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Dispensary sativa nonsense


stickey fingers

nut'n better than a home cooked meal

nut'n better than a home cooked meal

:plant grow:i like berkly patients care for the finest indoor,hydro,organic, sativa goodness, not a huge selection
and never cheap and always great


Speed of Dark
I grow sativa, took most of a year to work out how to keep it short enough for indoor. Alaska is a non-dispensary state, supplied by a gray market mostly tolerated by authorities.
My customer base is smaller than the indica growers, most prefer indica and it is quicker to grow, my sativa is 80 days bud time for full ripe.
But customer choice is almost odd, the sativa and sativa oil customers are picky about getting sativa's. The indica smokers will smoke anything but prefer dank. When I get a referral I talk with them for awhile first, just like early posters said was not necessary. Only 370 cardholders in the state and most do not seem to have had comferences with the doctor before receiving the card.
But my layman's perspective pushes in the direction that sativa users are more steady maintenance smokers and the indica smokers tend to binge more. Could be the sedative effect is needed on a more transitory basis but regardless the crossover is mostly indica to sativa than sativa to indica in my experience. Would be nice to have consistant laws and medical information. This site has become invaluable to me. :kitty:


Active member
what i find is that seasoned smokers tend to lean towards the sativa side as they mature. i could compare it to wine. give a non drinker some 500$ dry red and ask if they like it compared to a 5$ sweet red box wine. they will choose the box wine because they dont have the palate or contextual experience to distinguish the finer notes of the dry flavors. a proper sativa high can at times be very scary for some occasional smokers and they would prefer a couch lock indica any day of the week compared to not being used to tripping from sativas.


New member
First time poster, I guess I'm in the right thread filled with people with major sativa experience, which is right up my alley.

I'm going to leave off the dispensary piece as I'm not in the legal State. I've had a couple of questions to you kind people, I was wondering if you could help me out without starting another thread.
I've just started my second grow, only one plant due to certain limitations. It is Durban Poison, I always wanted to try it, going back many years and I've heard a lot of good things about it. How is your experience with this strain? I'm having a very hard time reading an honest opinion about it in any of the popular forums out there.

I've also wanted to ask for any special tips? I will have it in a 5gal container and will most likely top it above the second node, a few weeks into the veg. I've read in another forum that doing so would not only provide a better yield but also allows to control the height. I am planning to veg it for 6 weeks, perhaps is it too long?

I wanted to thank you for a lot of valuable info in this thread, learning stuff all the time and the first grow was a major learning experience.


Active member
first off, what seed bank did you get your durban poison from. is it feminized. if its not i would start 3 seeds to give you better odds of getting a female. topping these sativas is fine they just sit back and take all the abuse you can give them. i like to top the 5th node, leaving 4 nodes of growth on the plant. durban is a medium to fast paced flowering sativa that can take 10-14 weeks (pure land race) or if its a hybrid (which most are) then its around 8-12 weeks. they respond very well to super cropping and this also keeps height down.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
What a great thread. My personal opinion is that, Cannabis prefers to associate with, and rewards the humans who try to adhere to the highest degree of integrity possible. I have friends who work in local dispensaries, and I've heard from the horses mouth that when a strain doesn't sell well, they briefly retire it and bring it out again with a zippier name. The worst thing about this is, it abandons the accumulated knowledge about the effect of that particular medicine. There is a need for integrity throughout the community. The grower needs to know that the seeds or clones in the garden have their claimed pedigree as much as the patient needs to know the meds are what they are labeled. Our local dispensaries are somewhat superfluous anyway. Patients could just as easily be forming private coops or buying directly from local growers just like organic produce. The only way I can see dispensaries surviving the inevitable increase in direct grower-patient relationships is if they can provide not only complete integrity behind their products, but provide community lounges where patients and growers can meet and exchange information. On top of that, I'm sure most of our local politicians would prefer it if the dispensary/lounges could fairly well out of sight and not open store fronts with signs.


I've just started my second grow, only one plant due to certain limitations. It is Durban Poison, I always wanted to try it, going back many years and I've heard a lot of good things about it. How is your experience with this strain?

