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Diminished yield due to weather


Freedom Fighter
Our GH crop this year was very diminished!! Here in So Cali (Out in the desert), we had a very rainy and overcast summer, then we got unseasonably cold nights and days from about mid October--
Combined with starting flower 2 weeks later than normal, we ended up with VERY purple, VERY leafy bud that shrank dramatically during drying--

I am trying to get a feel of if other people have experienced the same sort of results??
My Employer is frustrated, comparing this years harvest with last years...even tho last year was probably the sunniest in years!!

So, if anyone has some good data on if other crops were effected this year, it would be appreciated!!

Thank you in advance--:tiphat:


Registered Pothead
Not sure what part of the desert you are in but my buddies in the desert here in SoCal have been using heaters for a couple months now. I had a good crop yield wise out of my lil GH but I am more on the coast and it is prolly warmer here. Last year I pulled off a great crop between Oct and Dec but this year that is for sure diminished cause of the cold. Super frosty all down the leaves even but the nugs are very small and tight.
DUDE... I just chopped one a week ago. and im sitting here trimming it going... jeez i really should have hung lights and added about 2-4 hours of light. man i am kicking myself.. it would have TOTALLY been worth the hassle and electricity. i know im gonna fix my problem right away... I need to add some lights to help....
This is the definition of not enough hours of light.

I wish the picture did it more justice. its so airy


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Noonin NorCal

Active member
yeah i was gonna say during them shorter days the supplemental lighting is a must, i see and know the difference in those pics.


Freedom Fighter
Yeah, I don't think it was so much the lighting as the cold--
The plants and buds grew just fine, but we were 2 weeks late on our flip time, so that meant an extra 2 weeks for harvest-- The problem was all the leaf that popped out of the buds at the end--
This is not my picture, but it has the same deep purple with all the leaf coming out of the bud--

Keep in mind, I am talking about a 6000 sq ft greenhouse, and we have no where near enough amperage to run that many lights!!
The bud ended up drying and curing nicely...buds are not airey, they just shrank more than I have ever seen!! And I have been in this spot for 7 years now--
So we went from 180 lbs last summer, to 100 lbs this one!! The reason I made this thread, was to try and get something to tell my employer that would be concrete, as to why it was so much lower-- But that is all handled now-- Lol!!
It was the weather this year vs last year...and the 2 weeks being late that done us!! So the plan for next year is to get our heating dialed in, and be on fucking time!! :tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
tricky to heat a greenhouse that size and its hard to time the crop around the weather/temps. good luck . july/aug is only time of year i get AAA from my deps .

Yeah, but we get 2 harvests per year-- One on June 1st, and one on Nov 1st-- It is all about manipulating light--:tiphat: (oh...and as shown...manipulating temps!! Lol!!)


Freedom Fighter
im jealouse of your socal weather lol but personally id still rather deal with teh cold in the mountains then the crowds of people down there lol . good luck with the heating project :)
Haha!! Where we are at here in the desert, I'm betting we are as sparse on ppl as you are!! Lol!!:biggrin: Cheers, and Merry Christmas!!:tiphat: