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Disturbed - People talking about giving MMJ to unknowing people?!

Listen, I'm seriously disturbed by a few posts I've read about people giving others some MMJ unknowingly in food and spliffs.


Ok, just a thought: This is WRONG, ethically and very dangerous. If you are a young kid doing such a thing, apparently you need to know this.

It is dangerous to the person, who could have an adverse effect. It can *cause* psychosis in someone, not help them. It can make it worse. There are *so* many other reasons people can chime in here.

Hopefully if you are reading this and have been considering doing something like this in order to help someone, think again. That's why I posted my concern in the medical section. Hopefully if you even were considering such a thing, you would be doing that out of concern or love for another like mom, siblings, etc...

Don't even consider it. Everyone has a *need* and *right* to know they are being medicated. MMJ works for a lot of people. I use a vaporizer myself for anxiety and depression. But I would be traumatized if I was given it without knowing, in say a desert, a capsule, even a spliff for people who already smoke.

Here are some straightforward reasons. Feel free to add to the list friends..

1) The person could have a horrible reaction and not know why. This could happen hours after you expect.
2) The person could be made to be worse. More psychosis, paranoia, etc...
3) Someone could be allergic. It happens
4) Someone could become ultra-paranoid, sick to the stomach by overdose. "Virgin" users especially. Do you really want to make someone you are trying to help, sicker?
5) It's very illegal
6) It's wrong, ethically. You could even argue it is right "morally" to help someone, but you are wrong.
7) You probably aren't a doctor
8) That loved one deserves to make their own decisions about what to try.

Convince them to try it, if you feel convinced it will help them. Never force it on anyone. Thanks for reading friends!


I don't know why you were dinged as being unhelpful, but I agree with you 100% about dosing someone with anything without their knowledge and consent. Period.

Now, laxative brownies for the person who was stealing my food and stuff out of my locker? Thief beware! Totally completely different story, however.

I knew a guy, was a roommate of my ex-husband's. Some of the friends slipped him some acid one night. They were never friends again after that.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I agree that people should be aware....

but psychosis & overdose...really? From a spliff?

yeah its real

i have seen it happen smoked plenty of sats that make you scared as fuck

pots a safe medicine but it should still be respected

you can prank me all day long with thc and other 3 lettered words but im down for it, not everybody is

for all intensive purposes i dont know how easy it is to covertly "dose" the world with cannabis so the thread is almost, whats the word, chicken little the sky is falling but it is a powerful med and if we really want to change the world we have to be responsible

:: wonders why he even posted in this thread


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
Good intentions don't always equate to good deeds...

there's alot of 'bad' people who are very successful, and alot of 'good' people who are not...

secondly.. not sure if this is a problem, so much as a problem of the people you choose to be around........


natural medicator
Shouldn't need a list of reasons to know that its usually a dick move to drug someone with any substance without them knowing unless you're their doctor and in a hospital.

Sat X RB

the thing about this ... is ... people in general are so UNAWARE of their individual autonomy ... their joyous idiosyncracity ... that they assume Others are merely things, objects ... !

there Fellows! put that in your metaphysical pipe and smoke it ...


#1, I didnt negative rep u.
#2 I agreed that nothing should be slipped to any1 at anytime.

Now, I said that again, so I could elaborate on this....

#3 OVERDOSE? That's a very heavy word. When I think OD....I think OD, know what I'm sayin. Never known of an OD on mj. I've known people to get extremly high but never an OVERDOSE.
#4 PSYCHOSIS sounds pretty severe too. I was thinking along the lines of a SEVERE, permanent mental health condition. By definition tho, I guees many of us suffer from psychosis while we are high or medicated or whatever term u want to assign to the temporary condition we are in after smoking weed....but I've never uttered the words (after smoking).....man, I feel RRREEEAAALLLYYYY psychotic rite now! I have uttered the words.....man, I feel RRREEEAAALLLYYY high rite now.


Sorry, but I'm calling BS on each one of those links. All of them use the term "may cause", "may contribute to", etc, nothing difinitive. A spin can be put on anything. Those stories also state that there are other studies that contradict their info. The stories even give conflicting info in them and are purely speculative, at best.

