when I was able to stand up again.


Active member
I remember when a teacher in 8th grade Got slipped some orange sunshine .That was some funny shit at the time.


I have to say I take issue with the idea that we pro-MJ people cannot accept *anything* that might challenge our "Cannabis as a miracle plant/drug" paradigm. Cannabis is not a panacea, it won't cure everything. Cannabis can cause problems for some people. Period. Just because we're pro-mj, pro-MMJ, whatever, doesn't mean we can't be adults and look at the WHOLE picture, even if it's not pretty. Well, at least this applies to me, clearly not everyone. I am going to point out that that sort of thinking is polarizing, as polarizing as the kind of thinking that comes from the Moral Majority (does that group even still exist), the Tea Party, etc. It's too... lockstep for my tastes and it doesn't allow for individuality.

Please re-read all of my posts in this thread. It;s clear by your response that you (& at least 1 other person) mis-read all of my posts....never said weed was a cure-all, just said it does not cause psychosis & overdoses. I said those links were speculation. I said misinformation about mj should not go unchecked, especially on a pro-mmj board.
What I said was "I'm calling BS on every1 of those links. They are ALL speculation (which is very clear when u read them...ie; may cause, might exacerbate) & the articles themselves, STATE RIGHT IN THE ARTICLES that there are many studies that contradict their speculation. Again, I said that weed does not cause psychosis & no1 has ever overdosed on marijuana & I stand by that. My statement about this being a pro-mmj was in reference to some1 making claims that weed causes psychoisis & that a human can OVERDOSE from marijuana....this is flase information & should not be spread...especially on a pro-mmj board cuz I would think that alot of people on a pro-mmj board would know thier facts better than most & wouldn't accept that piece of mis-information. Weed may cause anxiety, paranoia, etc, etc in some people but that does not mean the person has a mental condition of psychosis which is a severe mental health diagnosis. They don't have psychosis, they're just high & that high will pass. There are HUGE differences between psychosis & a weed high. Also, the 2nd thing...OD from weed...never, ever, ever, ever, ever has any1 overdosed on marijuana....I don't think that is medically possible. Before claims like that are made, they should b based in facts.

The OP's main concern was slippin weed to some1 without their knowledge & I do agree that people should not be given anything without their prior consent. Slippin anything to a person is just plain wrong but my statements about psychosis & overdosing on weed stand. I never said weed was a cure all.

No animosity here towards any1 in this thread but I do think my statements were, somehow (even tho i feel I stated them very clearly), taken out of context by some. So, I hope this helps to clarify things. :tiphat:


Active member
being as we can make stuff that dissolves in your skin. CAN someone come up with a thc lube and suntan lotion. i could double my success rate


Friend of mine unknowingly ate a really strong brownie before he had to sing the LEADING TENOR ROLE IN AN OPERA. He had never been high before and just barely got through it. During one entrance he walked onstage, got distracted by the super bright stage lights and missed the conductor's cue. Oops! It's no wonder he hates marijuana now.


Active member
being as we can make stuff that dissolves in your skin. CAN someone come up with a thc lube and suntan lotion. i could double my success rate
Theres a hippy chick out here that trys to give me stuff like that all the time.kinda freaks me out a little:biggrin:


StayHigh, I wasn't referring only to you, but to the reaction I see frequently on pro-cannabis sites whenever any information that may 'tarnish' the view of cannabis is presented. This is why I didn't call you out specifically, but I will use that thread about the rise of dog deaths attributed to cannabis as another good example of what I meant by my previous post.

You see, I personally have no idea if it'll kill dogs or cause psychosis for sure, and it seems to me that the jury (read: science) is still out on the matter. So, do I just ignore what I don't like because it doesn't fit my personal paradigm? Or do I allow for it?


agreed, after seeing what happened to my dog after she got a hold of some bubble hash, I'd never misplace or let something get to her again, and if it affected her that way, unbeknownst, I sure wouldn't do it to a human. No matter how many stories I see how it don't hurt dogs, IMHO.

StayHigh, I wasn't referring only to you, but to the reaction I see frequently on pro-cannabis sites whenever any information that may 'tarnish' the view of cannabis is presented. This is why I didn't call you out specifically, but I will use that thread about the rise of dog deaths attributed to cannabis as another good example of what I meant by my previous post.

You see, I personally have no idea if it'll kill dogs or cause psychosis for sure, and it seems to me that the jury (read: science) is still out on the matter. So, do I just ignore what I don't like because it doesn't fit my personal paradigm? Or do I allow for it?


Senior Member
You see, I personally have no idea if it'll kill dogs or cause psychosis for sure, and it seems to me that the jury (read: science) is still out on the matter. So, do I just ignore what I don't like because it doesn't fit my personal paradigm? Or do I allow for it?
i see your point, but to be honest i don't think the jury is still out on that...they have given rats and other animals ridiculous doses of cannabis, to try to find the toxicity limit. here is a quote from a reputable source:
At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.
if you figure a dog weighs about a quarter of a person, and went by weight alone, well a dog would have to consume like 375 pounds of pot or like 40 pounds of hash to kill it...i am an open minded person and try not to be biased in favor of pot, but the science seems to suggest that a dog would have to consume more than it's own body weight in hash to die from it...

trying pot for the first time can be pretty scary, especially if your the type of person that made it to adulthood without trying it...i mean you never know how it will effect you...i had a friend smoke for the first time, with my chemdog ibl, and he didn't even feel it! that stuff was scary strong, other people take one hit of swaag and have a total panic attack... dosing for a first timer is really difficult when smoking, with edibles i would think it would be next to impossible...

that doesn't even get past the fact that if you aren't mentally prepared, it could potentially be terrifying! i remember as a kid smoking for my first time, i was ready and i was terrified! people up close sounded far away, people far away sounded up close, every 2 seconds i would forget where i was and how i got there...lightning sensations coursing through my body...imagine if you were just a normal dude reading the paper and that started happening to you?! you would probably have a psychotic episode...thinking you are dying or going crazy...

honestly that sounds like a nightmare scenario, and every human has the right to dictate what goes into their bodies, except rapists and child molesters, they should all be dosed with neuro-toxins immediately...that's why i have such a problem with processed food and all the chemicals they put in without telling you about it...chewing gum for example, is supposed to be the most toxic thing they sell at most grocery stores, and lots of people actually think it's good for you!

whether a person could benefit from a medicine or procedure is irrelevant, it is THEIR body and THEIR right to abstain or indulge in any treatment they see fit. i don't think that necessarily extends to parents making choices for their kids...when it comes to hyper religious groups letting children suffer and die because they don't believe in modern medicine, well those parents are no better than the long con murderous parents that think it's ok to let your kid eat himself practically to death before he is ten years old...they never recover from that, even after being taken from their parents and put in foster care, it does permanent damage, both physically and psychologically...

i would expect that unknowingly being dosed with cannabis would be horrifying and most likely lead to psychological issues...at the very least they probably would hate pot for life, and mistrust everyone around them and everything they eat or drink....that would be hell, living your life in fear that somebody may try to dose you again someday without your knowledge...