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Dime's West Coast Cannabis strainarama


You will not be forgotten
Strains to start off this year include, Silver haze, Trainwreck, bubbleberry, strawberry kush, SSHxKush, and have yet to pop some skushXsour diesel ibl seeds along with some other i will list and start later.

Well iv felt im getting a late start as warm weather kicks in, things have been busy and havnt got a chance to really get the ball on things, but got things rolling now.

this is my first plant outside this year, shes a beauty and her genes are Super Silver HazeXkush (not sure which kush yet, have yet to flower her) so am very interested to see how she turns out and have high hopes.

heres another shot of her.

well as things progress i will post up more shots and such. thinking of taking cuts soon so we will see. Peace, Dime


that ssh x kush seems like a leggy gal... prolly going to throw out hella shoots:D... I'll pull up a seat for this one I brethren... JAH Bless


you know i wouldnt miss it bro;) lets hope you dont have to battle mold this year.....its gona be a fun show. one,lime


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Nice plants.

Not doing the outside thing this year. No transportation. This may change though, my sister lets me use her car, but I'm not insured, and I got something going on the side involving an out of court settlement. So, I'm keeping a low profile for now, can't afford a driving with no insurance charge to get in the way of the arbitrator next month. Only a couple more weeks and my 4 year battle is over.....

Keep up with the plants!


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
strawberry kush is some daaank. specially when grown outdoors in organic soil. smoooooothest kush there is. high is so pleasurable damn its been a while since i ripped the strawberry


looking good dime cant wait to see the finished product best of luck ill keep a eye on this thread :D


You will not be forgotten
Woooo, well with this heat coming on iv been trying to square away the last few details and strains iv been keeping an eye on.

Hoping to put together a good show hopefully to at least match last years. Thank you all for stopping by and kicking off 07!

Bird- ill see you in chat bud, stay safe and high.

eugene- pleasure having you along for the show, and looking forward to seeing some of your work.

Buckeye bro! happy to have you here posting, thanks for the awsome Dime picture as well man, Rock on!

3T man, hope you have a good season as well bro, hopefully it will be a good year all round? :D

Limelight- glad you stopped by man, Keep it green, cuz i sure will be :D hope to see what you have lined up for this year as well.

Facelift- hope things work out for you bud, theres a will theres a way.

Jaykush- thanks for stopping by and checking out my thread, i havnt got a chance to flower the strawberry kush yet, but am looking forward. hopefully will have some purple kush rooted and running soon as well.

H4l- Smoke it up man, thanks for stopping by.

after a nice spray and top i will probly have the other nice line up of strains out as well, you all smoke it up, and Keep it green this year! Overgrow the planet! Dime


You will not be forgotten


thanks for the kinds words MJ, and Kurly as well, hope to have a nice show for this year. Keep safe guys and glad to have you guys here.

Ethereal man :D please, sit, eat, smoke and hopefully enjoy the show!! Looking forward to possibly seeing some of your work as well. Happy seasons, and here's a few more shots to kick it off.

here's a picture of the strawberry kush in veg, hopefully she will be under the sun soon.^^

a few strains in this picture^ silver haze in back, bubbleberry in middle, ne ways should be a good year. :D Dime
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You will not be forgotten


buckeye-leaf said:
Glad you started again this year bud good luck with the new strains!

Love the picture man, just wanted to throw a picture up from last year.

Hope to have many more of these to come this year, RIP DIME
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ICMag Donor
Lookin forward to watchin yer grows this season, Dime! Got lots of good strains and crosses goin out! I've got SD IBL x OG Kush.... so we should definately compare notes come october..... :canabis:
Lookin' good man. I think you'll be pleased with the Bubbleberry. It's a sturdy strain and I don't see you have any problems with it. I'm going to be growing out a sativa that was pollenated with the BB this year. Should be a pleaser

Good luck and stay safe brother


great genetics DimeBag! well looking big plant!

damn i miss darell :badday: