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dinafem rr and haze, maxi, dr, cobra, hindu kush and bagseed, pandora to come...


New member
hi all,

have been lurking for a while and have now decided to take a more active role so here goes...

i have only grown autos so far and this is my 3rd/4th grow (2 tanks). i currently use a 450w led with wilma 4 and 10s. i have a carbon filter and fan in there too. there is no ventilation however other than a slight gap in the door (light/detection issue). i have not got round to feeding out from the carbon filter and providing a passive intake facility.

first and second grows were with coco and growell coco nutes and tomorite. current growing is in clay pebbles (except one and a half 11l pots) using tomorite and aqua flores. the light position was kept static which probably didn't help.

first grow got 3oz dry from 4 plants (all dr). second grow got, er, less, half of the first maybe? - didn't even bother to weigh after 1st plant.

it is worth noting though that the average temperature for the second grow must have been about 3 degrees or something stupid like that.

the environment is indoor but unheated and about 2m (l) x 2/3m (w) x (2m - 2/3m, sloped ceiling) mylar'd/white.

so, to the current grow;

1x roadrunner
1x haze auto
2x maxi
3x iesel ryder
3 (2 +1)x bagseed (from some nice kush IIRC, not auto, first non-auto attempt)

1x auto hindu kush
3x cobra.

current lighting regime is 24x7.

(a) are about 8 weeks since popping (though you would not think so, it's cold!!!)

(b) are about a week or two since popping.

the plan at the moment (b) is to get a male from the three cobra to get some pollen to pollinate either the auto kush and/or the pandora (yet to decide, pandora will be introduced assuming there is space) once i have selected a male (fingers crossed). this will give me seeds moving forward and be the first step in developing a custom strain that will suit my environment/purpose. i'll reveal more detail as i make progress.

otherwise (a) are just gonna get smoked, as you would! other than the bagseed which will have to wait until (a) is finished then as a results (a) and (b) will go through 12/12 until the bagseed is done.

since i lowered the light i think it has helped but i couldn't lower it as much as i wanted because the haze has stretched.

i'm thinking about getting some pk13/14 (and maybe booster, if anyone thinks the cost is worthwhile) and perhaps some aqua vega (not sure if i need/want this in my situation).

fyi - i smoke a fair amount and this is all just for percy. same old reasons...

i'll post some pics when i buy a camera (tomorrow perhaps, or just use the phone later maybe :eek:) but i would love some input when i do, i know i have burnt them a bit, they are all doing their own thing and vary quite a lot, i'm wondering if this is just phenos/strain or if something is up with a few of them (they are in the same tank system).

any comments etc. welcome, thanks.

/essay ;)
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New member




of (a) from left to right, front to back, they are rr, haze, maxi, maxi, dr, dr, dr, bagseed, bagseed, bagseed.

of (b) the bottom right is the kush, the others being cobra.

sorry about the lame pics, i'll put up some better ones in a day or two.

also, forgot to say, i have no ec meter and only vague ph measuring.
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welcome to the forums lad

the plants in the top pic are being over fed ,look at the leaf tips and you can see the nute burn, id back off the nutes a tad before it gets worse,also if that light is as strong as you say it is and you have it that close this could explain your slow growth

good luck with your grow :good:


New member
cheers guys.

i'll get some better pics up tomorrow.

you're right skotty, they have been burned. the rr and particularly the haze don't like too much nutes. the dr love them. the maxi in-between. i carried over some water and have been a bit slap-dash since the first grow. i'm reigning it in again now for (b) and the in-future.

main issue atm is that one maxi is all limp and it is small, a dr is about the same size or small but not limp and the other dr is even smaller. i think i've had many phenos from the 10 dr i had though.

probably a mix of too much nutes, not enough temperature and variance phenotype/strain.

do you guys rate pk13/14 and(/or?) booster?


pk13/14 yeah thats what im gonna be using this time round

quick question are all your plants being fed out of the same res i.e every plant is getting the same dosage of feed??


