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discounts for icers?


Sup, trying to get the best bang for my buck, i think ill be ordering myself an led unit for xmass this year....whats the verdict on these things? :xmastree:


Haha I wish there could be a discount. These lights are expensive but, like many others, I couldn't wait for the price to drop (which would probably take at least a year) and ordered one the other day. Every grow documented with these things is showing great results so I figure its well worth the price.

However, I wish I could get a decent approximation of how many grams/watt these lights are capable of producing. It would be awesome if the 126w really performed as well as a 400w HPS, as LEDGirl has claimed, but I don't believe it at this point. It just sounds too good to be true.


New member
LEDs are like any other light, one gram per watt. That is if your really good but it isnt as hard to hit those figures with LEDs.

To get the most out of these lights, you need Co2 and heat. I promise you the 126w would not beat a 400w hps. Im vegitative growth it certainly will hold its ground without a doubt but back to my original remark. One gram per watt, plain an simple. Dont expect 400 grams off a single 126w but dont expect 400 grams off a 400w hps.

It all comes down to power consumption and the added benefits like hardly any heat production. For anyone looking to produce really solid weight you will need 300w of LED. Plain and simple.


ms. information

ms. information

LEDs are like any other light, one gram per watt. That is if your really good ..
Nope your wrong, according to the seller.
My last harvest with stressed plants averaged between 1.55 grams and 1.85 grams per watt depending on strain. With my current plants, I should hit 2 grams per watt, maybe a bit higher. 2 of my customers have reported 2 grams per watt with these lights, so I know it's achievable.

So, 1512W x 1.85 ~ 2800 grams. 1512W x 2.0 ~ 3000 grams. And yes, you heard me right, that's 6+ pounds with 1512W LED. If you go to the "LED Grow Lights" forum in the vendor section, you can see where one of my customers did just over a pound on a single plant under 252W LED.


Active member
Our 126W has equivalent PAR watts to a 400W HPS. Most people currently using them, are doing so at their maximum recommended footprint of 2' x 3', which equals 21W per square foot of light. Every grower is different, every strain is different, and there are plenty of different growing methods, so confining everyone into a single gram per watt rating is extremely unrealistic. There are LOTS of factors that determine how much yield anyone will be able to get off of any set of plants, and all of them must be considered when looking at individual results.

We had a customer who did just over a pound with a single plant under 2 x 126W lights. These lights were hung side-by-side over the end of one of our aeroponics units, lighting an area of approximately 2' x 3' at 6-9" above the plants. This gave her 252W in approximately 6 square feet, for a total of 42W per square foot. She was running aeroponics with 700-1100ppm of CO2, and her temp and humidity were under control. She is in no ways a beginner, and her results of nearly 2 grams per watt (1.8g/w actual) are what someone might be able to replicate with ideal conditions and the same strain. She has been consistently hitting over 1.5 grams per watt since switching to LED, and her quality is top notch.

I have also hit over 1.5grams per watt with most of my plants consistently. Other customers have verified results online of 1 gram per watt as well. So again, grouping everyone into 1 group is unrealistic. It would almost be like expecting for everyone with a 400W HPS to produce a minimum of 400 grams every time... Some beginners are lucky to get a few ounces.


..There are LOTS of factors that determine how much yield anyone will be able to get off of any set of plants, and all of them must be considered when looking at individual results.

Right, like how dry the bud is when weighed. could really affect total dry weight, or wet weight; your yield.
But ive seen pro growers pull equal yields off of LED with lst and other styles along with purported increase resin over HID, but even the old time pros admit they are still learning and creating with the new tech.
One of the great things about growing for self imo is not having to break out that scale anymore, and it gets down to "who got the biggest dick" with petty GperWatt stuff sometimes.


Active member
Right, like how dry the bud is when weighed. could really affect total dry weight, or wet weight; your yield.

This is exactly why the plants are weighed no sooner than a week after being hung up to dry. In most scenarios, the plants go over a week prior to being weighed, and are 100% dry. Sorry to disappoint ya...


.. Sorry to disappoint ya...
I should have wrote "could really affect ONES yield", instead of "yours". Even though I was replying to your post, i was speaking in general terms.
Did not mean to cause defensiveness, im sure your buds are bone dry and great.


Active member
hows about a reference to the topic of this thread? :)

No, there are no discounts for ICMag members. We offer discounts to repeat/return customers, but that's it. As far as IC goes, we sent out approximately $3,000 in free lights to moderators on this site, and we are now giving away another $5,000 in free lights to members of these forums. So we do occasional deals and promotions for members here, but not a blanket discount.


Active member
No, there are no discounts for ICMag members. We offer discounts to repeat/return customers, but that's it. As far as IC goes, we sent out approximately $3,000 in free lights to moderators on this site, and we are now giving away another $5,000 in free lights to members of these forums. So we do occasional deals and promotions for members here, but not a blanket discount.

Darn, hehe. I had a question though, I'm really interested in using your lights during the summer months when things really heat up, I'd say on the hottest days it can get to be around 95-100 F indoors where i grow in a cabinet. I understand these leds don't produce much heat, but when already in temperatures like that, how's the heat production? Would my plants survive and would yield/quality suffer?
I also just noticed you have a thread "LED Grow Light Buying Opportunity" where the last post from a week ago said you still had several used 1st gen 126W demo units available, are they still available?


Active member
Yes we still have a few of the 126W demo units, but not many.

The temperature increase from the LED's would depend on the size of an area they were placed in, and how well insulated that area is. The LED panel operates at a maximum temperature of 105 degrees though, so I wouldn't suspect it would get over that. Growing at that high of a temperature without the use of CO2, could possibly hinder development of your plants. You would likely want to run A/C, but it wouldn't be fighting the light to keep the area cool ;)


These things will get going this year and soon everyone can grow Home. The rollercoaster is about to begin Hold your hats. LED is the new HID.


Crossing my fingers for this give away! but hopefully the over all cost wil eventually go down so they are some what affordable.


Crossing my fingers for this give away! but hopefully the over all cost wil eventually go down so they are some what affordable.

and my toes..... Still dont believe that they cost relatively that much in comparison to the potential savings in heating, bulb replacements and power consumption!!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
A single iMac costs $1495 and represents far more computer power than the multi million dollar computers NASA used to put man on the moon. Give it time.
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