Can't help out with any cultivation info, but that is one of my faves.
I generally don't like the intense racy Sativas, but the Durban Poisons I've tried have been a happy "up" high.

I actually have some old Nirvana seeds in my fridge, tho' I think they are probably hybrids- hope to grow 'em someday...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
the sativa thing is pure selfish greedy business like you said. if you can get a higher yeild in half the time, sure you're gonna fill your garden with cash crop strains. it's a bummer that there's so few people doin this for the love.

Ill tell you why.

Because nobody wants to pay more for weed. In the average consumer/patients eyes, all weed SHOULD cost the same regardless if it took 50 days to flower or 100 or if it yielded 10 pounds per plant or 10 grams....

The reason you see so many hybrids is because most of these people who want a "pure sativa" probably wouldnt buy it if they saw one...

Because I can guarantee you that 9.9 times out of 10 someone would look at this delicous sativa...


and pass it over for this indica purely based on aesthetics...


Dont get me wrong, im a HUGE fan of sativa, but the fact of the matter remains that there is still a massive risk that accompanies any grow. Rather it be theifs or leo's ... why would i risk so much for something that people dont have the ability to give the proper respect for...?

So basically what we do is produce mostly hybrid sativas for people looking for medication with a sativa dominance (which makes the huge majority satisified) and grow a few pure sativas and keep those under the counter for the people who have a real understanding of what it takes to grow quality pure sativas and are willing to pay a few sheckles more for it.

You want a huge selection of finely grown pure sativas? Legalize marijuana and I would be happy as charlie sheen in a pile of coked out prostitutes to designate large parts of the grow to these beautiful specimen...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do and nothing brings a greater smile to my face then seeing people come in and find exactly the remedy to cures what ails them...and im not trying to step toes and say cannabis is not a medicine, because i have seen thousands upon thousands of times of it TRUELY helping the very sick and dying, but there are so so so many people who simply want to "just get high" and i have nothing against that, alcohol is not medical but peeople sure enjoy it for recreation, and so should ganja.

But me having to grow these very special plants and putting far more time in for much less of a yield is like telling a wine distributor that a bottle of de la grand cru cote nuit romanee conti vosne burgundy should cost the same as a box of franzia merlot.

Just my .02 cents...


stickey fingers



Ill tell you why.

Because nobody wants to pay more for weed. In the average consumer/patients eyes, all weed SHOULD cost the same regardless if it took 50 days to flower or 100 or if it yielded 10 pounds per plant or 10 grams....

The reason you see so many hybrids is because most of these people who want a "pure sativa" probably wouldnt buy it if they saw one...

Because I can guarantee you that 9.9 times out of 10 someone would look at this delicous sativa...


and pass it over for this indica purely based on aesthetics...


Dont get me wrong, im a HUGE fan of sativa, but the fact of the matter remains that there is still a massive risk that accompanies any grow. Rather it be theifs or leo's ... why would i risk so much for something that people dont have the ability to give the proper respect for...?

So basically what we do is produce mostly hybrid sativas for people looking for medication with a sativa dominance (which makes the huge majority satisified) and grow a few pure sativas and keep those under the counter for the people who have a real understanding of what it takes to grow quality pure sativas and are willing to pay a few sheckles more for it.

You want a huge selection of finely grown pure sativas? Legalize marijuana and I would be happy as charlie sheen in a pile of coked out prostitutes to designate large parts of the grow to these beautiful specimen...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do and nothing brings a greater smile to my face then seeing people come in and find exactly the remedy to cures what ails them...and im not trying to step toes and say cannabis is not a medicine, because i have seen thousands upon thousands of times of it TRUELY helping the very sick and dying, but there are so so so many people who simply want to "just get high" and i have nothing against that, alcohol is not medical but peeople sure enjoy it for recreation, and so should ganja.

But me having to grow these very special plants and putting far more time in for much less of a yield is like telling a wine distributor that a bottle of de la grand cru cote nuit romanee conti vosne burgundy should cost the same as a box of franzia merlot.

Just my .02 cents...


heady blunts

prescription blunts
Ill tell you why.

Because nobody wants to pay more for weed. In the average consumer/patients eyes, all weed SHOULD cost the same regardless if it took 50 days to flower or 100 or if it yielded 10 pounds per plant or 10 grams....

