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Discussing "touchy" subjects using Email....


Tropical Outcast
....and feeling safe about it.

Maybe not as safe as you are thinking.

Ignore the stupid death threat and even more stupid child porn part in this article.

Instead focus on what CAN be done
(one of many options available I am sure) if "they" really want to know what's up and especially who it is coming from.

After the e-mails were sent, Kostolnik was visited by the secret service who had traced the messages back to his computer's IP address.
Ardolf's devilment ultimately came under the radar when Kostolnik insisted to his bosses he didn't have any idea as to what was happening. Subsequently the law office hired a firm to get to the bottom of the situation by installing what is known as a packet sniffer into the Wi-Fi network. Once Ardolf's name and Comcast account were found, the FBI had probable cause to attain a search warrant for the hacker's home.

So yeah you might as well NOT discuss ANYTHING you don't want others to know about & having your door being knocked on.


Read the whole article here:
Wi-Fi hacker in Minnesota gets 18 years in prison




Like I think the internet & e-mail especially is not safe & with the pulling out of afganistan & iraq the NSA & other GOV. agencies are going to have more time to look at other "problem" areas & lots of hardware & software to do it with!


Wish it were getting better, its not.

If you want any privacy, best unplug everything and never carry any cell phone.

Orwell was an optimist.

If it were not for this site, the Boo and Bay I would just about be done with the net.


Mr. Whitefolks

New member
I would imagine the victims in this case were pretty ignorant about how to protect themselves. Not that ignorance equals deserving a psychopath to stalk and harass you, but there are ways to prevent both weird creepazoid neighbors and law enforcement from monitoring you.

Set up WPA2 on your wifi router. If your router can only do WEP, get a new one immediately. That can be cracked in under a minute without any skill whatsoever besides the ability to read a tutorial and click buttons. Use an online password generator to generate a really long, random password for it. Enable MAC filtering and turn off ESSID broadcasting.

Use a VPN or Tor when browsing at public wifi spots or other open networks. Set up a PGP key for email. It's not that hard to set up, and as far as I know, it has never been cracked to date. Change your important passwords frequently, and don't use your email password for anything else.

There are a lot of resources out there for staying anonymous online.


wish I understood what Mr Whitefolks is saying. seems to me Don't use wireless.

otherwise the problem comes if they're sus to you and put a court order on yr server to intercept yr msges. you can only guard against that by staying cool.


Make an encrypted container containing your message, send it as an attachment.
Thanks for posting, OP

Thanks for posting, OP

The point is to stay off the radar. In my honest opinion, if you are on the radar and they are motivated, you're done.

Who here has visited 4chan's /b/? I'd imagine 90 percent of us. Guess what- if they really wanted to, they'd tie your ass to child pornography via IP for merely visiting. And it would stand; easily. Read a few case reviews on similar busts.

The man has won, and the cattle have accepted their enslavement. Some have even embraced their chains. Now, as growers, we must choose our grow-bro's and dealers wisely more so than ever. Keep our mouths shut whenever we can possibly help it. And try not to piss off LEO. Be it no front license plate, some obscure shit you've never heard of, internet entrapment, or something else- they've got you by the balls whenever they want you.

I personally talk all kinds of shit about my grow on the internet. I am a social creature, and it pains me to never talk about my favorite hobby IRL with many people. So I talk shit on here. If it brings me down, fuck it. It can happen, but it's extremely rare.

I say get an email account with a corporation not known for handing over IP info at the drop of a hat, and do your thing. Proxy's are useless, any half-wit computer science community college graduate can get past that in 5 minutes.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
snail mail im no hacker. all of my sensitive material is her on icmag no place else


Well-known member
Hi, the person "wi fi hacker" in the article is a certified douche bag whacko terrorist. He got what he deserved, fukn moron.

Sending terrorist threats via email from your own pc? IDIOT.

Spend $8 a month and invest in a VPN service. This dick can go fuck himself.

edit: didn't mean to come off as too harsh, this story is the perfect example of how lacking simple tech know-how can royally bite yourself in the ass. Especially if you choose to terrorize people, it kind of makes you a target!


Active member
i dont get what the big deal is here....everybody knows they can trace your email if you send death threats. that is what got him wrapped up.....if its just 2 random people with fake emails talking to eachother without using any scary words how are they gonna know?

also in a court of law....its much easier to convict someone with a tapped telephone conversation where the jurors can hear the voice, instead of a email convo where its just typed print and they cant prove it was actually you on the email unless they have photos of you sitting on your computer at the time email was sent (correct if wrong here please)....

i hate phones...so i like using one of a dozen random emails i set up under other peoples names....i use TOR but i guess that easy to hack? whats a VPN...i need to talk to my computer guy and get upgraded because i am clueless at this shit...hes already installed some program on my main PC that deletes all cookies and history automatically so if cops grabbed my PC they wouldnt be able to hack into my ICmag or emails....or would they??

most people i know that got raided for growing didnt even get their computers taken...


New member
Generally (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) I do not think they will take your computers if you get raided for a grow. Unless of course you have information about illicit activities on there, which would be asking for trouble. Or LEO's might take your computer if they can prove that it was obtained with funds earned from illegal activities.

A good general rule regarding what and what not you should put in emails is to ask yourself if you would feel comfortable if that communication came into the hands of law enforcement. If yes then send away, if no try see if you can't word things differently or better yet do a face to face meet if at all possible.

In my book it ain't being paranoid if they really are out to get you.
The above advice is worth what you paid for. Peace

headband 707

Plant whisperer
They take the computer here that is why Marc Emery is in so much trouble as he obviously wasn't computer savy and even if he was there is always someone better to hack it. We definately say too much on these puters lol peace out Headband707

There was a quote the other day say that the net was a true test of what may turn out to be true social anarchy from the people talking to eachother and finding the truth.Not what has been fed to them by a corupt Gov. Real change is coming ....


Bent Member

If you're the sort of person who worries about having jackboot thugs breaking down your door and taking your laptop, you might consider this "Media Artist Contingency Plan," which helpfully marks off the spot you should aim your high-speed drill if you need to nuke your hard-drive in a hurry. Of course, full-disk encryption is a little less messy and more reliable (though perhaps also a little less stylish and dramatic).


I'm not real computer savvy, but I'm thinking if they really want to know what's on your computer a program encryption will not save you!:plant grow:


Active member
I'm not real computer savvy, but I'm thinking if they really want to know what's on your computer a program encryption will not save you!:plant grow:

Good encryption has defeated the FBI in a number of court cases. Until quantum computers are invented encryption is too difficult to crack in a reasonable timeframe.

Some places can force you to give the password (fukin bullshit) but there are encryption programs just for this purpose that have two layers of encryption. The first layer is what you give up to a court if busted. The second layer is a hidden encrypted operating system that can't be proved that it even exists, and this is where you keep the juicy stuff.
^^^ Free program

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