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Ding dong the witch is dead!!!!


From a mining community, I went with friends (all miners, I was a student at the time) to show them my support on a days peaceful picketing.

That days peaceful picketing was Orgreave coking plant.

I have never before, or since, witnessed state-sponsored violence on that scale. The police where intent on battering pickets into submission without provocation.

Those police offers with ill-fitting uniforms and military issued para boots? Who where they I wonder?

Charging horses, grab squads, batons, truncheons?

The enemy within my arse.

"Tramp the dirt down"


Un - Retired,
From a mining community, I went with friends (all miners, I was a student at the time) to show them my support on a days peaceful picketing.

That days peaceful picketing was Orgreave coking plant.

I have never before, or since, witnessed state-sponsored violence on that scale. The police where intent on battering pickets into submission without provocation.

Those police offers with ill-fitting uniforms and military issued para boots? Who where they I wonder?

Charging horses, grab squads, batons, truncheons?

The enemy within my arse.

"Tramp the dirt down"

I remember that very well
the BBC later (few years ago) had to admit to showing the miners charging the cops
what it didn't show was before that the cops did a full on horse charge directly into hundreds of miners with batons drawn

the miners only retaliated to try to get to injured friends and colleagues that had been trampled & beaten and left laying on the ground


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hiya,,,,,ok then,,maggie i wont speak ill of the dead but some facts.
1-thatcher would have blown liverpool into the mersey if possible along with all the scousers

2- closing most of the pyschiatric hospitals and chucking long term
mentally ill people onto the streets,have a little look and see how many random killings on london underground [the zito murder] and many other parts of london and the rest of the country commited by long term pyschiatric patients who should never have been roaming the streets anyway,that was "care in the community" thatcher stylee,,

3- closing needle exchanges in scotland,causing an eruption of aids/hiv,,these poor bastards were having to travel into england to get clean syringes,,have a guess how many people were sharing
these syringes when back up in glasgow or edinburgh?

4- buying your council house!! wonderful if you lived on the thames like a lot of people in the east end or a nice house or apartment in bayswater or notting hill,,,not so wonderful if you live in canning town,handsworth,birkenhead or moss side,,,

5- employing the heavy boys from the met police to go up north and basically kick the shit out of the miners,,ironically a family member,raised the deposit for his first property from overtime during the miners strike and he is/was a met copper based in london all his career,,,very well paid for killing a community and bashing the shit out of the locals..

6-not forgetting the falklands,,who remembers the news footage of our paras,,basically gutted and shocked as they realized the enemy they were fighting were "kids" who didnt have a clue about war or combat,,so very sad to see all those people lose there lives,,reality,, no falklands and maggie would have been out.

so,thats it for me,,i havent even mentioned the shit she pulled in northern ireland [shoot to kill policy amongst many]
i wont slag or speak ill of the dead but maggie will be remembered for the unending damage she caused,,,just my tuppence worth,,,,peace and regards s2
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Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I don't know if she got her anti-union stance from Reagan or Reagan got it from her?

Reagan did a number on the air traffic controllers union (PATCO) :chin:


Active member
Merged two threads into one.
Ding Dong the Witch is gone!

Meanwhile the media just can't say enough lies about her.

And the party in power is painting her as a SAVIOR!

She SAVED BRITAIN, by god!

I watched last night as some conservative British commentator was waxing eloquent about how marvelous she was on CNN, and how Americans just don't understand how she turned the UK around....

UH, the economic situation he described was happening in the US too, at the same time, so we damn well understand what was going on. It was the WORLD economy that was slumping at the time, not just the UK's. And it ALL rebounded at the same time. So to give her personal credit for it, is ridiculous!

Sorry Brits, but you didn't have to undertake all those "Austerity" measures for things to turn around. That only made the rich, richer, and the poor poorer, just as they continue doing today...

Fortunately American conservatives have dump "Reaganism" because the "trickle down" is too obviously a LIE. But Thatcherism lives on in the UK!
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Active member
Merged two threads into one.
Ding Dong the Witch is gone!

Meanwhile the media just can't say enough lies about her.

And the party in power is painting her as a SAVIOR!

She SAVED BRITAIN, by god!

I watched last night as some conservative British commentator was waxing eloquent about how marvelous she was on CNN, and how Americans just don't understand how she turned the UK around....

UH, the economic situation he described was happening in the US too, at the same time, so we damn well understand what was going on. It was the WORLD economy that was slumping at the time, not just the UK's. And it ALL rebounded at the same time. So to give her personal credit for it, is ridiculous!

Sorry Brits, but you didn't have to undertake all those "Austerity" measures for things to turn around. That only made the rich, richer, and the poor poorer, just as they continue doing today...

Fortunately American conservatives have dump "Reaganism" because the "trickle down" is too obviously a LIE. But Thatcherism lives on in the UK!