The reason you see so many hybrids is because most of these people who want a "pure sativa" probably wouldnt buy it if they saw one......

......But me having to grow these very special plants and putting far more time in for much less of a yield is like telling a wine distributor that a bottle of de la grand cru cote nuit romanee conti vosne burgundy should cost the same as a box of franzia merlot.

Just my .02 cents...


i hear you.

the vast majority of the cannabis smoking public, and probably of the medical community, are not connoisseurs and/or don't care enough.

however i am very particular about my ganj. i keep records on how different strains affect me. i keep multiple strains in my medicine cabinet at all times because depending on the situation, time of day, mental state, etc, i choose the right herb for the desired relief.

also even though i am a total newb at growing, i appreciate the work that goes into it. i understand the skill, time, and energy it takes to produce long flowering sativas. hell i spend a ton of money on medication, and have been for years, because i need it and it makes al the difference in the world for me to have the right kind of weed. i'll gladly pay a fair premium for the right meds.

i can't be the only one out here. the only one who cares. who appreciates. i'm part of this niche market for extremely high quality, organic medicine sold with extreme transparency in terms of the growing style and the genetic heritage.

some growers out there do it to support their kids or pay for their mom's surgery or whatever. let them be the ones to grow the quick flowering indi's pumped up with ferts and sell them to the couldn't-care-less masses.

meanwhile, the people growing with love for this plant and compassion for their patients can cover my mmj needs :D

PS- i'm not even thirty. i've been self medicating for more than 12 years, daily. believe i am only going to get more discerning and particular as i get older.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Ill tell you why.

Because nobody wants to pay more for weed. In the average consumer/patients eyes, all weed SHOULD cost the same regardless if it took 50 days to flower or 100 or if it yielded 10 pounds per plant or 10 grams....

The reason you see so many hybrids is because most of these people who want a "pure sativa" probably wouldnt buy it if they saw one...

Because I can guarantee you that 9.9 times out of 10 someone would look at this delicous sativa...


and pass it over for this indica purely based on aesthetics...


Dont get me wrong, im a HUGE fan of sativa, but the fact of the matter remains that there is still a massive risk that accompanies any grow. Rather it be theifs or leo's ... why would i risk so much for something that people dont have the ability to give the proper respect for...?

So basically what we do is produce mostly hybrid sativas for people looking for medication with a sativa dominance (which makes the huge majority satisified) and grow a few pure sativas and keep those under the counter for the people who have a real understanding of what it takes to grow quality pure sativas and are willing to pay a few sheckles more for it.

You want a huge selection of finely grown pure sativas? Legalize marijuana and I would be happy as charlie sheen in a pile of coked out prostitutes to designate large parts of the grow to these beautiful specimen...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do and nothing brings a greater smile to my face then seeing people come in and find exactly the remedy to cures what ails them...and im not trying to step toes and say cannabis is not a medicine, because i have seen thousands upon thousands of times of it TRUELY helping the very sick and dying, but there are so so so many people who simply want to "just get high" and i have nothing against that, alcohol is not medical but peeople sure enjoy it for recreation, and so should ganja.

But me having to grow these very special plants and putting far more time in for much less of a yield is like telling a wine distributor that a bottle of de la grand cru cote nuit romanee conti vosne burgundy should cost the same as a box of franzia merlot.

Just my .02 cents...


You are so right. It is a little amusing that lots of good sativas went out the window when the horrid seedy Mexican/Central and South American 'pot' lost out to the 'super sensimilla pot' Indicas being grown first indoors and then out. Therein I believe lies some of the myth around statements that today's cannabis is stronger than back in the old days. Sure there was some crap back in the day too but comparing pure sativa to indicas or hybrids is pointless. If you want a plant you on the couch, dull the pain, sleep enhancer then amber trichome (North American) indica is your baby. Real sativa inspires; challenges, creates, soothes the worries. But I'm just a boomer, lost in the dispensary menu...what do I know?


Active member
I got this pic from a CA dispensary that is advertizing the availability of "Kali Mist"



As someone who knows Kali Mist very well, I can guarantee that this nug of chronic, or whatever, ain't Kali Mist.

