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DIESEL GENERATOR, (as your primary power source)

i checked out the whisperwatt and i couldnt find a price on any of the models. Do you know an estimate like on there lower kw models


i checked out the whisperwatt and i couldnt find a price on any of the models. Do you know an estimate like on there lower kw models

Did you try google? Type any of their model numbers into google and you will find hundreds of places that list the price to purchase both new and used. Are you sure a generator set up is where you want to start???


Are you sure a generator set up is where you want to start???

I second that.

You are going to have to be mighty resourceful for all the "things" that are going to come up with a genny grow.

Get a book and read up first - Good Luck



Damn spent the whole day reading this fascinating thread and am now left wondering, where the hell is that thread you promised us BG?! I was dying to see that thing, or any genny grow op thread for that matter. Sheesh. Lol. Lots of good information though.

Pico you are a highly intelligent individual and provided a wealth of good info for sure. At times I began thinking to myself, damn this is one articulate and intelligent bastard, I am ashamed to say it, but I pale in comparison to this guy intellectually. I can only strive to be half as good! Holy smokes.
Did you try google? Type any of their model numbers into google and you will find hundreds of places that list the price to purchase both new and used. Are you sure a generator set up is where you want to start???
well first i mean im not starting i just dont post anything on here, and this is for a little bit down the road. and ya i found the price list and its wat i expected


Active member
How likely is it that parts go bad on diesel genny's? Is it common for parts to have to be replaced often?


Overkill is under-rated.
Just my humble $.02 on energy production:

Genny: Only good for folks living in the middle of nowhere, but the smart guys I know that run 100 lights have two, because hours of downtime for oil changes or rebuilds won't fly. They spend a lot of time maintaining them and keeping the gennies happy.

Wind: Residential, too expensive and small to be worth a thing. A 60-watt turbine doesn't make a big enough dent, and you can't build em tall enough to get steady winds. Same largely goes for rural growers too, not enough cost>benefit ratio. Maybe in the future they will improve significantly, but until we get 1KW out of a 2' turbine in 5mph winds will they have mass appeal.

Solar: Also really expensive, around here the thieves are swiping em left and right. Subsidies help, but I think in ten years we'll have much more efficient panels (currently between 18-20%) and MUCH better storage options. Racks of lead acid don't appeal to me or environmentalists, though at least the batteries can be recycled.

Geothermal: Love it, cheap, simple, efficient, and flexible.

Hydro: Even better, a year-round stream would power a water wheel year round, with little to no environmental impact or noise.


Im looking at gennys at them moment. Its definitely viable. I was wondering if you filtered out all the particulates from the exhaust could you run a line to flower room and use the available co2. Silly idea?


Overkill is under-rated.
Only if you were running a propane or NG generator would that be viable, but you'd still need a way to divert the exhaust when not needed (need a pair of motorized dampers on a tee)

What kind of area do you live in Riverrat? If in a city I would beg you to reconsider.


Hi lazyman yeah your right with the propane. I'll be using diesel so maybe I'll scrap the idea at this stage.

I live in a fairly secluded area and nearest neighbors are about 130 meters away. I have mains power but its asking for trouble if I bang my usage up to run 10 x 1000w lights. Ive found a nice 13kva prime unit diesel(not cheap) that runs at 65db and plant to run it at night to power the flowering lights. I'll use mains power for 1000w veg, chillers pumps fans etc. I figure at from 6am-6pm Im less likey to get visitors and hence busted touch wood.

That maths is astounding on the viability side. Cost for diesel here per ten weeks will be $3k for a you would think very nice yield. I dont like too speculate on the yield side of things.... Getting diesel will be a small pain in the arse but who cares. ill need around 220 liters per week. Fuel drums in the back of a 4x4 should suffice for that.

The biggest hurdle imo is having the balls to lay down the money for it all and doing it. My biggest worry is the generator noise even at 65db. gotta go cheers all..


What a great read!!! I have used the standard 3600 RPM Gas generators in my business, and let me tell you, they break down to the point of being unrepairable every 6 months to 1 year. Even service centers will not repair these units, they are throw away models.


Overkill is under-rated.
I have a buddy who lives 3 miles from his nearest neighbor, and he fired up his generator for his grow, muffled and all, the guy was banging on his door at 6 AM saying "turn that fuckin genny off!!"

I think the noise will be more than you think, or more than your neighbors will bear, honestly. It won't be quiet enough. That much diesel you'd have delivered, use 3 companies so they don't see you every month.

Gas generators are not for growing weed. Period.


Active member
Are there some diesel grow threads around? All this talk of generators is interesting. Anybody have some links to a build thread of a genny powered grow?



Overkill is under-rated.
Most of the guys who live in an area remote enough to do a disel genny op don't have internet access, or time to dick around on the internet for that matter, lol.


Yeah all this talk and not a single grow yet. Gotta say I was a little disappointed. But hey still a good topic.

Noise is the big factor . And I see the question as being how much can a generator be silenced. Making a well ventilated sandbag enclosure is the best I've read. Just not sure how effective it could be. Low frequency noise is hard too kill.

Some generator companies will custom in extra silence if you want it quieter..


Sorry to bring this old girl back from the dead but she's a bloody good read and may help some others to be bumped.

I know the cardinal rule is never use anything over 1800rpm. I'm assuming that's for gas or diesel, regardless. But let's say I wanted a small 2kw grow. (I have no other options but to use a genny). Do we think a 5.5 or 6 kva unit running 3600rpm would last 49-56 days at 12 hours a day? (no flip flop obviously).

I don't give a fuck what happens after that. I just want one grow and then I couldn't give a fuck if it blows a 40 foot hole in the earth or rolls off a cliff.:thank you:

What do we think fellas? Will it last 56 x 12 = 672 hours with a 2kw load? That's all I'd have on it, as I've got all the other electricals already sorted out.

Cheers, great thread.


Yeah all this talk and not a single grow yet. Gotta say I was a little disappointed. But hey still a good topic.

Noise is the big factor . And I see the question as being how much can a generator be silenced. Making a well ventilated sandbag enclosure is the best I've read. Just not sure how effective it could be. Low frequency noise is hard too kill.

Some generator companies will custom in extra silence if you want it quieter..
From what I hear there are plenty of trailblazers/heroes doing it. I would imagine with so much at stake, and knowing that they'd probably be on LEO's priority list, it's not wise to take an unnecessary risks by advertising a commercial grow op.

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