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Ding dong the witch is dead!!!!



Lol Gypsy. Must tell some folk that via Skype etc :D

Yeah the Miners !. Can't help but think of (80's tv)Spitting Image :D
Re Scargill

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
tbh all the politicians are making life shit for the everyday man. shes just another one of those. im suprised the amount of hate people have for her when we are still stuck with a ruthless government with no morals what so ever.
sorry but tony blair to me is the absolute epitome of evil. worse than thatcher.

Did you live through her reign?

The only mistake the IRA made with the Brighton bomb was it wasn't big enough ...... it should have blown that witch and her fuckwit 'government' across the Channel


Un - Retired,
total BS, taxpayers to foot a bill before we know the cost ?

total BS, taxpayers to foot a bill before we know the cost ?

should we not have any say in this
seems to me like the Tory's have lost the plot

Current estimates for the ceremonial funeral for Maggie are around £10m
2000+ rich people and a load of political dignitary's are to have a knee's up at our expense
when our government / current dictators tell us the country's broke
and anyone in benefits with a spare bedroom must pay for it even when they can not move to more suitable accommodation as they sold most of the available property's off cheaply to fund tax breaks for her rich buddies

they are closing, hospital wards, schools, library's tax offices and lots of other cuts
she may have been the most outstanding PM in the UK but was it for the right reasons
from what I see anyone north of Watford are happy she is dead
only London and the south seem to be mourning her passing

Cameron saying we have to do this to show the world we care regardless of the cost
he wants all the bells and whistles to accompany this sham funeral
but I suspect its an effort to drum up support for his failing government and policy's of austerity
Austerity my ass when they blow £10m for prime time sky news coverage wall to wall (and every other channel)

I can honestly see this backfiring and all hell breaking loose in London next Wed
as there will be a massive show of strength from her bully boys and any protest however peaceful will be stifled
pity I will be away on business in Amsterdam otherwise I'd be there to protest (peacefully of course)
with a simple message on a placard saying Scotland has never forgiven you and never will

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Yeah the Miners !. Can't help but think of (80's tv)Spitting Image :D
Re Scargill

I so wish they would bring spitting Image back.

So who's bought a Maggies dead Tshirt? I wish I'd ordered mine on Tuesday, ebay took those down pretty bloody quick.

Gypsy, you are a naughty naughty man.




A while ago I downloaded and watched them all again ! How many series? BIG LOL anyway :D
Also "the politically minded" Young Ones :D
Two series of that!
"Right on"

Of that Interesting is my Fave.
Their ALL LEAGUES above owt else though..
Great "relative" houmer :laughing:


cant re Member
Did you live through her reign?

The only mistake the IRA made with the Brighton bomb was it wasn't big enough ...... it should have blown that witch and her fuckwit 'government' across the Channel

na i was too young at that time to know what was going on in politics so maybe thats why . although my main point is that all the politicians are as bad as each other...

as for the mining thing, there would have been an end to it at some point. but you know how conservative governments work.. the rich get richer and the everyday folk pay the price.
like i say tony blair is still the most evil one out the lot.