And the hard, cold reality is that nobody is growing anything remotely sativa for dispensaries. My KM girl gets blown away in yield by blueberry (when you factor flower time) and the buds are airy as fuck. It just isn't commercially viable in today's environment.

The best I can get at a dispensary is a hybrid that has plenty of indica in it.

I am sure there are exceptions - I heard a rumor that a Berkeley dispensary usually gets a nice OD crop of Old Mother Sativa. I'd like to find out more of those exceptions. I'd also like to hear from anyone who has ideas on a solution to the sativa problem.

I don't know about Cali..but its all about yield, most places.The more growers, the more competition.I am hoping to survive by growing really good 85 day organic sativas..I like the big warehouse grows cuz it just makes true heads want quality!!!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
You are so right. It is a little amusing that lots of good sativas went out the window when the horrid seedy Mexican/Central and South American 'pot' lost out to the 'super sensimilla pot' Indicas being grown first indoors and then out. Therein I believe lies some of the myth around statements that today's cannabis is stronger than back in the old days. Sure there was some crap back in the day too but comparing pure sativa to indicas or hybrids is pointless. If you want a plant you on the couch, dull the pain, sleep enhancer then amber trichome (North American) indica is your baby. Real sativa inspires; challenges, creates, soothes the worries. But I'm just a boomer, lost in the dispensary menu...what do I know?

Just to justify your statement I believe they used to run those chromatograhpy machines with all the seeds and stems intact. So they were really giving false numbers and with the new herb being (for the most part) strictly sensimillia there is more neutral mass to lend a hand to these higher numbers. Also there is a large majority of the people who grew up smoking those fine imported herbs, who then quit smoking due to jobs or families and what have you and now that their have began smoking again have no tolerance to the herb and this also tends to make people believe the pot today is far superior. Not that we havent led to amazing new crosses and breeding projects, but i think with all of this accumulated together has led to the rampage of the super pot syndrome and how it somehow is a far more dangerous plant then the pot of the 70s...


Our local dispensaries are somewhat superfluous anyway. Patients could just as easily be forming private coops or buying directly from local growers just like organic produce. The only way I can see dispensaries surviving the inevitable increase in direct grower-patient relationships is if they can provide not only complete integrity behind their products, but provide community lounges where patients and growers can meet and exchange information. On top of that, I'm sure most of our local politicians would prefer it if the dispensary/lounges could fairly well out of sight and not open store fronts with signs.

Now this is very interesting to me. I left CA right before 215 and had always thought that a direct grower>patient relationship was the whole point. On the surface, it seems that doesn't exist in any "visible" way. My assumption has always been that people don't try different supplier models because of the feds and general security risks. Now I am starting to think that it is due to the simple economic advantages of the dispensary model. I would be very interested in more information and a general discussion of alternate distribution models, particularly ones that emphasize "love" over profits. Does anyone here have a formal grower>patient relationship?

I guess I just don't see the dispensaries providing the venue and forum for patients and growers to meet and cut them out. Maybe it isn't a dispensary, but just a "swap meet" kinda thing. The growers rent a table and transact directly with patients. Even if this wouldn't be a massively profitable venture for the middleman, I'd do it in a heartbeat if the security issues could be mitigated. Hell, I'd do it just to be able to hang out with some of the people that I read and really respect a lot on icmag, but again, the security risks and the damn feds keep me hiding in the shadows. Maybe there are ways to do it in reasonable safety?

Because nobody wants to pay more for weed. In the average consumer/patients eyes, all weed SHOULD cost the same regardless if it took 50 days to flower or 100 or if it yielded 10 pounds per plant or 10 grams....

The reason you see so many hybrids is because most of these people who want a "pure sativa" probably wouldnt buy it if they saw one...

Dont get me wrong, im a HUGE fan of sativa, but the fact of the matter remains that there is still a massive risk that accompanies any grow. Rather it be theifs or leo's ... why would i risk so much for something that people dont have the ability to give the proper respect for...?

You want a huge selection of finely grown pure sativas? Legalize marijuana and I would be happy as charlie sheen in a pile of coked out prostitutes to designate large parts of the grow to these beautiful specimen...

