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Distraction garden

"All warfare is based on deception... when using our forces, we must seem inactive... Hold out baits to entice the enemy."
Sun Tzu~ The Art of War

Deception may be better than mere anonymity.
I don't grow herb, but i think many growers could benefit from a "distraction garden." Grow some indoor tomatoes and squash, with the light shining bright out the windows and highly visible from the street, and when LEO eventually knocks, readily show them your legal crop. You'll be off the "list" for the foreseeable future, and all your hyrdo purchases and electric bills would seem innocent. Plus, wouldn't it be great to have a cop come to your door expecting a big bust and finding tomatoes? Of course this only applies if they enter without the battering ram.... so you might wanna leave the windows open so they can see the toms from outside and offer toms to your neighbors so word gets around. This also assumes that the local cops, county or state cops and the feds communicate, which they don't always do. Local Officer Bob may think your legal, but DEA agent Buzz Hardass may not. Not really advice, just thinking out loud.

Guess my questions are:
How many people get the full DEA-style battering ram treatment?

Got any reasons, stated in this post or not, why this idea is brilliant or retarded?



natural medicator
So you're going to let a cop in your door to look at the plants. Sometimes Tomato plants smell skunky...or a similar smell to that. What if the cop says 'smells like weed in here.' Then you have a cop, already inside your house, with probable cause to search the whole thing.
Another thing to remember is that some people don't know the difference between a tomato and a cannabis plant when looking at them through a window....could bring more attention than needed.

On the other hand...a greenhouse outside the house with supplemental lighting and all legal plants might accomplish the same deception but keep people outside of your home.


Active member
So you're going to let a cop in your door to look at the plants. Sometimes Tomato plants smell skunky...or a similar smell to that. What if the cop says 'smells like weed in here.' Then you have a cop, already inside your house, with probable cause to search the whole thing.
Another thing to remember is that some people don't know the difference between a tomato and a cannabis plant when looking at them through a window....could bring more attention than needed.

On the other hand...a greenhouse outside the house with supplemental lighting and all legal plants might accomplish the same deception but keep people outside of your home.

the op is suggesting that there is no weed around/bongs/pipes/vap for dipshit to find.:moon:

although id make them get a warrent to look at my jabuk peppers and heirloom toms. then sue them for everything.:dance013:

at that point its a random pig on a rampage, call the news.:jump:


Plant a garden of colorful flowers and or fruits in the front of your house (i wouldn't recommend tomatoes). Add something like a hanging flower basket near the main entrance. This doesn't do anything to reduce suspicion of electricity use, but it will decrease suspicion of character.


and if a leo is coming in your house for a bust and you have plants somewhere in the house, they will find them. A legal garden can only work to help prevent being caught. And if your not getting busted, you wouldn't bring a leo to your house if you have plants there. thats sketch.
So you're going to let a cop in your door to look at the plants.
Fortune favors the bold. And if your worried about the smelll of you house (my tomatoes never smell skunky) then have them in an open window visible from the outside, you never have to let the cop in, just walk them to the window.


Patient Grower
It's amusing to hear someone with no experience wax poetic on the way they think things work. But it can be down right dangerous to take their advice. The smart grower would never open his door to a LEO, and should promptly start sanitizing his grow in the event one came knocking.


This may work if you are some grandma or grandpa, but if your anyone else that looks anything like a stoner (which most growers are) this is very bad idea... keep yourself off police radar all together, dont tease the cops like kopbusters if you are really up to something.


Active member
So you want to make people think "he's growing weed." Just so you can them show them your tomato plants and get rid of their suspicions? How about you just don't make them suspicious in the first place. This idea doesn't really seem likely to keep anyone on here any safer. If I've got a grow going, I don't want anything like that to ever cross my neighbors mind, or my local PD.
I have a decent sized outdoor garden which produces food for me and mine. My "indoor green house" if anyone asks is for "seed starting/propagation".

That said, no cop will ever see it without the door being kicked in, legal or not. Fuck the police.


Now in technicolor
I've thought about this a bit also. I don't advice showing ANYTHING to anyone through your window, nor do I advise letting LEOs in your home. But..

I do suggest having a small legal garden, perhaps with CFLs or a 250w MH, only if you can REALLY hide the illicit grow. i.e., a fake wall with a secret entrance. Just in case.. but this won't shake off the dogs if they have any.
Well I do grow vegetables... outside. And I'm sorry but if a police officer wants to come nose around he's gotta have his ducks in a row. I'm not trying to be nice to random people who've got it in their mind to try and screw me.


when i was a kid my dad had a friend that grew hydroponic tomatoes, the guy was around 60 years old and always went to church, handed out tomatoes ect. i was always suspicious of him growing weed simply because he grew hydroponic tomatoes. the interest in anything hydroponic arises unnecessary suspicion, even after you are shown to have a legal crop. hell even legit nurseries i sometimes think... i bet this dude has a nice private garden somewhere... if you tell pretty much anyone under 28 you're interested in gardening they will most likely "joke" about growing weed too... best to completely avoid any sort of interest in gardening imo, including planting flowers and stuff outside.
when i was a kid my dad had a friend that grew hydroponic tomatoes, the guy was around 60 years old and always went to church, handed out tomatoes ect. i was always suspicious of him growing weed simply because he grew hydroponic tomatoes. the interest in anything hydroponic arises unnecessary suspicion, even after you are shown to have a legal crop. hell even legit nurseries i sometimes think... i bet this dude has a nice private garden somewhere... if you tell pretty much anyone under 28 you're interested in gardening they will most likely "joke" about growing weed too... best to completely avoid any sort of interest in gardening imo, including planting flowers and stuff outside.

Ditto. The word "Hydroponics" always has a bad stigma attached to it, best to avoid any association with it period.
It's amusing to hear someone with no experience wax poetic on the way they think things work. But it can be down right dangerous to take their advice.
I have a lot of experience, I'm just not gaining any at the current moment. Plus I said this was not advice in my first post, just thinking out loud.
Not really advice, just thinking out loud.
And I think you meant to say "wax philisophical" which conveys the notion of looking at something from a certain view point. "wax poetic" would mean to be overly romantic and verbose in ones speech. If you think words like "mere" and made up names like "Buzz Hardass" are poetic, then I weep for the future.

Perhaps I'm naive about the situation. I wear a suit to work, spend hours a week in my garden, and once had a cop roll by when I was clearly breaking into my own house (he smiled and waive, and he had no way of knowing for sure I lived there); I guess I don't fit the profile.

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