Bottomline, weed DOES NOT cause psychosis or overdoses & such propaganda should not be spread, unchecked, especially on a pro-mj messageboard.

just my 2 pennies, so plz don't take this as a personal attack cuz it's not


I know someone personally who cannot take much weed at all because it causes HUGE anxiety attacks for him. He uses this tea, instead, and has to take some pharmaceuticals to help control it. Kava or kiva..? I can't remember what the tea stuff is called, but either way he cannot take it, despite enjoying the high.

I have to say I take issue with the idea that we pro-MJ people cannot accept *anything* that might challenge our "Cannabis as a miracle plant/drug" paradigm. Cannabis is not a panacea, it won't cure everything. Cannabis can cause problems for some people. Period. Just because we're pro-mj, pro-MMJ, whatever, doesn't mean we can't be adults and look at the WHOLE picture, even if it's not pretty. Well, at least this applies to me, clearly not everyone. I am going to point out that that sort of thinking is polarizing, as polarizing as the kind of thinking that comes from the Moral Majority (does that group even still exist), the Tea Party, etc. It's too... lockstep for my tastes and it doesn't allow for individuality.

I also think some individuals are just going around dinging posts as unhelpful to just do it. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. That, or we have a LOT of people using smartphones fatfingering all over the place!


Active member
Amen to that, SeaMaiden. I get seriously irritated when someone promotes weed as a cure-all; something that will eliminate disease, poverty and the national debt with absolutely no negative effects. To me it's a mirror image of the hard-core drug warrior who still believes that Reefer Madness was a fact-based documentary.

When we promote legalization, it's important to keep all of our arguments fact-based. Don't leave any openings for the opposition to exploit. Pot's not completely harmless. It's just a whole lot safer than most drugs, psychoactive or non-psychoactive. And it does have lots of uses beyond recreational and-or medicinal, i.e. fiber and biomass etc.

Back to the original premise of the thread... Whatever the reason or excuse, imo it's immoral and unethical to deliberately dose anyone without their knowledge.


Weed does cause psychosis was walking around the house in circles my mind just broke on me last november been to the psych ward 5 times hence and its definitely the issue- smoke once a week now but even thats a risk
It doesn't always cure or help psychosis, I agree as some posters said. But I'm glad most people posting at least agree that it is *not* a good idea to ever give it to someone who is unknowing.

I have a bit of psychosis too; mostly OCD and anxiety. If I smoke the wrong strain, too much sativa or if I pull my plants too early, I get a paranoid effect most of the time. It does help my insomnia and it helps me relax. It also helps my asthma when I vaporize. I absolutely understand where some people would actually be more psychotic with it though. It acts on those receptors in the brain. It is not for everyone.

If any folks are using it for themselves, to treat a psychiatric issue, hopefully they will pick a real doctor that knows about MMJ and the right way to use it. I know that the high CBD strains are usually good for my mental issues too.

Agreed too, as for promoting MMJ, as long as we are all honest about the effects, good and bad, we have a better chance of being taken seriously as we look to pass laws.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I know a few people that should be tied up and blown multiple "shot guns" or I had a buddy that had a gas mask hooked to a pipe - but then again

In the words of Hunter S Thompson, "Reality is for people that can't handle their drugs"

lost in a sea

personally i think that anyone altering their neurochemistry when its already not in a balanced state for whatever reason probably give cannabis the worst name out of anything.

there is no getting around it really and is both good and bad, it indroduces people to shamanism but some spiral into self destructive paths.. all entheogens can do this but people wouldnt take mushrooms or mesculine if they were already paranoid, o.c,schizo,adhd,depressed etc etc they do however smoke weed and some say it helps and some say it sends them crazy or much worse, but it isnt the weed doing it the problem is in their heads and it hurts to really confront the problem more than try and run or distract yourself from "it", be "it" physiological/chemical or mental, they are the same thing anyway.. some blame the strain and keep the denial going but its probably more psychosomatic..

loads of women get their drinks spiked and then inevitably, you know,, and its not like that is that likely to happen at least..... but if it was someone that doesnt smoke weed or ever has then you could ruin their lives but anyone who likes weed then i say go ahead and get them wasted and they will surely thank you, i would under any circumstances..

ganja is more a preventative cure when you are at a good mental state and without health issues that are exacerbated by it, and it does prompt people to heal themselves in various ways but it isnt a cure cure, you have to do the work otherwise its just another crutch..