But me having to grow these very special plants and putting far more time in for much less of a yield is like telling a wine distributor that a bottle of de la grand cru cote nuit romanee conti vosne burgundy should cost the same as a box of franzia merlot.

America, and particularly CA, is full of discerning consumers that place value on the finer things in life. They just don't realize what they are missing out on yet. I understand that the problem is an uneducated consumer, but I think that it is possible to educate them and I think that we are the ones to do it. I'm not sure how, but there is a way.

So basically what we do is produce mostly hybrid sativas for people looking for medication with a sativa dominance (which makes the huge majority satisified) and grow a few pure sativas and keep those under the counter for the people who have a real understanding of what it takes to grow quality pure sativas and are willing to pay a few sheckles more for it.
That "satisfied" sativa-dom consumer just doesn't know what they are missing right? Even my Kali Mist has too much indica in it for me. Fundamentally, I beleive that it is impossible to capture a true sativa high in a 9-week strain.
The last bit there is interesting. I had no idea that there even was an "under the counter." How do I make it into the secret handshake club and why is it a secret?

I am saying this to make a point, not to solicit or arrange a deal: I will pay $100 for an 1/8 of 100+ day sativa that is as pristine as my Kali Mist (i.e. most of the pistils intact, jar cured for 3+ months, extremely well flushed, etc).

This thread needs more pics:


These fist sized buds will fill jars nicely but don't weigh nearly as much as tight indica nugs. Maybe we need to set a price for a full mason jar of real sativa? A full jar of my Kali girl weighs a bit less than 1/2 oz. I'd pay $300 a jar - would you?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Now this is very interesting to me. I left CA right before 215 and had always thought that a direct grower>patient relationship was the whole point. On the surface, it seems that doesn't exist in any "visible" way. My assumption has always been that people don't try different supplier models because of the feds and general security risks. Now I am starting to think that it is due to the simple economic advantages of the dispensary model. I would be very interested in more information and a general discussion of alternate distribution models, particularly ones that emphasize "love" over profits. Does anyone here have a formal grower>patient relationship?

I guess I just don't see the dispensaries providing the venue and forum for patients and growers to meet and cut them out. Maybe it isn't a dispensary, but just a "swap meet" kinda thing. The growers rent a table and transact directly with patients. Even if this wouldn't be a massively profitable venture for the middleman, I'd do it in a heartbeat if the security issues could be mitigated. Hell, I'd do it just to be able to hang out with some of the people that I read and really respect a lot on icmag, but again, the security risks and the damn feds keep me hiding in the shadows. Maybe there are ways to do it in reasonable safety?

America, and particularly CA, is full of discerning consumers that place value on the finer things in life. They just don't realize what they are missing out on yet. I understand that the problem is an uneducated consumer, but I think that it is possible to educate them and I think that we are the ones to do it. I'm not sure how, but there is a way.

That "satisfied" sativa-dom consumer just doesn't know what they are missing right? Even my Kali Mist has too much indica in it for me. Fundamentally, I beleive that it is impossible to capture a true sativa high in a 9-week strain.
The last bit there is interesting. I had no idea that there even was an "under the counter." How do I make it into the secret handshake club and why is it a secret?

I am saying this to make a point, not to solicit or arrange a deal: I will pay $100 for an 1/8 of 100+ day sativa that is as pristine as my Kali Mist (i.e. most of the pistils intact, jar cured for 3+ months, extremely well flushed, etc).

This thread needs more pics:


These fist sized buds will fill jars nicely but don't weigh nearly as much as tight indica nugs. Maybe we need to set a price for a full mason jar of real sativa? A full jar of my Kali girl weighs a bit less than 1/2 oz. I'd pay $300 a jar - would you?

To address a few points:

It was either oregon or washington state where they were renting out a location and bringing growers, edible producers, tincture creators, etc. together to do direct producer to consumer sales.

However, I know that the reason the dispensary model has been so successful is the majority of growers cultivating on a production scale want the minimal amount of contact/publicity as possible. It works well for the little guy who has 2 or 3 lights and just wants to sell the excess to help pay the electricity / grow costs, but for the ones who are doing it on a larger scale, they just want to bring it in, drop it off, collect and be done with it.