New member
yeah, 2 tanks now. one 4pot (b) and one 10pot (a). i think the 10 pot is 100l and the 4 is 50? wilmas.

they all get the same watering/nutes but run separately (4/10,staggered, just how it went). that is why i am confused though, i've caused issues before but this is strange to me. does not seem to be light related as i'll illustrate tomorrow.

i've heard a lot of good things about pk13/14 and am going to get some very soon. the booster is a lot more and if it is worth it fine, otherwise i'm out.


New member
fyi - for the record this is how i rate the plants i've grown so far (in-brief) 7xdr, 1xmaxi. dr smells mingin'. when cured smells ok. is ok (good for af?). maxi smells really nice but i foo'd the plant (well the cold did) and i was so pi55ed off that i just chucked it and the dr together and there was not a lot (enough).

in summary, the dr is a hardy plant, great for a first time or best-guess grow. if not stunted then a bit of a leaf factory but generally a good bet overall. the maxi smelt really nice to me and when i researched it, all i could find was advice of almost literally 'grow maxi, you won't regret it'. which i believe to be true. it has been said that there is no point trying to improve on maxi (only 2 phenos also) but the seeds are fem only and that will not do for me, also it is a bit 'branchy'.


growing different autos all from the same res of food isnt the best way forward, each plant will have different food requirements at the different the stages of growth,


maxi will like 1.0ec

diesel ryder will like .8ec

road runner will like .9 ec

so in order to please maxi you will end up over feeding the rest, the only way these systems work is if you grow clones because all the clones will require the same ec, these rules also apply to nft systems

now you understand a little bit of how your setup works you have to find a happy medium for all the plants so you will have to go with the lowest feeder which in my example is diesel ryder and set the res at .8 ec, but in doing this means the other plants wont grow to full potenial

hope this helps


New member
yeah, that does help, thanks skotty. a bit annoying i chose the wrong systems, nevermind.

like you say it will have to be lowest common denominator. i'm gonna stick with the wilmas for the moment though. i need to get an ec meter at some point soon too.

sorry, no pic update today and it might be friday by the time i get a chance but we'll see.


New member
got round to taking some pics today, problem is they are rubbish :(

here is one anyway...


all looking ok tho, considering the burning.


mate i did try and warn you about given different plants all the same feed, shit doesnt work like that in hydro, each plant will require different amounts of feed at different times

i can see your plants are still babys and you might of been better starting them all on a seedling feed like formulex or plant start etc, basically its a very weak nutrient and you will have difficulty burning your plants when using them

good luck with the rest of the grow mate :good:


New member
nah dude, you go me wrong. it was a poor post, my bad. wrong pic for the words.

i heard what you said about feed/strains, none have been added since my last posts. the babies still have had no nutes added and i've added no more to the older ones.

here is the pic (of the older ones) that matches the post. these plants did get burnt but no more nutes are going to be added until the next run in that tank.



New member
yeah, i've diluted it down as much as possible. i'm waiting to get a decent ec(/ph) meter atm but my guestimate is that it is about 50% of what it was before (about half res of water, 50l, added since previous posts).


New member
can see balls on one of the cobras now and another also appears to be male but is not as big so will be replacing that with a pandora auto. not sure what the third cobra is yet.

everytime i go in the room i think how awesome the haze smells, will have to try that again at some point.


New member
well, its a bit quiet here. but writing here helps me collate my thoughts anyway. so i hope no-one objects.

3 of 3 cobras were male, worth noting were in different mediums, clay pebbles, coco and clay pebbles topped with coco. the later was the best plant by far and was quickest, the clay only was not far behind but noticeably smaller and the coco only was very slightly bigger than the combo but was about 4 days behind in-terms of progress. 11L pots.

anyway, kept the best cobra and am popping another cobra (for female, hopefully) and a fem pandora which i will henceforth refer to as carly ;)

these are both going in the nute-free tank (gonna keep it this way through veg i think this time) with the cobra male and hindu kush.

i am now thinking that i am just going to collect and keep the pollen from the male cobra then store it until a suitable time, breeding plan has changed and will go on-hold until i've grown some healthy looking plants again.

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