I couldn't stomach that today Skip, all the praise of her from all sides, only a handful of MPs stood and told the truth as it is.. shame on them all... thatcherites the lot of them, I can see things getting ugly in the summer..... there is no alternative Labour and the Liberals have let a lot of people down. It's all an ideology, for big business (just see zero hour contracts) and to keep people in place..... fight the power! as it's always ‘Better to Break the Law than Break the Poor'
and thank you for the merging of the threads Oldpink:tiphat:

lost in a sea

my feelings towards her aside,, you cant blame all your problems on her,, even people from mining communities would have seen the end of the coal industry one way or another, the face that did it for the internationalists just happened to be hers in that era,, the falklands was stupid and she had no soul like most politicians..

party all you want but as things are going she may well laugh last if you do anyway, and then we will all be in the grave..


Active member
my feelings towards her aside,, you cant blame all your problems on her,, even people from mining communities would have seen the end of the coal industry one way or another, the face that did it for the internationalists just happened to be hers in that era,, the falklands was stupid and she had no soul like most politicians..

party all you want but as things are going she may well laugh last if you do anyway, and then we will all be in the grave..

But she didn't provide an alternative for the miners, shipbuilders, dockers, steel producers... she just let them rot on the scrape heap... no re-education just a fuck off basically... christ almighty her and Howe were happy to leave liverpool to rot! under "managed decline"... maybe if you'd been here you'd feel a lot differently... it wasn't about politics it was about a ideology, one that continues... hmmm maybe the anti catholicism in the UK still exists... she'd of bought Cromwell back from the dead if she could of... she could of stopped a lot of shit, she chose not too. But I will party party party... :biggrin:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
What pisses me off is the state funeral, which her family will "Make a contribution" towards. Fuck that, pay for her whole funeral. She was all about not using taxpayers money for things she didn't deem vital. How vital is this bullshit.
Poisonous old harpy. She engineered the entire Falklands conflict she is supposedly a hero for (Galtieri would not have invaded if she hadn't removed the ships that the last gov sent there). And she lied about the Belgrano.
She strangled the NHS, and had I not been lucky enough that my parents could scrape together enough money for me to see a private specialist for a one off consult, I would have been stone deaf at 8 years old due to Maggie's waiting lists.
If it were up to me, we'd be dragging her through every single pit village, tied behind a motorbike, Hamas style, and leaving her on top of an old slag heap for the crows.
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
AS is this thread..... If U can't speak in a civil manner to promote U'r point of View....
then just STOP....this thread is to acknowledge the passing of a "world known"...lady that connected and affected....MILLIONS....
way more than U or I.......
DON't Speak ILL of the dead...true lack of respect for most everything....

So we are only allowed to say nice things about the dead.
That rule didn't seem to be in place a few weeks back when Hugo chavez croaked.
Oh well, if that's the rule, Hitler combed his hair really well, and Stalin had a fabulous tache.
Oh, and Pol Pot totally solved unemployment in Cambodia.
I'm not comparing her to these people, that would be stupid. I am pointing out how "Never speak ill of the dead" is a silly rule.
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lost in a sea

one thing that really broke my heart so to speak about the miners strike is some of those guys fought in the world wars and never thought their own police would actually beat the shit out of them and stood there and got the shit kicked out of them while all the kids knew the police were fascist skull cracking scum and sensibly ran.. such a fucked up little island we are, schizophrenic even..

you know what's it all worth??,, we work we die for them, we fight we die for them,, what do they give us?? peace?? safety??

what has politics given us apart from the ability to spend 150 billion on nuclear missile submarines??

madness, these people are clowns, showmen for a completely insane system, playing on simple dualisms like "left vs right" to keep people just about interested enough to think there is really something to politics and capitalism and communism really exist when it's a nonsense excuse to keep us from seeing the highway men mass robbery going on by the money printers and crowns "business men" (pirates) who coincidentally fund the "left" vs "right" con globally.. these guys are the real terrorists ..

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thatcher's death reminds me of when Jimmy Saville died......All the Miner's are celebrating!


cant re Member
tbh all the politicians are making life shit for the everyday man. shes just another one of those. im suprised the amount of hate people have for her when we are still stuck with a ruthless government with no morals what so ever.
sorry but tony blair to me is the absolute epitome of evil. worse than thatcher.


"I Still Know Every Politician Is A Fucking Monster".

Gypsy, good one.

lost in a sea



doesnt compare to this thing for me..


So now, in this great "democracy" of ours, if you decide to exercise your lawful right to protest you must be an alcoholic, a terrorist, or (wait for it) a mentally unstable Thatcher obsessive according to the police! Classic.

tbh all the politicians are making life shit for the everyday man. shes just another one of those. im suprised the amount of hate people have for her when we are still stuck with a ruthless government with no morals what so ever.
sorry but tony blair to me is the absolute epitome of evil. worse than thatcher.

You wouldn't be surprised by the amount of hate people have for Thatcher if you had grown up in a mining community in South Yorkshire, or one of the other areas she systematically destroyed. The effect she had on these places will never be forgotten.

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