As to the whole under the counter deal, I normally do it with only our most fickle strains that are low yield high maintainence that I just dont feel comfortable putting on the shelfs with the rest of the other strains as I dont want people to pidgeon hole us as "those doods with the expensive weed" as we have excellent strains starting as low as $30/8th. When people hear of our $30s they think it is just some schwaggity outdoor until they see it and smoke it and learn that we actually price our genetics based on yield, rather than quality and we have a nice selection of high yielding genetics that are both very benefitial and low cost to our patients.

So as it works, we take people through the process and the true colors of it always tends to show itself and when I run into one of the people who obviously really have a understanding or at least an appreciation of what it takes to produce super low yielding indicas or strenous long flowering sativas, then i will bring a jar or two out from under the counter to show them. But to be honest, there are so few of these people in comparison to the ones who just want to come in grab a quarter of some "fire" and be done with it.

We always work to educate people into the depths and intricacy of the cannabis realm, but alot of people either think were doing a sales man pitch, or just simply dont care what we have to say...


i can't be the only one out here. the only one who cares. who appreciates. i'm part of this niche market for extremely high quality, organic medicine sold with extreme transparency in terms of the growing style and the genetic heritage.
your not the only one and not the only one in cali bud
like minded people just need to click up
this is the age of information & as a result the mainstream is splitting into smaller and smaller groups of like minded people

the Internet is currently scattering us into tribes that want to go their own way,just look at how much the organic section has matured here
same goes with sats and heirloom landrace genetics,those who care need to stand up take part,save,trade,educate & demand legit proper documented breeding projects
make new friends, make new ends
the same can go with collectives and growers/patients collaborative situations


Active member
Now this is very interesting to me. I left CA right before 215 and had always thought that a direct grower>patient relationship was the whole point. On the surface, it seems that doesn't exist in any "visible" way. My assumption has always been that people don't try different supplier models because of the feds and general security risks. Now I am starting to think that it is due to the simple economic advantages of the dispensary model. I would be very interested in more information and a general discussion of alternate distribution models, particularly ones that emphasize "love" over profits. Does anyone here have a formal grower>patient relationship?

I guess I just don't see the dispensaries providing the venue and forum for patients and growers to meet and cut them out. Maybe it isn't a dispensary, but just a "swap meet" kinda thing. The growers rent a table and transact directly with patients. Even if this wouldn't be a massively profitable venture for the middleman, I'd do it in a heartbeat if the security issues could be mitigated. Hell, I'd do it just to be able to hang out with some of the people that I read and really respect a lot on icmag, but again, the security risks and the damn feds keep me hiding in the shadows. Maybe there are ways to do it in reasonable safety?

America, and particularly CA, is full of discerning consumers that place value on the finer things in life. They just don't realize what they are missing out on yet. I understand that the problem is an uneducated consumer, but I think that it is possible to educate them and I think that we are the ones to do it. I'm not sure how, but there is a way.

That "satisfied" sativa-dom consumer just doesn't know what they are missing right? Even my Kali Mist has too much indica in it for me. Fundamentally, I beleive that it is impossible to capture a true sativa high in a 9-week strain.
The last bit there is interesting. I had no idea that there even was an "under the counter." How do I make it into the secret handshake club and why is it a secret?

I am saying this to make a point, not to solicit or arrange a deal: I will pay $100 for an 1/8 of 100+ day sativa that is as pristine as my Kali Mist (i.e. most of the pistils intact, jar cured for 3+ months, extremely well flushed, etc).

This thread needs more pics:


These fist sized buds will fill jars nicely but don't weigh nearly as much as tight indica nugs. Maybe we need to set a price for a full mason jar of real sativa? A full jar of my Kali girl weighs a bit less than 1/2 oz. I'd pay $300 a jar - would you?

If it cured what ails me and why I choose to medicate..You bet I would. In fact if my med budget was 300/month I'd still buy it.I'd rather smoke weed that I love and helps me a week out of the month than weed I'm not crazy about 365 days a yr..I don't see the point in that..


My friends like to joke about my haze being like meth, and they come back at me for the shit like tweakers, LOL.

If you take the time to grow it, they will come.