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Did you see this bust?



Heres the story - Check out the video!




that pic seems to be just the flower room the other pic i think is the veg room

somebody had some skills look at those big transformers and all that wiring in the video


To Have More ... Desire Less
i know a few folks that R gunn'a BE pissed in VANsterdam........
but seriously........that schit iz VERY common in BC.......very
thatz only one of many..................:joint:

comon.....IT'z B.C.........what else would U excpect.......


Very nice. Probably a pissed off employee tipped them off. You know it takes way to many people working on something so huge. My guess is 20 or more people new that place. Fucks your odds of getting caught big time.


Active member
NO that's that place were the cops responded to the call of shots fired.
There is a thread on it here already, I recognise that big ass water pump they have running from the creek


Listen to me jerky
It's next door to the one they busted a few days ago. The piggies are busy in that next of the woods. Hopefully they don't run out of donuts. Wait......hopefully they do.

Edit-It's kind of confusing, the pics are from one and the video is from the big one from a few days ago.

METRO VANCOUVER - Chilliwack RCMP investigating a major marijuana-growing operation in an underground bunker have arrested six people on the neighbouring property after discovering it, too, was being used to grow drugs.

Officers were alerted to the second marijuana grow in the 7600-block of Nixon Road property by a BC Hydro crew who were called out to the bunker operation.

Tests determined that theft of electricity was occurring at the adjacent property.

Armed with a warrant, police raided the neighbouring property on Wednesday and found five people inside a barn where the grow was located.

Another person was arrested inside a home on the property.

All suspects were arrested without incident and remain in custody while the investigation continues.

Police say there is no evidence to link the two grows together other than their relative proximity.

The second grow was “very large in size” with marijuana grown in planting pots, police said. Clipped and drying bud was located inside the barn as well.

The grow was on two levels with police seizing thousands of plants that were ready for harvest.

Earlier this week, police landed a record marijuana haul when they raided an underground bunker containing 11,520 pot plants worth an estimated $3 million.

Police encountered booby traps, a special irrigation system tied to a local stream and a hydraulic lift to the bunker found.

Anyone sneaking into the bunker would have been hit with bear spray connected to the booby traps.

Police said water for the massive operation was piped in from a nearby fish-bearing creek and pumped into the growing operation.

Toxic chemicals from the operation were being dumped back onto the property.

good drown

whats the deal with the laws there?
i thought you can buy the stuff in coffee shops in bc. am i wrong?


no wuckin furries!
that pic is jaw dropping....went to go watch the vid...it said it wasnt available ?.HH. =]-~


no wuckin furries!
Try again, it just worked fine for me....

ahhhh thanks ...so it does...must have just been my slow connection when i got that message not being able to view it....slow connection loading it up now :D..HH. =]-~