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District 9....For Sci-Fi lovers...Wow!



Fuckin Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet science fiction film, shit, it's a great film period. Just saw a matinee, was totally blown away. One of the all time great sci-fi movies I'm sure. Here is what the short report from Rotten Tomatoes says:

Consensus: Technically brilliant and emotionally wrenching, District 9 has action, imagination, and all the elements of a thoroughly entertaining science-fiction classic.

Here is a link to Rotten Tomatoes if you want to check out some reviews:


Don't wait to see this one, I'm pretty certain you will hear quite a few people who have seen the movie describing some great parts of the film....better to see it firsthand.


Active member
I heard that they had a really low budget to make the film also. I haven't seen it but some people from my family watched it and said it was AWESOME.


I get the feeling that this will be one of those movies that will reveal itself with successive viewings.

I'm going to watch it at least a few more times over the next couple of years.

edit: Regarding the low-budget to shoot the movie, not sure about that, it didn't really have a low budget look to it. But it did follow the documentary format, and that look can be interpreted to be low budget.

Those were the best alien special effects/costumes that I've ever seen in a sci fi movie. Those aliens looked real, but very freaky, and moved completely naturally, I didn't detect the look of CGI hardly at all.


I took a couple of pulls on my VaporGenie before going to the movies. District 9 is a very good movie. I wonder if a part 2 is in the making.


Looks great; thanks for the heads up Hal! I haven't seen it yet, but am looking forward to it. District 9 is rated 8.8/10 on IMDb as of this writing, and is full of great viewer reviews. I read enough of the plot synopsis (it was full of spoilers) to see that this film is a definite winner.

IMDb link for District 9 is http://us.imdb.com/title/tt1136608/


Registered Med User
Seen it on saturday. It was pretty depressing, main character pissed me off. Its sad cuz it brings to light how humans really act about things. I think aliens arent around right now because they see us fighting and all the racism that exists in the world, if we cant get along with our own earth races the aliens probly know we wouldnt accept an alien race.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
I thought it was ok at best. It was predictable and a little heavy handed.


natural medicator
hmmmm, a person who i know very well miiiight possibly have this in a watchable format at home, and now thinking of actually paying to see it on the big screen before watching it privately.
hmmmmm :scratches chin:


It was one of the more creative takes on the alian agenda. If you can get past the alians are ingnorant slaves who eat catfood and beat there kids because there elite leaders left them.

hollywood sucks.


I enjoyed it, but you really have to be able to believe some serious random shit to even make it sorta enjoyable. i felt like half the movie i was stopping myself and thinking... what the hell?

Entertaining, defintely. Far fetched? A little. It was easier for me to get into the Independance Day plot than this one...

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I saw it last night. I dug it. Very entertaining... I was squeezing my husband's hand practicly the whole movie. It looked great too! Great director.... dont know who did it though. I was surprised to hear it was low budget, but they did use alot of survailance video shots and lower end cameras for a more realistic affect. But the aliens did look awsome! I didn't catch any CGI affects. I figure thats where all the money went. I didn't recognize one actor in the movie eather.

I could see a 2nd one comming out..... and it could very easily be another crappy sequil if not done right.